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川普不是FBI心儀的, 希拉里是以CIA為主的國際聯合委員會合作努力下想推上去當總統的 Trump is not  Hillary whom favored by FBI,  the CIA-based international joint committee has worked hard to push Trump up as president.

Tillerson是商人, 不是外交家. 還不如用幾乎免費的小童工Jackie來得有效划算. Pompeo CIA出身又可管拉丁黑幫  Tillerson is a businessman, not a diplomat. It is better to use the almost free child laborer Jackie to be effective and cost-effective. Pompeo CIA is born, but also can manage Latin gangs
今天川普總統讓我寫為什麼要炒科米和Tillerson 魷魚! 首先講為什麼要炒科米, 你看這條, McCabe在退休前一天也被炒, 他跟科米都是FBI的. 而川普後面做決定的是CIA, 這不就結了嗎? FBI 和 CIA, 伊朗跟沙烏地阿拉伯呀。以前美國一直是CIA橫行天下,你看過去幾十年那些國家的暗殺,顏色革命,世界動蕩,海灣戰爭,都是誰搞的?可以去查一查CIA的檔案!可是百年老店也有衰弱的時候,管國內事務的FBI因為最近幾十年不斷有新鮮血液拉丁裔湧入,我不是說過拉丁裔的血是熱的嘛,民主黨少壯派取代CIA的最高層決策位置。民主黨人受教育程度低些,屁眼槍眼野性大,共和黨虔誠基督徒愛爾蘭人還有頭腦,當然不肯放權. 所以當年是CIA找到了「0」, 因為有頭腦,才想建立非一般的大國關係,重新做權力主宰。可是屁眼槍眼不懷好意,旁觀者清FBI知道了消息,FBI跑來不聲不響傷害了Jackie,還一直在我的生活里鬼魅搞怪。感謝親愛的習主席,88,幫助我讓FBI答應給我賠償,卻又被CIA攔下了. 因為歧視我們,既又沒錢又沒有智慧欣賞力,根本不想承擔,把我們踢皮球給親愛的習主席,88呀!怪不得你們世界政壇,一會兒是金正恩,一會兒是普京、一會兒又是愛沙尼亞,真有創意!是不是你們兩個合作呀,怎麼覺得有人只配做打手呢?勞力者治於人. 哈哈哈哈 中國政府反腐經常有官員被突然拿下, 這是中國政治的特色。因為每一個人都有把柄抓在T&B手上,比如大李哥去少林寺看Jackie,只要下次編一個「李克強少林寺私會少女「,那大李哥就吃不了兜著走。所以要拿誰,找個藉口就行。T&B,你看我心懷叵測,以己之心度人之腹呀。嘿嘿嘿 川普總統上任才一年多,就有十幾個高官離職了,這在美國政府的幾百年歷史上,都是沒見過的,很像是中國那邊T&B搞的抓人政治行動. 這很清楚啊,因為川普不是FBI心儀的希拉里,是以CIA為主的國際聯合委員會合作努力下推上去當總統的. 而川普早讓國內那些紅脖子他們對他忠心耿耿,可他們不懂這種東方的人情和智慧,以為可以按西方的民主行事, 以為以天主教聯合陣線對抗得了全球國際聯盟,那是雞蛋碰石頭了! 而CIA 請中國這邊的 T&B執行趕人,那就像撣灰塵一樣啊,其實不用任何理由. 所以,寶貝們,要乖一點的,應該象我跟Jackie一樣,不但苦力的幹活沒有報酬,還要死心塌地忠心耿耿。今天我千年難班第一次發火,比起你們屁眼槍眼給我那麼多的侮辱和驚嚇,那是九牛一毛啊,也算是給你們拍馬屁了!  FBI有一天不歸順,T&B有一天不賠償,會無事生非去世界各地搞恐怖,散發毒藥,那是這個制度系統設計有問題. 為什麼會有問題? 廢話! 那是因為你們不用我這樣的,有上帝的知識,有本事的人啊。

Today, President Trump asked me to write why he wants to fire Comey and Tillerson! First of all, why do you want to fire Comey?  You see this, McCabe was also fired the day before retirement, he and Comey are from FBI. And behind Trump who made  decisions is  CIA. Is this not the case? FBI and CIA, Iran and Saudi Arabia. In the past, the United States has always been under the control of CIA. You see the assassinations of those countries in the past few decades, the color revolution, the world turmoil, the Gulf War, who made it? You can check the CIA files! However, when the century-old store is also weak, the FBI who manages domestic affairs has been poured in fresh blood Latinos in recent decades. Am I  saying that the blood of Latinos is hot?  The young and powerful Democratic Party is replacing CIA top decision making position. The young Democrats are less educated, the assholes are wild, the Republican devout Christians have  brains, and of course they refuse to give up their power. So the CIA found "0" in the past, because they had brains, they wanted to establish a non-general relationship, re-do power mastery. But the asshole, gunshots are not good, the bystanders are clear, the FBI got news came to hurt Jackie, and has been always ghostly in my life. Thank you, Dear President Xi, 88, to help me let  FBI promise to give me compensation, but it was stopped by  CIA. Because they discriminate against us, they have no money to give no wisdom to appreciate me. They  don』t want to bear it at all,  kick the ball to dear Chairman, 88! No wonder  in the world political arena, now and then Kim Jong-un, Putin, Estonia, really creative! Is it true that you two cooperate, how do I feel that someone is only a hitter? Laborers are governed by people. Hahahaha The Chinese government is anti-corruption, and officials are often taken down. This is the characteristic of Chinese politics.  Because everyone has faults on  T&B』s hands, such as Big brother Li to see Jackie in Shaolin Temple, as long as the next time someone to edit a line "Li Keqiang Shaolin Temple meeting  girl privately", then Big brother Li  can not be settled. So whoever will be taken, just find an excuse. T&B, you see my heart is so dark, using my thoughts to speculate on other people's minds.  Just over a year since Trump took office, more than a dozen senior officials have left their positions. This has not been seen in the hundreds of years of the US government,much like the T&B in China, the political action of arresting people. This is very clear, because Trump is not  Hillary, not  FBI's favorite, the CIA-based international joint committee cooperated and pushed Hillary down to let Trump become the president. And Trump had let the domestic red necks loyal to him, But they don't understand this kind of oriental human feelings and wisdom, thinking that they can act according to Western democracy, thinking that the Catholic League can go against the global international alliance, it is like to take egg hit the stone!  The CIA asked the T&B in China to drive people away. It』s like dusting, no reasons needed at all. So, baby,  be obedient. It should be like Jackie and me, not only working hard, no paying, but also loyal to the heart.  Today, it is my first time  in the millennium I am angry. Compared to your assholes and gunshots giving me so many insults and scares. It』s one hair from a lion, it』s also a flattering! As long as the FBI does not obey one day, as long as T&B will not compensate for one day, they will always create issues from nothing, going to the world to engage in horror and to distribute poison. That is that the design of this system has big problems. Why is there a problem? Nonsense! That is because you don't need me who have God's knowledge and skills.
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