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如果中東能夠擺平了,那一帶一路就可以好好建設,經濟就可以發展起來  If the Middle East can be settled, the Belt and Road Initiative can be built well and the economy can develop
我覺得美國是越來越沒戲了,Jackie還是早一點去中國讀書,多建立中國的人脈才好. Jackie說你們讓我寫土耳其的黑海地區,於是我在想,你們的一帶一路是不是想從黑海那邊去歐洲,避開土耳其敘利亞鬧哄哄的這一帶?黑海很美我從小就知道,因為很小看見爸爸從那邊拍來的照片,雖然是黑白的,但那種純凈的美很令人嚮往. 以前我看普桑的油畫,「阿爾卡地亞的牧人」,心裡感慨裡面的風景為什麼那麼美,夕陽像紫色籠罩著山脈,鑲著金邊的綿綿的森林,迷人的田園風光,悠閑的生活,原來就在黑海邊呢.  我們在土耳其旅行,地中海地區安納托利亞地區,都像加州那樣乾旱炎熱,就是在地中海邊上山上也是光禿禿的. 我們每到一個地方,熱浪撲面就想吃冰淇淋. 可是剛剛到了黑海地區,一下車就覺得涼爽,滿山遍野的松樹,很像中國的北疆和奧地利,而氣候比那兒溫暖多了. 普京在黑海邊也有一憧豪華的別墅,那邊像世外桃源. 黑海和裏海中間的亞塞拜然, 亞美尼亞, 喬治亞也是世外天堂,是不是有人計劃把裏海黑海打通啊?那一帶要熱鬧了,裏海更是默默無聞的深宮美女,有絕世的美麗. 於是我就在想,一定要設計道路聯通,才能發展呢,親愛的主席,88,中國人去做基礎建設嗎? Jackie說今天要跟全中東的國家領袖交流,是啊, 如果中東能夠擺平了,那一帶一路就可以好好建設,經濟就可以發展起來. 鬧啥鬧了,一點前程都沒有的. Jackie還問我,如果讓我挑一個中東國家去旅遊,會是哪一個? 我想去沙特和伊朗啊,可能沙特更值得去看吧. 謝謝彭媽媽今天給Jackie講女孩子的事情. Jackie今天告訴我,在學校里有高大男孩子,她不認識的,撫摸她的胳膊. 女孩子一點一點大了,開始在性方面啟蒙,有很多事情要讓她知道的. 中國人是不太講這些的, 可是我覺得,女孩子在外面混,知道的越完備,其實人生會走得更順些. 性會上癮的,我又不太希望她太早開始性愛,而且心理方面的影響,我也怕她不專心學業. 想來想去順其自然吧,她能知道的多些是好事. 親愛的主席,88,你們是父親一樣的,在她人生中有特殊位置的,在她心目中她對你們很信賴親近的,請也多給她分享一點男性角度的人生經驗吧, 謝謝你們. 今天 Jackie又告訴我,Steven好開心,你們也好開心的,就像剛遇見你們時候,捷報頻傳似的. 什麼事情啊?又是啥好的喜訊啊?是跟那幫拉丁裔有關的吧?你看自從丫小句野孩子加入你們陣營,就好事不斷的,她是一個受上帝惠顧的女孩喲!親愛的主席,88,Jackie說你們會跟Chipolet 一起做生意,哈哈哈. 「全世界無產者聯合起來」,這邊那麼多的空閑著的教堂,接下來會熱鬧了,教會的無所事事的信徒們,要跟著忙起來了.  這邊的拉丁餐館, 會賣炸春卷和肉夾饃了, 哈哈哈. 然後你就看中華大地就會風行到處有人跳Salsa, Samba, Tango了. 微胖的人有曲線,有曲線的人才性感,性感的人跳拉丁舞好看.  瘦瘦的還是去跳芭蕾才好看.

I think the United States is getting down and down. Jackie is better go to China to study earlier. It would be better to establish more contacts in China. Jackie said you asked me to write about the Black Sea region of Turkey. So I was thinking, do you want to go to Europe from the northern side of the Black Sea to avoid the noisy Turkey and Syria? The Black Sea is beautiful. I knew it since I was a child, because I saw my father's picture from there. Although it is black and white, the pure beauty is very desirable. I used to look at Poussin 』s oil painting, "The Herdsman of Arcadia", and I was deeply moved, why the scenery inside is so beautiful, the sunset like smoke enveloped the purple mountains, The endless forest with golden borders, charming rural scenery, and leisurely life, it turned out to be on the Black Sea. We traveled in Turkey, the Mediterranean region of Anatolia, like California is arid and hot. Along the Mediterranean the mountains on the side are also bare. Every time we went to a place where the heat waves were blowing, we wanted to eat ice cream. But we just arrived in the Black Sea area, and when we got off the car, we felt cool. The pine trees that were full of mountains were very similar to China 』s northern Xinjiang and Austria. The climate was much warmer than that. Putin also has a luxurious villa on the Black Sea, where it looks like a paradise. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are also paradise. Is anyone planning to connect the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea? That area is going to be lively. The Caspian Sea is an obscure beauty in the deep palace. It has a peerless beauty. So I was thinking that it must be designed for road connectivity to develop. Dear Chairman, 88, Will the Chinese go there to do infrastructure? Jackie said that she will talk to leaders of the entire Middle East today. Yes, if the Middle East can be settled, then the Belt and Road can be built well, and the economy can develop. What are they doing? There is no future at all. Jackie also asked me, if I were to choose a Middle Eastern country to travel, which one would it be? I want to go to Saudi Arabia or Iran, maybe Saudi Arabia is more worth seeing. Thank you Peng Mama  for telling Jackie today things for girls to pay attention to. Jackie told me today that there is a tall boy in school, she doesn』t know, touch her arm. Jackie is a little bit older, and she starts to be enlightened in sex, there are many things I want  her know. The Chinese don』t talk much about these sexual aspects, but I think that the more complete knowledge she knows about sex if she』s outside, she will actually have a smoother life. Sex is addictive, and I I don't want her to start having sex too early. And sex has a psychological impact, and I』m afraid she doesn』t concentrate on her studies. It』s natural for me to think about it. It』s a good thing she can know more. Dear Chairman, 88, you are like her father. You a special place in her life, in her mind, she is very trusting and close to you. Please also share with her a little more male experience in life. Thank you. Today Jackie told me that Steven is so happy, you too. I'm so happy, just like the success stories when I first met you. What is it? What good news? Is it related to the group of Latinos? You see that since Jackie wild child joined your camp, it』s been a good thing, she is a girl who is favored by God! Dear Chairman, 88, Jackie said you will do business with Chipolet, hahaha. "The proletarians of the world unite", there are so many free churches here, and then they will be lively. The idle believers of the church have to be busy too. The Latin restaurant here may sell fried spring rolls and steamed buns, ha ha ha. Then you will see the Chinese land will be popular everywhere that some people dance Salsa, Samba, Tango. The fat people have curves. The talents with curves are sexy. The sexy people dance Latin nicely. The thin people better dance ballet.
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