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把中餐不同菜系提煉出中式快餐品牌加以推廣 Extracting Chinese dish styles from different Chinese cuisines and promoting them into fast food

我想是不是應該有集團出資,先把各個地區的低端餐飲分析一下,看看哪裡可以安設一個分佈點.  可以把中國快餐分成幾類,按照八大菜系,把其中有些比較易做便攜帶的可以快餐化,熊貓快餐是四川口味的,還可以陝西麵食為主的,南方米粉類為主的,江南早點為主的,你看上海街頭那麼多各種各樣早點,可以合理綜合一下,推出幾個品牌. 每個品牌有一定的套餐,到各個地方找人開加盟店. 把相應的食品做成半成品,只要稍微加工就可以吃. 而每個餐館的座椅呀用具啊等等都可以批發供應,因為一大批的加盟店. 這樣全世界每一個大小城市都會有各式中式快餐店,你還負責投資讓他們開店,負責培訓廚師, 負責研發, 負責餐具食材等,這不就是大生意嗎?這些散布在各地的中餐館也可以成為在當地投資中國人的集會地,如果在和當地旅遊業掛鉤,那就是擴大產業了.

I think it should be funded by the group, first, analyze the low-end catering in various regions to see where a distribution point can be set up. You can divide Chinese fast food into several categories, according to the eight major cuisines, some of them are easier to carry so that it can be converted to fast-food. The Panda Express is Sichuan flavor. It can also be based on Shaanxi pasta, southern rice flour, Jiangnan various breakfast.You see so many different kinds of streets food in Shanghai, you can reasonably integrate and launch several brands. Each brand has a certain set of packages, and find people to open franchise stores in various places. The corresponding foods are made into semi-finished products, as long as they are further processed slightly, you can eat.  And the tables seats of each restaurant are all by wholesale supply, for a large number of franchise stores. So every city in the world will have a variety of Chinese fast food restaurants, you are also responsible for investing opening new locations, responsible for training chefs, responsible for research and development, responsible for tableware kitchenware, etc., is this not big Business? These Chinese restaurants scattered around the world can also become a gathering place for Chinese inverters in the local area. If it is linked to the local tourism industry, it is to expand the industry.

有許多個人有些資金,但沒法找職業,讓他們加盟給他們配備廚師物資,讓他們把事業做起來,對當地人來說也是有口福. 中西亞那邊傳統的食物是kabab, 肉夾饃,種類不象中國菜那麼繁多. 剛剛看到網上說, 中國駛向伊朗的直達列車滿載小商品從義烏出發了,要換四次軌,要14天,才能到的. 有位印度人告訴我那邊有很多的阿拉伯人長住,娶義烏當地女子為妻成家. 如果你們要加強聯繫,在那邊開拓事業,比如做商業,投資地毯廠工藝品廠,或者辦工業高科技,一定要住到那邊去. 我覺得先開餐館旅館就是一個很好的選擇. 要保持中國菜的口味,用的就是清真牛羊肉,並按當地人口味進行改良, 主要還可以作為一個聯絡網,安排人吃住。要抓住人心先要抓住人胃,沒有人不喜歡中國菜的. 讓住在新疆的維族漢族去那兒開餐館,去那兒當地清真寺尋求幫助. 怎麼樣?大家一起做事情,少一點衝突.

There are a lot of people who have some money, but they can't find a job, let them join restaurants chain equipped them with chef and supplies, let them start their business, and introduce good food to the locals. The traditional food in Central and Western Asia is kebab, meat folder. The variety is not as varied as Chinese food. Just saw the direct train from China to Iran, it is full of small commodities from Yiwu. It takes 14 days and changes tracks four times. An Indian told me there are a lot of Arabs living for a long time and marry local women in Yiwu. If you want to strengthen your contacts and develop business there, such as dining business, investing in carpet factory handicraft factory, or running industrial high-tech, you must go live there. I think it is a good choice to open  restaurants hotels first. To maintain the taste of Chinese food, it is to use halal beef and mutton, and to improve according to the taste of local people. It can also be used as a network to arrange for people』s food and shelter. To catch the human heart, we must first grasp the human stomach. No one does not like Chinese food. Let the Uighur Han people living in Xinjiang go over there open restaurants and ask help from local mosques. How about that? If everyone is doing things together, less conflict.
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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