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法國啟蒙運動和法國總統對一帶一路的表態支持  French Enlightenment and French President』s support for the Belt and Road Initiative
法國啟蒙運動是18世紀在歐洲興起的啟蒙運動的組成部分,但它是最為徹底和影響最大的,最具代表性。它不僅在當時影響巨大,而且在後來的世紀里影響深遠。 它是一場思想解放運動,歷史進步的運動。法國啟蒙思想主要代表了新興的法國資產階級的利益,要求和願望,是先進階級的思想和意識的集中反映,也是對本身對具有直接進步性的自然科學的概括反映。反對法國專制的政治制度,主張建立充分展示理性的「自由」、「平等」、「博愛」的社會制度。反對和否定天主教和宗教神學,甚至否定一切宗教,主張無神論。它具有鮮明的戰鬥性,為法國大革命作了充分的輿論準備。親愛的習主席,88, 一帶一路和全球一體,其展開規模和對人類歷史進程的影響,那將會是遠遠超過法國大革命的!全球一體,是一場思想解放運動,歷史進步的運動,是改變文明分佈,促進社會發展,是代表先進的歷史觀 生產力的先鋒們,對社會的現有系統進行優化,以適應和提高現代高科技為動力的文明的發展!不同的是,這是一場波瀾壯闊的非暴力的革命. 而這個浩大工程所觸及的,豈止是政治經濟和文化,幾乎可以說,隨著時間的推移,會涵蓋全體人類社會的各個方面的. 就像法國大革命! 就是因為法國的啟蒙運動,文藝復興以後人性的恢復,科學技術的發展,宗教的走下神壇,各種活躍的哲學思想,讓自由平等博愛深入人心,有實事求是的科學態度,才促成了法國大革命發生. 這是歐洲歷史上最徹底的一次革命,雖然幾經折騰,但最終從根本上改變了國家的政治體制,消滅了君主制,建立了共和制度!而許多其他國家,還尤抱琵琶半遮面或多或少地保留了君主立憲制! 法國是第一個承認中華人民共和國的歐洲國家,在接受新的思想上,在文化的開放上,法國有一批思想開明高瞻遠矚的,有歷史戰略眼光的精英!在這次一帶一路全球議題上,法國也勇敢地跟中國站在了一起! 你們回北京了,這次馬克龍來,他是今年開門紅第一個訪問北京的外國領袖,訪問所發出的很多信息,我覺得不同尋常!這是馬克龍去中國清真寺.

The French Enlightenment was part of the Enlightenment that emerged in Europe in the 18th century, but it is the most thorough and influential and the most representative. Not only did it have a huge impact at the time, but it also had a profound impact in the later centuries. It is a movement of ideological liberation movement and historical progress. The French Enlightenment mainly represents the interests, demands and aspirations of the emerging French bourgeoisie, a concentrated reflection of the thoughts and consciousness of the advanced class, and a general reflection of the natural sciences that are directly progressive. The political system against French autocracy advocates the establishment of a social system that fully demonstrates rational "freedom," "equality," and "fraternity." Oppose and deny Catholic and religious theology, even denying all religions and advocating atheism. It has a distinct fighting nature and is fully prepared for the French Revolution. Dear President Xi, 88, the Belt and Road and the global integration, its scale and influence on the history of mankind, it will be far more than the French Revolution! Global integration is an ideological emancipation movement, a movement of historical progress, a change in the distribution of civilizations and the promotion of social development. It is a pioneer in representing the productivity of advanced historical concepts, optimizing the existing systems of society to adapt and improve modern High-tech civilization and development! The difference is that this is a magnificent non-violent revolution. What this vast project touches are not only the political economy and culture, but almost all the aspects of human society will be covered over time. Just like the French Revolution! It is because of the French Enlightenment, the restoration of human nature after the Renaissance, the development of science and technology, the religious gospel, the various active philosophical ideas, the freedom, equality and fraternity, and the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, the Great Revolution took place. This is the most thorough revolution in European history. Although it has been tossed, it has fundamentally changed the political system of the country, eliminated the monarchy, and established a republican system! In many other countries, the monarchy is more or less preserved. France is the first European country to recognize the People』s Republic of China. In accepting new ideas, in the opening of culture, France has one. A group of elites with a long-term vision and a vision of history and strategy! On this global issue of the Belt and Road, France has also bravely stood with China! You are back in Beijing. This time, Macron is here. He is the first foreign leader to visit Beijing this year. There are a lot of information on his visit. I think it is unusual! This is Macron going to the Chinese mosque.
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