

作者:點點星河  於 2011-3-5 09:44 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 newyorker92 2011-3-5 22:45
老阿姨:    我從小就喜歡吃醉蟹,從沒自己腌過。謝謝你教了做法,先收藏,有空時自己腌,這下可解饞了。
回復 newyorker92 2011-3-5 22:58
I give up lots of raw things such as sashimi, raw oysters because IT WILL 會生寄生蟲
回復 世外閑人 2011-3-5 23:29
回復 qionghua 2011-3-6 00:01
回復 瓊台鶴 2011-3-6 00:06
回復 001zmm 2011-3-6 00:08
回復 老阿姨 2011-3-6 00:10
回復 newyorker92 2011-3-6 00:33
they will cause problem to your liver.
回復 sujie_alex 2011-3-6 00:36
回復 newyorker92 2011-3-6 00:37
老阿姨:    腌過,寄生蟲也腌死了,自己處理乾淨就行。江、浙、滬一帶很多人都吃,我家也常買。我印象里,我家沒人有寄生蟲。
you can google it why doctors do not recommend raw oysters. oysters are more clean than crabs
回復 老阿姨 2011-3-6 00:41
newyorker92: you can google it why doctors do not recommend raw oysters. oysters are more clean than crabs
   Ok,thank you.
回復 newyorker92 2011-3-6 00:41
Eating Raw Oysters

About 20 million Americans eat raw oysters. However, for some people, eating raw oysters can cause serious illness or even death. What causes this? How do you know if you are at risk? What can you do about it?

The Cause: Vibrio Vulnificus Vibrio Vulnificus, a bacterium that occurs naturally in marine waters, is commonly found in Gulf of Mexico oysters. While not a threat to most healthy people, vibrio vulnificus can cause sudden chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, blood poisoning, and death within two days in people with certain medical conditions.

Forty percent of vibrio vulnificus infections from raw oyster consumption are fatal. The bacteria are not a result of pollution, so, although oysters should always be obtained from reputable sources, eating oysters from "clean" waters or in reputable restaurants with high turnover does not provide protection. Eating raw oysters with hot sauce or while drinking alcohol does not kill the bacteria, either.

The Risk Factors Certain health conditions put you at risk for serious illness or death from vibrio vulnificus infection. Some of these conditions have no signs or symptoms, so you may not know you are at risk. Check with your doctor if you are unsure of your risk. Conditions include: * liver disease, either from excessive alcohol intake, viral hepatitis, or other causes * hemochromatosis, an iron disorder * diabetes * stomach problems, including previous stomach surgery and low stomach acid (for example, from antacid use) * cancer * immune disorders, including HIV infection * long-term steroid use (as for asthma and arthritis).

If you are an older adult, you also may be at increased risk because older people more often have these risk conditions than younger people.

If you are or think you may be in any of these risk categories, you should not eat raw oysters. However, because fully cooking oysters completely kills the bacteria, you can continue to enjoy oysters in many cooked preparations.

Drinking Alcoholic Beverages Regularly and Liver Disease If you drink alcoholic beverages regularly, you may be at risk for liver disease, and, as a result, at risk for serious illness or death from raw oysters. Even drinking two to three drinks each day can cause liver disease, which may have no symptoms. Liver disease will put you at increased risk for vibrio vulnificus infection from raw oysters. The risk of death is almost 200 times greater in those with liver disease than those without liver disease.

Oyster Safety: What You Can Do At restaurants: Order oysters fully cooked. Some states display notices for those at risk. Use them as reminders of how to avoid illness.

Cooking at home, in the shell: Boil live oysters in boiling water for three to five minutes after shells open. Use small pots to boil or steam oysters. Do not cook too many oysters in the same pot because the ones in the middle may not get fully cooked. Discard any oysters that do not open during cooking. Steam live oysters four to nine minutes in a steamer that's already steaming.

Cooking at home, shucked: Boil or simmer for at least three minutes or until edges curl. Fry in oil for at least three minutes at 375° F. Broil three inches from heat for three minutes. Bake (as in Oysters Rockefeller) for 10 minutes at 450°F.

If you have additional questions, call the FDA Seafood Hotline, 1-888-SAFEFOOD.

U. S. Food and Drug Administration FDA Brochure: July 1995

回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:14
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:15
xinsheng: 好吃吧?
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:15
瀟湘格格: 這東西味可好了,大家可以試一試,沒準會喜愛上它。
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:16
綠水潭: 小時候常吃。鮮得來!
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:17
meistersinger: LG敢吃這個? 吃過一次日本式的。還是熟的好吃。
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:18
喬雨風: 我直接用鹽腌
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:18
ww_719: 你可真生猛呀,哈哈哈..
回復 點點星河 2011-3-6 02:18
pengl: 小意思。咱吃過寧波的醉螃蟹

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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