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一帶一路全球一體,猶太人當之無愧是可以做領袖的,因為他們為此犧牲、準備、布局了千百年  One Belt, One Road, One World, Jews deserve to be leaders, because they sacrificed, prepared, and laid out for thousands of years.

而且猶太教和基督教的又不太一樣. 天主教過復活節做聖事,場面浩大,氣氛莊嚴,有成排的花團錦簇,餘音繞梁的童聲合唱。大家整整齊齊坐在一起屏氣凝神聽牧師講道,最後高潮,大家耐心地排著隊等著上祭壇,每人只分得一小塊米餅。牧師手裡的紅酒,酒也喝不到, 只能聞一下。 可是猶太教的集會,就像中國人的盛宴,從來都是食物豐盛的。猶太人遍布各地有經商,所以食物的來源繁多,自己人過節,當然是挑最好的食材。所以宗教儀式一過,大廳里擺了滿滿的珍熙佳肴,滿箱的美酒。來自天南海北的,大家都聚在一起大快朵頤!你甚至可以遇見以前認識的,遠在別的大陸的新朋舊友,小孩子毫無顧忌, 自由自在歡聲笑語到處亂竄,喧嘩聲熱鬧啊, 這也是孩子們天南地北交朋友的好機會呀。你永遠不會在基督教天主教中看見這些事情。猶太人有一個信念,猶太教堂是天父的地方,誰會在父親面前那麼一本正經的。而且就是因為社交活動活躍,凡是遠來的商人與當地的主人在一起,寒暄不多時,就成了朋友. 再花點時間討論一下商機,調動資源,很多事情就在談笑間做成了。在歐洲的猶太人比較堅持猶太傳統,在美國的猶太人比較美國化,不那麼定時去猶太教堂。但是,從小在猶太教堂里還有家族中養成的互相幫助,互相緊密連接的猶太文化,卻是根深蒂固,無論到那裡猶太人都是互相支持的。你看澤曼總統有那麼多遍布世界各行各業的頂級猶太精英好朋友。猶太人內部也有衝突,可是我沒有見到象中國政府內鬥那麼厲害的,也許人少吧。如果說當年基辛格是猶太人裡邊從政做到最高位的,那現在,遍布世界的精英和政府首腦中,有很多都是猶太人呢,想想看,猶太人在全世界也只有一千五百萬,相比他們取得的成就,猶太人真的是上帝的子民啊。一帶一路全球一體,猶太人當之無愧是可以做領袖的,因為他們為此犧牲、準備、布局了千百年. 猶太人是世界貿易的中堅,感同身受世界一體,對發展經濟貿易的必要性,對全世界人類文明發展的正面影響,所以才會對此極盡全力,眾人拾柴火焰高地推動啊!全球一體是需要縱橫多維同時進行的,放眼望世界,有誰能有猶太人這樣子的,遍布全世界的,有影響力的網路?

Moreover, Judaism and Christianity are not the same. When Catholic Church holds the sacrament of Easter, the scene is vast, the atmosphere is solemn, there are rows of flowers, and the children of the reverberating chorus. Everyone sits together and listens to the pastor, and finally the climax, everyone patiently lines up waiting for the altar, each person only gets a small piece of rice cake. The wine in the hands of the priest cannot be drunk, can only be smelled. However, when Jewish are gathering, like the feast of the Chinese, it has always been rich in food. Jews have business everywhere, so there are so many sources of food, and they are the best ingredients for their own holidays. So after the religious ceremony, the hall was filled with delicious cuisine, full of wines. From all over the world, all kinds of people were getting together! You can even meet new friends and old friends, and who are far away from other continents. Children have no scruples, free and happy laughter everywhere, screaming and buzzing, this is also a good opportunity for children to make friends. You will never see these things in Christian Catholicism. The Jews have a belief that the synagogue is the place of the Father, who will be so serious in front of his father? And because social activities are active, all the distant businessmen are with the local masters, and it does not take long time, they become friends. Take time to discuss business opportunities and mobilize resources, many things are done during the laughter. Jews in Europe are more conservative by Jewish tradition, and Jews in the United States are more Americanized and do not go to the synagogue regularly. However, the Jewish culture that was formed in the synagogue, helping each other and being closely connected with each other was deeply rooted, and the Jews supported each other there. You see that President Zeman has so many top Jewish elite friends all over the world. There are also conflicts within the Jews, but I have not seen such a powerful fight as in Chinese government, maybe there are fewer Jews. If Kissinger was the highest in politics in the Jews, now many of the world』s elites and heads of government are Jewish. Think about it, the Jews are only 15 million in the world. Jews are really God's people compared to their achievements. The Belt and Road, the world, the Jews deserve to be leaders, because they sacrificed, prepared, and laid out plans for thousands of years. Jews are the backbone of world trade, empathy with the world, the necessity of developing economic and trade, and the world positive influence of the development of civilization, so they will do our best to do this, everyone collects firewood and promotes the fire! The global integration needs to be carried out in a vertical and horizontal way. Looking at the world, who can have Jewish influential network all over the world?

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