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巴西是世界第一大咖啡生產國和出口國,素有「咖啡王國」之稱。巴西又是是全球最大的蔗糖生產和出口國、第二大豆生產和出口國、第三大玉米生產國,玉米出口位居世界前五,同時也是世界上最大的牛肉和雞肉出口國. 可耕地面積約1.525億公頃, 已耕地4660萬公頃, 牧場1.77 億公頃, 2012年農牧業產值同比下降2.3%, 糧食總產量1.66億噸。主要糧食作物玉米,分佈東南沿海一帶。巴西氣候適宜,北部是熱帶雨林,中南部是亞熱帶,全年平均氣溫20度左右,非常適合人居住. 在美國還在為種族搞不定,我去南美的時候,就發現那邊混血程度很高。拉丁美洲所有國家都講西班牙語,只有巴西試講葡萄牙語!那邊有豐富多彩的多民族文化。巴西跟世界上的大國,以及周圍國家,都有不錯的關係,這很難得。巴西又是金磚國家之一,近年來,經濟發展挺不錯。巴西現在有兩億人。覺得巴西有很大的開發潛力,首先那兒有空間可以接納更多的移民!而且那邊有資源,如果世界上對資源進行控制開採的話,南美大陸可以選巴西作為一個開採重點,並以此來發展鋼鐵,汽車, 石油化工等重工業. 近年來巴西又在開發信息,生物、納米、航天等高科技,需要人才。可以把移民和這些新的領域的發展結合起來,尤其是一大批有知識文化背景的亞洲人,來建立新的產業。巴西也可以作為拉美的領頭羊,如果有拉丁美洲聯盟,覺得巴西可以做盟主。

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer and exporter and is known as the 「coffee kingdom」. Brazil is also the world's largest sugar producer and exporter, the second soy bean producer and exporter, and the third largest corn producer. Corn exports rank among the top five in the world and the world's largest beef and chicken exporter. The arable land area is about 152.5 million hectares, the cultivated land is 46.6 million hectares, and the farmland is 177 million hectares. The 2012 agricultural and livestock output value decreased by 2.3% year-on-year, and the total grain output was 166 million tons. The main food crop, corn, is distributed along the southeast coast. Brazil has a temperate climate, with a tropical rainforest in the north and a subtropical zone in the south. The annual average temperature is around 20 degrees, which is very suitable for people to live in. In the United States, the racial issue is still not settled. When I went to South America, I found that there was a high degree of mixed blood.  All countries in Latin America speak Spanish, and only Brazil speaks Portuguese! There is a rich multi-ethnic culture over there. Brazil has a good relationship with the big countries in the world and the surrounding countries. This is very rare. Brazil is also one of the BRICS countries. In recent years, the economic development has been quite good. There are now 200 million people in Brazil. I feel that Brazil has great development potential. First of all, there is room for more immigrants! And there are resources there. If the world controls the exploitation of resources, the South American continent can choose Brazil as a mining concenntrate place, and to develop heavy industries such as steel, automobiles, petrochemicals, etc. In recent years, Brazil is developing information, biology, high-tech such as nano and aerospace require talents. Immigrants can be combined with the development of these new fields, especially a large number of Asians with cultural background to build new industries. Brazil can also be the leader of Latin America. If there is a Latin American alliance, it  feels that Brazil can be head of ally.
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