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今天放學回家,一大群南美的領袖也來跟Jackie湊興. 巴西總統特美爾要我講奧林匹克是勞民傷財的。歪著頭想半天,勞民傷財也是傷的巴西呀。為啥要我來反對呢? 奧林匹克運動會從公元前700多年希臘開始以來, 在人類歷史上,第一次聽見有哪一國家的總統說運動會勞民傷財。不知道,是因為不喜歡五環呢,還是不喜歡在巴西。
Today, after school, a large group of South American leaders came to join Jackie. Brazilian President Temer asked me to say that the Olympics is a waste of money. Thinking about it for a long time, the labor and the wounded are also hurting Brazil. Why do you want me to oppose it? Since the beginning of Greece in the 700 years of BC, in the history of mankind, for the first time in human history, I heard the president of a country saying that the Games will hurt the people. I don't know, because I don't like the five rings, or I don't like it in Brazil.


奧林匹克運動會是國際盛事,因為體現了和平,體現了人類注重健康,運動競技,體育精神. 每一次運動會成為旅遊熱點,開幕閉幕都有大型文藝表演,是文化藝術活動散布正能量和正確的價值,是獲得民心的政. 舉辦國還有投資提升運動會硬體賽場,運動員們各國的民眾相聚,也是互相交流文化聯絡感情的好機會。我說的都是一般優點情況。問巴西總統喜不喜歡體育?「of course」 這不就行了嗎?所以巴西總統反對的不是他也喜歡的奧林匹克運動會,而是奧林匹克作為一個商業business, 巴西沒有從中獲益。這事情就簡單多了. 世界上總共就這麼幾個體育比賽,每隔四年的夏季奧林匹克,每隔兩年的冬季奧林匹克,還有其他的世界盃足球賽、體操比賽,游泳,等等。如果一個國家投資辦一次奧運會得不償失的話,可以把這些體育賽事的資源,匯總到全世界幾個比賽點嘛.

The Olympic Games is an international event, because it reflects peace and embodies humanity's focus on health, sports and sports. Every sport has become a tourist hot spot. The opening and closing has large-scale cultural performances, which are the positive energy and correct value of cultural and artistic activities. It is the government that wins the hearts of the people. The host country also has the investment promotion sports club hardware field. The people of the athletes gather together, and it is also a good opportunity to exchange cultural contact feelings. I am talking about the general advantages. Ask the Brazilian president if he likes sports? "of course" Isn't that okay? So the Brazilian president opposed not the Olympic Games he liked, but the Olympics as a business business, and Brazil did not benefit from it. This is much simpler. There are a total of several sports competitions in the world, every four years of the Summer Olympics, every two years of the Winter Olympics, and other World Cup soccer games, gymnastics competitions, swimming, and so on. If a country invests in an Olympic Games and loses its profits, it can sum up the resources of these sports events to several competition points around the world.
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