

作者:RNSandi  於 2011-11-6 04:10 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 葉哥 2011-11-8 14:28
RNSandi: 行了,差不多了~
回復 smartman 2011-11-8 14:36
葉哥: ok, my original quote is:


as i mentioned above, yearly military expense alone is  ...
you were comparing the welfare benefits and military expenses.

1.  you listed almost all major military expenses (actually you still missed a few small portions dedicated to military use, e.g., partial airspace budget for military purposes).

2.  you need to include all welfare benefits, not just medicare.  social security and medicalcaid are too major pieces, in addition to many other small pieces.  so, you missed social security expense at least.

after you add social security expense into your welfare expense, your welfare is well over $1trn.  and this number grows more than 10% annually.

on the other hand, if we could stop the 2 wars, the military expenses would be cut by $300bn annually.
回復 RNSandi 2011-11-8 14:36
葉哥: SANDI,晚安。不忘大我,照顧小我。
   nite nite~
回復 smartman 2011-11-8 14:37
葉哥: i am a lay person indeed, my only economic training was my "Political Economy" class. so if i make mistake, please bear with me.

i was  ...
i explained in the previous reply window.
回復 葉哥 2011-11-8 14:42
smartman: you were comparing the welfare benefits and military expenses.

1.  you listed almost all major military expenses (actually you still missed a few sma ...
need i repeat? this is my original post:

and you say:
"you were comparing the welfare benefits and military expenses."

my friend, please do not put your words into my mouth. i will not eat them!!!!
回復 smartman 2011-11-8 15:03
葉哥: need i repeat? this is my original post:

and you say:
"you were comparing the ...
your purpose is to show welfare is not as large as military expense.  if you use a portion of welfare to compare with the overall military expense, you are comparing apple to orange and making misleading conclusions!

when economists look at the whole picture, we include all subitems under each category.  that is professional approach.
回復 Charlie2003 2011-11-8 15:21
smartman: 1.  針對我的宏觀的觀點你一直是避而不答,動不動就「why」!
i don't know what topics i avoided.  i am pretty much an economist and in my daily assignmen ...

回復 nierdaye 2011-11-8 17:22
wcat: 問題是發現漏洞以後應及時修正,但共和黨議員們堅決不同意。
回復 wcat 2011-11-8 22:00
smartman: show example!  do not use empty slogan!

what loopholes did Obama find but republicans refused to revise?  give us examples, eh?

Obama simply wants t ...
回復 wcat 2011-11-8 22:04
nierdaye: 漏洞永遠有,有些所謂的漏洞的設計,使有一定的道理的。
回復 smartman 2011-11-9 02:10
Charlie2003: 首先我不能像你那樣斷章取義的截我之前某句話出來,再進行分析!這很容易誤導他人。然後我根據你第一斷意思大概回復下,你說你是經濟學家,這很好,我太太是長期 ...
don't have time to answer today.  i am surprised you emphasized so much on polluted manufacturer jobs and go to the extreme.

1.  pollution-related job is only a non-significant portion of job market.  why did you bring it out again and again?
2.  when i say jobs will return to US under ... assumption, i never mean all jobs.  please do not abuse my statement.
回復 smartman 2011-11-9 02:27
hahahaha, you are abusing all these cliches to defend your unfounded argument?!

Warren Buffett付的個人所得稅率比他的秘書還低,他本人都覺得十分不合理。
you can't expect everyone rich person to 100% agree with any policy.  among so many rich persons, how many complain?  please give me a headcount.

besides, do not forget buffet's secretary must be paid well and her husband has a decent salary.  that combined income gets her into higher tax bracket.

if you ever follow buffet (I did it for 10+ years), you would know a major trick of buffet's is save tax. his return would be mediocre if he is not good at tax saving.

plus, do you know how much tax buffet paid last year? and, how much tax his secretary paid?  give me the number if you know and you can easily find the truth.  if you can't give, i'll tell you instead.

2010年至少有25個大公司付給其CEO多於所交的聯邦稅,這其中包括GE,Verizon, eBay, Boeing, Prudential Financial, International Paper Company, 等等。這些公司在去年都有巨額利潤,許多不但沒有交稅,還從聯邦政府得到許多refunds。具體報告可見:http://www.ips-dc.org/files/3552/Executive-Excess-CEO-Rewards-for-Tax-Dodging.pdf

do not mix up corporate with individual tax.  that is corporate taxation.  a coimpletely different issue.  US corporate tax is above average in developed country.  why don't you read yesterday's news that mcdonald CEO asked obama to reduce corporate tax because 1. US corp taxt is high; 2. it stops economic recovery and kills jobs.

i agree some corporates should be levied high tax, especially oil companies.  but do not make a mountain out of a mouse hole here.


1.  did you know their bonus is cut signifciantly?  do you know their numbers before and after crisis?  do you know which Wall Street CEO gets the highest bonus last year?  but, his bonus is cut deeply compared to 4 years ago, and his bonus was dwarfed by CEOs in other industry?
2.  did you know these big banks paid back all of their government support plus offering very decent interest to government?  they even buy back givernment warrants and give government very good returns?  do you know that?  do you know these numbers?  if you don't know, i can tell you.  eventually, government makes tons of money from wall street banks.  do you know that, eh???
回復 wcat 2011-11-9 02:35
smartman: hahahaha, you are abusing all these cliches to defend your unfounded argument?!

Warren Buffett付的個人所得稅率比他的秘書還低,他本人都覺得十分不合理。 ...


回復 smartman 2011-11-9 02:56
wcat: 稅率隨著收入增加而增加幾乎在任何國家都是如此,你不能不說這是個漏洞!

GE在2010年根本就沒付聯邦稅,這正常嗎?除了GE,另外還有幾個公司也是如此。這正常嗎 ...
haha, you could not answer my questions to ask you list the number?  i asked you quite a few but you did not answer me any signl one,  instead, you changed examples and topics.

okay, let me answer your new topics and examples.

1.  warren buffet paid around $650mm tax last year.  his tax rate is around 27% (to my knwoledge).

do you think 27% is low?  how much rate did you pay last year?

tell you what, his secretay must be well paid plus a wealthy husband.  otherwise, she can't beat bueffet's taxt rate.

obama and media never mentioned that. but if you use your head, not your toes to think about it and, more importantly, READ AND CALCULATE NUMBERS, you should get your own coinclusion.

do not be mislead by media and blindly complain ...

2.  do you know why GE did not pay heavy corporate tax?  do your own research before you make your claim.  if you can't find it out, i'll tell you the reason why in next posting.  don't forget US coporate tax rate is higher than most developed country.  overall, you should NOT complain corporate tax.

don't simply use one example to conclude.  plus, do not forget to do you own research on thsi single example you proposed.  i tell you, even fo this single example, you are TOTALLY wrong!  if you can't find it out why you are wrong, i'll tell you next time.

3.  tell you the truth, using AIG is not a good exmaple that helps you.  if you use Fannie and Freddie, you might have partially valid reasons.
3A. how much bonus AIG give to its employees?  10%.  that has already signifciantly cut bonus pool. why did't you know?
3B. it was gov's fault, not AIG's fault.  gov did not forbid anything while at that time gov holds over 70% shares.  gov was running to give bonus.  so, go to white house to complain.
3C.  aig is trying to pay back to gov.  it hs pay back a large portion.  i estimate in 3 to 5 years, it will and gov will earn handsome return from the money it put into AIG.

finally, as a test to see whether you are doing your own research before you accuse blindly, can you please tell me, the TARP fund government used to support financial institution is losing mony or earning money?  if losing money, where is it lost heavily?  if earning money, where is it gained handsomely?

after you do your own research, you will find your answer will substantially reduce your validity to complain and occupy Wall Street.
回復 wcat 2011-11-9 02:59
smartman: haha, you could not answer my questions to ask you list the number?  i asked you quite a few but you did not answer me any signl one,  instead, you ch ...
warren buffet paid about 17%

The fact that the law allows GE not paying the tax, that is wrong and it needs to be fixed.

AIG paid more than 10 bonus when it received the money from the government, that is a fact.
回復 smartman 2011-11-9 04:12
wcat: warren buffet paid about 17%

The fact that the law allows GE not paying the tax, that is wrong and it needs to be fixed.

AIG paid more than 10 bonus ...
1.  do you know why buffet get low tax rate?  what is his trick?

2.  do you know law GE used?  is it abusive or reasonable?

3.  i meant, many AIG's employee bonus is 10% of its pre-crisis level.  if they work 60 - 80 hours week, is that reasonable?

don't worry.  AIG will pay back gov money plus good return in 3 to 5 years at most.

so, why did you insist on these tiny, unsupported examples?  tell me the results of TARP and government's benefits from TARP? eh?
回復 wcat 2011-11-9 04:16
smartman: 1.  do you know why buffet get low tax rate?  what is his trick?

2.  do you know law GE used?  is it abusive or reasonable?

3.  i meant, many AIG's  ...
1. It does not matter how he did and it is legal.  That is wrong and the law needs fixed.

2.  Again, the law is wrong and needs fixed.

3.  When they made such mess, American people need to reward them?  What logic is that?
回復 smartman 2011-11-9 05:30
wcat: 1. It does not matter how he did and it is legal.  That is wrong and the law needs fixed.

2.  Again, the law is wrong and needs fixed.

3.  When they ...
1.  you are short of knowledge but blindly follow the media.  always ask why?  get the precise info and use your own judgement.  given your silly attitude, i am not going to teach you why buffet saves millions of tax and why it is reasonable and why the tax rule did more help than harm to the country.

short-sighted blinds look at results but is brainless to analyze reasons.

2.  you did not know which law it is?  how do you judge?  again, i am not going to teach you which tax law GE used and why that law is helpful to this country.

3.  first, open up your biased eyes and look at more banks.  do not just stick to aig.  citi, bofa, goldman, chase, etc., all paid back government money with handsome return.  got it?

even if for aig, that is their hardwork to get tiny bonus on average.  remember, they will pay back with decent return in 3 to 5 years.  

4.  remember, aig did not get rewarded by american people.  obama government ran aig and gave bonus.  so, go to white house, but n0t wall street to protest.  what is your silly logic?
回復 鍋爐爺爺 2011-11-9 12:13
smartman: they pay other taxes such as sales tax (in most of 50 states, but not in every state).

while they do not pay fed income tax, most of them get earned  ...
I think your original statement was something like 46% of people depend on the government for handouts, I am glad you're now toning it down to "they contributed little or none". But still, you seem to think that just because they make little money they don't have the rights to protest, and this kind of thinking is simply dangerous.

You over-generalized the protesters as people who try to demand money from the government. Admittedly, the messages from these protesters are very diverse, but I found it interesting you didn't mention a central message of the protest, which is to hold accountable those who brought us this mess.
回復 wcat 2011-11-9 21:54
smartman: 1.  you are short of knowledge but blindly follow the media.  always ask why?  get the precise info and use your own judgement.  given your silly atti ...
Maybe you work in Wall Street and you say from your point of view.  It does not matter what law GE used, the results are wrong which means the law has loophole and needs to be fixed.  Republican refuse to fix it, that is the fact!

AIG was not ran by government, Government saved AIG.  It should not use TAXPAYERS' money to reward those people who made mess in the company, in the economy of this country and whole world.  BTW, AIG is just one of them.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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