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維持Iraq安定,百姓才休養生息,經濟才恢複發展  Maintaining Iraq』s stability, the people will recuperate and the economy will resume development.
這次希拉里演苦肉計,一定是有什麼收穫的. 美國很多的少數族裔,拉丁裔和黑人現在政治權力大增,背後所依仗的武裝暴力的手段,是不是給社會帶來福祉那真的不好說. 一個社會的進步是要靠整體民眾的綜合創造力和綜合素質. 川普如果能有海納百川的心胸,像毛澤東那樣丟棄自己本來階級的狹隘立場,拿出改造民主黨擁護者一大批拉丁裔和黑人們的素質的具體手段的話,讓他們摒棄非得用非常手段來維護自己利益損人不利己的行事法則,而有可能的話他應該是可以做領袖的. 只是美國白人億萬富翁特朗普的思想境界是什麼?我們不太清楚,覺得 他很適合做秀場明星. 希拉里的民主黨,應該說這10多年來,依仗特殊的手段在國內分佔對自己有利的資源,為所代表集團搶佔利益以提高這些集團的生活水平,他們做得是非常成功的. 但是,他們過分的利益傾斜也造成了美國這艘大船的不平衡,在國際金融海洋里差不多要翻船了. 而且美國的國力每況愈下,這些人所得到的利益跟全體美國所遭受的損失相比真是得不償失. 恐怖主義在全球到處肆虐讓人人對此咬牙切齒,視如過街老鼠一般. 如果希拉里的民主黨還不知道收斂,希拉里也許可以在國內贏得大選,但絕對是輸了外交. 他們對最重要的經濟,對世界各國的歷史文化,如此掉以輕心兒戲,希拉里的位置也是做不穩的. 我們住在美國的人,怎麼會不希望美國能夠安定發展呢?我們孩子的將來,差不多肯定就是在美國這兒呢!民主黨搞的這些學校不讓亞洲孩子上學的事情,什麼爛玩意兒! 伊拉克是以前古巴比倫的所在地,人類文明最早的起源之處. 現在的伊拉克千瘡百孔,奄奄一息的. 今天網上說美國又逼著以色列簽了一筆360億美元的軍工單,美軍工每年一定要完成多少利潤額的,洛馬一年70億,諾普60億,還有其他的公司. 在以色列的時候他們告訴我,國家稅很高啊,以色列被逼著拿稅錢來買美國武器呀. 美國在伊拉克阿富汗維持不下去,總要找一個支撐點哪. Iraq現在還有ISIS 在那裡為非作歹混水摸魚呀. 美國人是不會輕易放棄亞洲腹地的. Iraq不是一個大國, 如果像伊朗這樣中等國家,也許還可以有能力保持一些穩定. 但在這麼一個地理位置,各方的勢力都有,又沒力量平衡,只有隨波逐流備受蹂躪啊. 那邊需要一個強人,象埃爾多安那樣,象杜特迪爾,老子橫豎橫不幹了,如果中俄可以聯合為他們做後盾,把美國惡勢力排擠出去,至少維持這一地區的安定,當地的百姓才可以休養生息,經濟才可以有所恢複發展. 像現在這樣到處是各種武裝份子打來打去的,根本沒啥好結果的. 你們會邀請伊拉克總統來交談嗎?如果是,那太好了. 美國人恐怖份子把伊拉克文明的古迹都炸毀了,是千刀萬剮罪惡呀!教導小Jackie一定要尊重文明,尊重歷史文化,你們如能誠心誠意地把這個地方重建起來,大家看在眼裡感覺與美軍炸古迹那是截然不同的. 這就是文明的力量.

This time, Hillary』s bitterness must be rewarded. Many ethnic minorities in Latin America, Latinos and blacks now have a lot of political power, and the means behind armed violence behind them are not bringing benefits to society. It』s hard to say. The progress of a society depends on the overall creativity and overall quality of the whole people. If Trump can have the heart of accepting and tolerance, Like Mao Zedong, abandoning the narrow position of his own class and taking concrete measures to transform the quality of the majority of Latino and black people who support the Democratic Party, let them abandon the rules of doing things that are necessary to protect their own interests by harming others. And if possible, he should be a leader. Just what is American white billionaire Trump  his realm of thought? We don't know very well, I think he is very suitable for a show star. Hillary's Democratic Party, it should say that for more than 10 years, relying on special means to share resources that are beneficial to them in the country, to seize the interests of the representatives to improve these groups』 living standards, they have done very successfully. However, their excessive interest tilt has also caused the imbalance of the US ship. In the international financial ocean, the US economy is almost overturned. Moreover, the national strength of the United States is deteriorating, and the benefits these people receive compared to the losses suffered by the entire United States,it is not worth it. Terrorism is raging around the world, and it is like a street mice everyone hates them. If Hillary』s Democratic Party does not know the convergence, even  Hillary may be able to win in the domestic  election, but definitely lost the diplomacy. They are so devoid of the most important economy, the history and culture of the countries of the world, and the position of Hillary is also unstable. How can we  live in the United States do not want the United States to stability develop? The future of our children is almost certainly in the United States! These school district Democratic Party politicians do not let Asian children go to school, what a bad thing! Iraq is the place of ancient Babylon, the earliest origin of human civilization. Now Iraq is riddled with dying. Today, the United States said that the United States has forced Israel to sign a $36 billion military work order. The US defense companies must complete a certain amount of profit every year, Lockheed has 7 billion a year, Northrop 6 billion, and other companies. In Israel, they told me that the national tax was very high, Israel is forced to take taxes to buy American weapons. Yeah. The United States can't keep up in Iraq and Afghanistan, it always wants to find a supporting point. Iraq still has ISIS there to fish in troubled water. Americans will not easily give up the hinterland of Asia. Iraq is not a big country, if it is medium like Iran may also be able to maintain some stability. But in such a geographical position, the forces of all parties have their own power, and Iraq has no balance of power. Only follow the flow and is devastated.  Only by the tide, there is a need for a strong man, like Erdogan. Like Duterte, 「We can』t do it!」  If China and Russia can jointly support them, they will squeeze out the evil forces of the United States. At least to maintain the stability of the region, the local people can recuperate and the economy can be restored. As it is now, there are all kinds of armed elements who have been fighting, and there is no good result. You will invite the Iraqi president come to talk? If so, that would be great. American terrorists have blown up the monuments of Iraqi civilization, and it is a sin! I teach the little Jackie to respect the civilization and respect the history and culture. If you can rebuild this place with sincerity, everyone can see that it is completely different from the US military bombing. This is the power of civilization.

Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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