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轉折點 發表於 2022-7-24 15:14 來自手機 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

這是今年美國最好大學的錄取率,慘不忍睹啊。好多中國學生花那麼多錢,擠破頭到美國來留學,很多甚至是不得門入啊。搞錯呀!世界上有動物季節性地遷徙,因為氣候和食物。那人也可以呀,如果世界大學全聯網了,學生就可以遷徙呀!人流動了,第三產業也跟著人走啊。覺得世界上應該有不同的平行的工作帶,如果亞洲大陸有三條東西向并行的高鐵路線,以後可能冬天南面那條流量大, 會有很多南飛的「大雁」。哈哈哈 而夏天北面那條流量就大呢, 大家都想往西伯利亞的綠蔭啊。親愛的習主席,88,你們得花心思好好安排和計算了!不然設計的線路不夠,要塞車了,予置的住房不夠,要打地鋪了。哈哈哈 西伯利亞東部可以把幾個城市連起來形成經濟圈,通向東三省和朝鮮半島,再經過日本海峽聯上日本。那邊缺少勞力農業不發達,可以請中國人去開發農業, 漁業, 畜牧業,將其作為東亞的糧倉。不知道日本的某些製造業可不可以也移到那個地區,因為那邊地廣人希,一點污染也不太影響環境。貝加爾湖地區,可以作為一個文化旅遊中心,同時往南和蒙古烏蘭巴托連起來形成經濟圈。從那兒高鐵可以一直通往北京,可以在那邊發展影視產業,開動漫企業,建主題公園,以及軟體產業. 那邊有很豐富的水力資源,水力發電可以支援蒙古地區,因為蒙古缺水,而且蒙古有很多礦業。

This is the admission rate of the best universities in the United States this year. It is terrible! A lot of Chinese students spend so much money and squeeze their heads to study in the United States. Many of them are not accepted. It is a mistake! Animals in the world migrate seasonally because of climate and food. That human can also be like that, if the world university is fully networked, students can migrate studying! When people are moving, then the tertiary industry is following people. I think there should be different parallel working belts in the world. If there are three east-west parallel railway lines in the Asian continent, In the future, in the winter, the traffic on the south line will be large, and there will be many 「big geese」 flying south.  Hahaha In the summer, the traffic on the north line is big. Everyone wants to enjoy to the green shade of Siberia. Dear President Xi, 88, you have to make a good effort to arrange and calculate! Otherwise, if  design of the line is not enough, the cars will be plugged, the houses are not enough, it is necessary to lay on the ground. Hahaha Siberia can connect several cities to form an economic circle, lead to the three eastern provinces of China and the Korean peninsula, and then join Japan through the Japanese Strait. There is a lack of labor and agriculture is not developed there. You can ask the Chinese to develop agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry and use it as a granary in East Asia. I don't know if some of Japan's manufacturing industries can also move to that area, because there is a lot of people in Japan, and a little pollution in Russian Far East does not affect the environment. The Baikal region can serve as a cultural tourism center, and at the same time, it will connect to the south and Mongolia Ulaanbaatar to form an economic circle. From there, the high-speed rail can continue to Beijing. You can develop the film and television industry, open animation companies, build theme parks, and the software industry. There are abundant hydro-power resources in Far East, and hydro-power can support the Mongolian region because of the lack of water in Mongolia.  Mongolia has a lot of mining.
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