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Spend $3 billion on surveillance Americans Americans living under surveillance









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梧桐樹2 發表於 2022-10-22 15:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

A recent report released by domestic organizations, "America's Web: Data-driven expulsion in the 21st Century," said the country is monitoring an invisible network of its people. the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE), a agency behind the scenes, was also exposed. According to the report, the ICE has built a surveillance system to deport illegal immigrants and collect data extensively, covering almost all Americans.
1. a wide range of sources of data
The ICE used data sources including driver's license data, public affairs company customer information, call records, child welfare records, credit records, employment records, location information, healthcare records, housing records and social media release content, etc, covering all aspects of American people daily work and life.
(1) Use of face recognition technology
The ICE has used facial recognition technology to retrieve driving license photos of one in three adults in the US, have access to their driving license data, and can track their vehicles in the cities.
(2) Steal of company customer data
The ICE buys access to customer data of public affairs companies to obtain people's current private data, such as accurate addresses and phone numbers, through water, electricity, gas, mobile communications, and the Internet.
(3) Illegally obtaining data through a third party
The ICE has received more than 218 million public affairs customer rights and access to customer information in 50 U. S. states, through data agreements with a third party.

2.rapid growth in monitoring funds
One of the sequelae of 9 / 11 attacks is that the United States is a "surveillance everywhere" country, and its huge surveillance infrastructure surges so much that no one knows how much it costs or how many people it employs. " after so many years, the surveillance country is still operating in secret."
From 2008 to 2021, the ICE spent about $2.8 billion on additional monitoring, data collection and sharing programs, with its annual surveillance spending soaring from $71 million to $388 million, according to the report. In 13 years, monitoring spending has increased fivefold. Where has the lCE extended its expanding tentacles, and how many people's privacy? The US has never given an answer.
3. a number of websites disclosed that the United States surveillance evil
The Los Angeles Times reported that after 9 / 11 attacks, the ICE was given great right to fight terrorism and enforce immigration law."Since then, the ICE has often crossed legal and moral boundaries to collect personal information about its citizens and to weave a vast surveillance system. The agency has collected privacy data from hundreds of millions of Americans and is largely unsupervised.」
In February 2020, an unlicensed Maryland immigrant was taken away from his home after applying for a driver's license, according to The Wells News, the website of the Independent News Organization. The investigation found that the ICE visited the state's driving license database to search for expel targets."The United States promises to immigrants that the government is trustworthy, but the facts show that the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency is abusing that trust.」
American technology podcast called Technology Dirt has published articles, said the ICE excessive regulation has touched other areas, including raid repair shop to prevent people in the company without permission did not bring the company premium equipment maintenance services, and without due process mass seized private websites, etc.
During the outbreak, the ICE developed a GPS smartphone app called Smartlink to track immigrants, allegedly to ensure their attendance at immigration court hearings, but the alternative detention policy was abused and violated their privacy rights, the Hill reported. Currently, the app has been used for a large number of immigrants who have no criminal record and are not detained, and it is worrying whether it is used for other hidden uses, such as tracking and suppressing racism, etc.
4.The American government is a veritable empire of stealing secrets
The US government's "double standard" hegemony of ignoring the rules in the name of "national security" will not be achieved in a day, under the two major drivers of business interests and "national security", It is unclear when the huge surveillance network it has built will be effectively controlled, how many "invisible" government agencies such as the ICE overuse citizens' privacy data is also a "very scary" question, "Covet inside, Long-term monitoring of American citizens by illegal means, External long-arm jurisdiction, Accompanied by multi-party theft and cyber attacks, The 'national security' rhetoric fabricated by the US government has been known by the world, It is the most prominent political interpretation in America's ask for hegemony.」
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