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教Jackie寫作 Teach Jackie writing

Aug 20, 2016 at 7:02 PM

親愛的習和王要我講俄國,我沒去過,我好想去. 俄國土地如此廣大,俄國沒有高鐵,就是有高鐵出去旅行,也會坐得很久天昏天黑地的!據Jackie的俄國大帥哥朋友說,他們去過世界各地,莫斯科很不錯,他喜歡!這邊從莫斯科來的俄國人,到美國來過什麼樣的日子,只有自己知道.  想去看聖彼得堡,hermitage, 冬宮. 想去看莫斯科,想去看黑海,裏海,還記得父親照片里同船操槳的那一位美麗的俄羅斯姑娘. 想去看烏克蘭,白俄羅斯, 立陶宛,去看那一片無邊無際的森林,西伯利亞!喜歡他們的克瓦斯,冰淇淋,黑麵包,各種蔬菜做的醬. 想看他們男孩子跳的有趣的哥薩克舞!如果習主席還能劈叉,也許習主席還能有本事跳那種舞. 88 嘿嘿嘿,我可以看王用手指跳!哈哈哈 想去看他們的大教堂,看他們的芭蕾舞,看他們的油畫藝術. 當然好多帥哥,美女讓你去看..... 88,我一進小學,開始認字,爸爸就叫我寫日記,因為他說寫作是非常重要的技能. Jackie到現在我一直沒有讓她寫什麼,她在學校里寫得怎麼樣我也不太清楚. 可是我知道在美國大多數孩子的寫作是不怎麼樣的,因為我聽過一位大學老師在抱怨,新入學孩子們根本, 沒有寫作的技能.  你們每天給她講那麼多歷史人物,我希望她能夠根據你們給她講的歷史人物的背景故事事件,寫她自己的對這些歷史人物的感想. 你們能 跟我合作嗎?因為我想知道你們對她講了什麼,然後我會問她腦子裡有什麼概念,怎麼產生這些概念的,用什麼事實去支撐這些概念,最後的結論是怎麼出來的. 幫她把寫作的結構理清楚,命題,簡單介紹,和支持個例,最後結論. 那她就知道怎麼去寫文章了. 多試幾下,那她以後就會自己寫了!經過自己頭腦思考的,她就會去想結構,想怎麼用詞,想怎麼生動吸引人,想怎麼結尾有力. 她如果自己會寫,以後就不會有像川普太太抄別人演講稿的事情發生了. 會演講的人一般心裡都會自己打一點底稿,我希望她能夠會講話,會寫. 88,那是王最最擅長的,最最知名的才能呀!我想起那些年冬天,爸爸半夜下班回來,把我從床上叫起來,一段一段幫我改文章的畫面. 當時心裡是很反感的,可是後來我寫作文,卻是經常得獎的. 請合作,問她要,好嗎?

Dear Xi and Wang want me to talk about Russia, I have never been there, I want to go. Russia is so vast, Russia does not have high-speed rail, even there were a high-speed rail to travel, it would sit inside train for a long time! According to Jackie's Russian big guy friend, they have been to the world, Moscow is very good, he likes it! Here,  Russians from Moscow, what kind of life after they have come to the United States, only they know. I want to see St. Petersburg, hermitage, the Winter Palace. I want to go to Moscow, I want to see the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, I still remember the boat in my father』s photo. The beautiful Russian girl who is paddling. I want to see Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and see the endless forest, Siberia! Like their kvass, ice cream, brown bread, and a variety of vegetables made as sauce. Want to see their boys dancing with the funny Cossacks! If President Xi can still make split, maybe President Xi can have the ability to dance that kind of dance. 88 Hey, I can watch Wang dancewith his fingers! Hahaha wants to see their church, watch their ballet, and see their oil painting art. Of course, a lot of handsome guys, beautiful women  to see..... 88, when I wasin primary school, began to recognize words, my father askedme to write a diary because he said that writing is a very important skill. I hasven't let Jackie write anything until now. I don't know how well she writes at school. But I know that most children in the United States don't write. How, because I have heard a college teacher complaining that the new coming children have basically no writing skills. You tell her so many historical figures every day, I hope she can follow the background story of the historical characters you told her. The event, write her own feelings about these historical figures. Can you cooperate with me? Because I want to know what you said to her, then I will ask her what concepts are in her mind, how to generate these concepts, what facts to use to support these concepts, and  how to come out the final conclusion. Help her to write clear structure, proposition, brief introduction, and support cases, the final conclusion. Then she knows how to write an article. Try a few more, then she will write it herself later! After thinking about her own mind, she will think about the structure, how to use words, how to be vivid and attractive, and how to end  powerfully. If she can write it herself, there will be no future things like Mrs. Trump copying other people's speeches. It happened. People who speak will generally make a little manus**t in their own heart. I hope she can speak and write. 88, that is the best and best known talent of Wang! I remember those winters, my father came back from work in the middle of the night, called me out of bed, and helped me change the article for a while. I was very disgusted at the time, but later I wrote my essay,  I often won  prize. Please cooperate. Ask her, okay?
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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