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一定不是弗拉基米爾本人!誰是那位才華橫溢的年輕人?浪 今天弗拉基米爾要我談談歐洲和俄羅斯。我想知道是否有人想要羞辱普京大帝!結果,淘氣的弗拉基米爾出現了,提及過去的事情並想再表演一次。他又一次按照他的意願打開並關閉了通向歐洲的天然氣閘門!就連上一次,摩西,也是猶太人,他這麼做時也是邪眼看著他的。如果我是世界上超級聯合國的頭,我有能力的話,首先會將俄羅斯的天然氣轉換系統的管理置於我的控制之下!然後把一隻北極熊放在普京旁邊看管著他, 這樣他就不敢製造麻煩了!哈哈!俄羅斯的國徽是雙頭鷹. 烏拉爾山西部的俄羅斯就像去歐洲的一個分支. 除了歐洲西南部的少數幾個國家, Jackie去過幾乎所有歐洲國家。這一次是新加坡的領導者,下次可以邀請一些歐洲皇室成員在蓋蒂中心參加宮廷舞會。我還想問普京大帝梅德韋傑夫要一支芭蕾舞團隊。俄羅斯一直崇拜歐洲,就像對老大,尊重和追隨。俄羅斯一直想加入歐洲,成為歐洲的一員。然而,習慣於小國的狹隘歐洲人不喜歡俄羅斯。直到現在,天然氣生命線依舊在俄羅斯手中,歐洲仍然在為俄羅斯製造麻煩,真荒謬!

It must not be Vladimir! Who is the talented young man?浪 Today Vladimir wants me to talk about Europe and Russia. I was wondering if someone wanted to dim Putin the Great! As a result, the mischievous Vladimir sprang up to mention the past ,and wanted to perform something again。He opened and closed the European gas sluice at his will! Even the last time, Moses, also the Jew, curled his eyes at him. If I'm the boss of the super United Nations in the world, and I have the power, the first thing, to put Russia's gas transformation system management under my control! Then put a polar bear next to Putin to watch him, so he dares not create troubles! Haha! Russia's national emblem is a double-headed eagle. Russia in west Ural is like a branch of a  tree to Europe. Jackie has been to almost all European countries, except for a few in southwest Europe. This time is Singapore leaders , next time could invite a few European royals here for a court dance in Getty center. I will also ask Putin the Great, Medvedev, to bring a team of ballet dancers. Russia has always worshiped Europe like the eldest, respectfully, and followed suit. Russia has always wanted to join Europe and become a member of Europe. However, the narrow-minded Europeans, accustomed to small countries, do not like Russia. Till now, the natural gas lifeline is in Russia's hands, and Europeans still create trouble for Russia, ridiculous!
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