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為一帶一路打開中國和世界市場 Opening up China and the world market for the Belt and Road Initiative
這是Alibaba網頁里的分類. 是不是很像小學生的設計?當然這不是我今天想說的重點,這也不是俄國人事兒.可是,普京大帝,你已經好幾次去中國參加一帶一路項目的峰會了.一帶一路的目的, 就是把那些沿線的國家都串聯起來,看他們需要什麼,為他們投資,幫他們把經濟發展所需要的項目建立起來,為他們的產品包裝提升,並為他們的產品在全世界打開市場.這個世界上最大的幾個銷售平台就是 Amazon.com, AliBaba.com. 還有Alibaba屬下的86mall.com.taobau.com, 每年都是上萬億的銷售量. 今年雙十一節,11/11,在中國是光棍節,也就是所有單身人士的節日, 是中國最大的網購節.今年銷售特別沸騰,不到幾分鐘銷售量就到了上億. 這是中國市場的需求量. 一帶一路上有很多的國家,因為經濟落後交通不發達,因為語言問題,這些國家的很多產品得不到世界民眾的認識.伊朗產世界上最好的地毯,但是我可以很有把握地說,中國人買亞洲其他地方地毯的,尤其是高級的絲織地毯掛毯的,還不到1%. 上次我們去印度,他們有很好的服裝,很好的羊毛製品,很好的木雕,如果按照當地的價格那是非常便宜的.可在中國市場上看不見呀. 這次我們去土耳其,他們的化妝品,香水,食品,皮革,工藝品,在中國是不太看得到的. 俄國有很好的琥珀, 毛皮大衣, 和油畫, 工藝品,只有去那邊的遊客才會買一點呢. 於是我就想,一帶一路的那些國家,基本上都是在亞洲地區的. 還有以前蘇聯的加盟共和國. 我曾經建議給親愛的主席,88,應該讓馬雲組織信息採集隊伍,去一帶一路這些國家尋找這些有特色的產品. 他也可以投資提升他們的生產技術,為他們的產品進行現代化包裝,然後為這些企業建立網站. 他可以將網頁也放到阿里巴巴等中國大型銷售網站的平台上,如果可以用Alibaba的網上支付和信用卡,那這些國家的小企業生產商們,就等於共享了中國需求旺盛的大市場,就可以生意興隆.這是中國市場為他們經濟輸血,如果中國投資把他們的經濟搞上去,大家受惠呀!而對這些產品的與日俱增需求,也促進各個國家當地政府,吸引外資來開辦生產設施,鋪設道路,增加車輛等等. 這是一個正循環.

This is the classification on the Alibaba website. Does it resemble the design of a primary school student? Of course, this is not the focus of what I want to talk about today, nor is it a matter of Russian personnel. But, Putin, you have been to China several times to participate in the summit of the Belt and Road project. The purpose of the Belt and Road is to connect the countries along the route, see what they need, invest for them, help them build the projects needed for economic development, improve the wrapping of their products, and open up markets for their products in the world. The world』s largest sales platforms are amazon.com, AliBaba.com. As well as 86mall.com, taobao.com under Alibaba, with annual sales of trillions. This year, Double Eleven Holiday, 11/11, is Singles』 Day in China, which is the festival for all singles is China』s largest on line shopping festival. This year』s sales are especially boiling, with sales reaching hundreds of millions in less than a few minutes. This is the demand for the Chinese market. There are many countries along the Belt and Road. Because of the backward economy, underdeveloped transportation, and language problems, many products of these countries are not recognized by the people of the world. Iran produces the best carpets in the world, but I can say with confidence , Chinese people buy carpets from other parts of Asia, especially high-end silk carpet tapestries, less than 1%. Last time we went to India, they had good clothing, good wool products, and good wood carvings. If you follow the local price, it is very cheap. But it is not seen in the Chinese market. This time we went to Turkey, their cosmetics, perfumes, food, leather, handicrafts are not very visible in China either. Russia has many good amber, fur coats, and oil paintings, handicrafts, only tourists who go there will buy some. So I thought, the countries of the Belt and Road are basically in Asia, and the former Soviet Union Republics. I once suggested to my Dear Chairman, 88, that Jack Ma should organize an information collection team to go to these countries along the Belt and Road to find these distinctive products. He can also invest in upgrading their production technology and modern packaging for their products. Then set up websites for these companies. He can also put the web-pages on the platforms of Alibaba and other large-scale sales websites in China. If Alibaba's on line payment and credit cards can be used, then small business manufacturers in these countries are equivalent to sharing China Business can be prosperous in a big market with strong demand. This is the Chinese market for their economic transfusion. If Chinese investment boosts their economy, everyone will benefit! The increasing demand for these products has also encouraged local governments in various countries to attract foreign investment to open production facilities, pave roads, increase vehicles, etc. This is a positive cycle.
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