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其實跟猶太男孩談戀愛挺容易的. 你就告訴他們雖然猶太人人口不多,可是有那麼多拿諾貝爾獎的都是猶太人. 告訴他們摩西多麼了不起, 領著猶太人出埃及, 還為猶太人定下十戒律法. 告訴他們門德爾松多了不起, 是一個偉大的音樂家,他寫的春之歌圓舞曲多麼悠然. 告訴他們洛克菲勒富可敵國,摩根大通是中國學經濟的孩子最想去的實習公司. 告訴他們猶太人如何有創意建成了中國戲院,用手印做名譽紀念. 告訴他們美國的影視業娛樂業都是猶太人的天下. 等男孩請你出去吃飯,完了送你回家的時候,你再告訴他,其實中國有五千年的歷史,如果他想聽的話,下次跟他講中國有趣的故事.. 看他喜歡聽什麼你就「喂」他什麼. 自己稍微要做一點功課喲,至少要把他們的節日,還有節日怎麼來的搞清楚. 猶太人過節日時有很多好吃的東西, 猶太女孩很多都是胖胖的. 女生去談戀愛每次打扮都要不一樣哦,這樣才能給人留下深刻的印象. 覺得猶太人的文化中缺少君臨天下的政治管理藝術, 比較擅長商業, 以槓桿或者巧術最快地, 最大效益地獲取利潤. 中國文化柔韌,像一個什麼都能消化的巨胃.

In fact, it is easy to fall in love with Jewish boys. You tell them that although the Jewish population is not many, there are so many Jews who won the Nobel Prizes. Tell them how amazing Moses was, leading the Jews out of Egypt, and set the Ten Commandments for Jews. Tell them that Mendelssohn was a great musician. He wrote the song of the Spring waltz. Tell them that Rockefeller was as rich as anation. JP Morgan Chase is the most internship company for Chinese children studying economics. Tell them how the Jews have creatively built a Chinese theater and made hand-mark a reputation. Tell them that the US film and television industry is a Jewish world. Wait for the boy to go out to eat, and when  finished sending you home, tell him, in fact, China has a history of 5,000 years. If he wants to hear it, tell him Chinese interesting stories next time. See what he likes to listen to, and you "feed" him. You have to do a little bit of homework, at the very least,  know about their festivals and how festivalscame from. Jews have a lot of good foods when they have festivals. Many Jewish girls are fat. Girls go dating each time better dress up differently, so that they can make a deep impression. The Jewish culture lacks the political management art of the world. It is better at commerce, leveraging or skill to get the most profit.  Chinese culture is flexible, like a giant stomach that can  digest every thing.
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