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T&B不支持我的生活. 卻每天問我要短文,誇獎我的短文,這該有多矛盾! T&B doesn't support my life. But every day ask me to write essay and praise my essay. How contradictory this is!

Jan 9, 2018 at 8:52 PM
習和王對我和Jackie不夠坦誠.  一帶一路在國內也該大規模宣傳。 Xi He Wang is not honest enough with me and Jackie. The Belt and Road is also a large-scale publicity in China.
親愛的習主席,88,Jackie說你們稱讚我昨天寫的短文「很棒!」 , 謝謝了!我也覺得挺好的. 因為昨天我到大學的群里問他們,一帶一路他們怎麼想,對他們生活有什麼改變嗎?結果沒有一個人回答,問了學經濟的,還有上海交易所的我們同學,連個屁都沒有放! 好像這個一帶一路就是還在中央開會,請外面人來露個臉吧,下邊根本沒啥感覺. 以為是中國政府又在大撒幣買面子呢!下面那些人眼光都集中在王的桃花事件上,看著一連串的主播明星飛行員等等事件,我想十有八九是這邊的人的創意吧,因為這些人腦子裡除了肚臍下那點事情,不知道怎麼樣去好好包裝別人,正面地光明正大地宣傳別人,以己之心度人之腹,不會想出什麼好的東西!哼哼 中國人思想上又太封閉,一看見我回國就想把我封死,堅決不讓我和Jackie見你們!比如你們教Jackie, 我們小時候,一家子在一起,你一句我一句討論思想學習,可現在你們把我放一邊,好像我是文盲,也不知道你們在說些什麼,有討論思想嗎?有著重強調觀念嗎?Jackie掌握了多少?你們這樣做事很不合情理的,很不正常很不健康的!今天報上說展開對房峰輝的調查, 所以現在的T&B, 還是在剝削我, 不支持我的生活. 可是每天問我要短文,誇獎我的短文,樂此不彼的, 這該有多矛盾! 不知道是跟前總參遺毒未清呢,還是搖身一變繼續作威作福,還是嘴上沒毛辦事不牢的新人呢,或者就是這邊不講道理的鬼?我覺得你們一帶一路在國內也該大規模宣傳的,那些電視台盡搞一些勾心鬥角古裝戲呀!已經新年了,我的車子跑了20萬哩,隨時會拋錨,還要交稅,暑假還要帶她出去,以後會怎麼樣呢?你們答應的賠償報酬,又過了一年,還是遙遙無期! 你看宗教說人是神創造的,可現實是神是人創造的!千百年來有千百萬人相信神,可見宗教的宣傳力量之強大!一帶一路全球一體應該有宗教這樣子的宣傳力度,應該有更多的更深入的產品!尤其是對年輕人小孩子!好萊塢動畫電影一上市,網上就有各種的宣傳品,動畫人物,衣服,裝飾,包,紀念品各種各樣的,甚至還有遊戲!你們也可以設計電動遊戲呀,比如說要在中亞草原上建立一個新城市,要怎麼樣選擇道路,探測什麼樣自然資源,是什麼樣文化影響,反正遊戲嗎, 讓小孩子去接觸這些,然後設計出來, 甚至可以去3D列印的!

Dear President Xi, 88, Jackie said that you praised the essay I wrote yesterday, "Great!" Thank you! I also feel very good. Because I asked the group of college yesterday, what do they think about the Belt and Road, what changes have been made to their lives? As a result, no one answered, and asked students who studies economics, as well as the heads of our classmates at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, not even a fart!  It seems that this Belt and Road is still in the top central meeting, just let the outsiders come to show a face, there is no actions underneath. I think the Chinese government is buying a face with big money! The following people's eyes are focused on Wang's romantic incident. Watching a series of anchor men, stars, pilots and other events, I think that in all likelihood, it is the creativity from people here, because these people have always put their minds on things underneath the navel. They don't know how to wrap others well, and publicize others in a positive and bright way. They assume others are the same as them, will not think of any good things with their hearts. Hmm!   The Chinese are too closed in their minds. When they see me returning to China, they want to seal me up, would not let me and Jackie see you! For example, the way you teach Jackie. When we were young, we were together in a family, each one took turns talking about thinking and learning. But now you put me aside, as if I am illiterate. I don』t know what you are saying, are you discussing ideas?  Is there a strong emphasis on ideas? How much does Jackie master? It is very unreasonable for you to do this way. It is very abnormal and unhealthy! Today』s newspaper said that the investigation of Chief of staff Fang Fenghui was launched. So now T&B is still exploiting me and does not support my life. But every day I am asked for a short essay.  T&B praises my essay, and enjoys it, how much contradiction it is! I don』t know if it』s associated with the former General Staff』s legacy, or it is changed continue to be the dominant, or is it a newcomer who is not so capable, or is it still the ghost here making troubles?  I think that you should be publicized on a large scale in the country, those TV stations will not only do some intrigues in costumes drama! Already new year, my car ran 200,000 miles, it will break down at any time, I have to pay taxes, and I will take her out in the summer vacation. What will happen in the future? The compensation you promised, after another year, is still in the foreseeable future!  You see that religion is created by God, but the reality is that God is created by man! Thousands of people have believed in God for thousands of years, and the power of propaganda of religion can be seen everywhere! The Belt and Road Globalization should have the propaganda like that of religion, and there should be more and more in-depth products! Especially for young people! When Hollywood animated film is released, there are various promotional materials, animated characters, clothes, decorations, bags, souvenirs, and even games on the Internet! You can also design electric games, for example, to build a new city on the grasslands of Central Asia, how to choose the road, what kind of natural resources to explore, what kind of cultural influence, anyway, let the children touch these, then design it, you can even go to 3D printing!
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