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Toronto Doc kill his wife









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robtruemans 發表於 2019-5-17 07:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
WATCH ABOVE: As Catherine McDonald reports, the crown and defence are jointly asking that her husband Dr. Mohammed Shamji be sentenced to life with no chance of parole for 14 years.

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TORONTO – Relatives of a Toronto woman murdered by her husband expressed heartbreak and rage Wednesday, telling a court her death had shattered their family.

Their emotional statements came at the sentencing hearing for Mohammed Shamji, a 43-year-old neurosurgeon who pleaded guilty last month in the death of 40-year-old Elana Fric Shamji, a well-respected family physician.

「He has destroyed all of our lives,」 Fric Shamji』s mother, Ana Fric, told the court. 「Elana was the child that every parent could hope for.」

READ MORE: Toronto neurosurgeon pleads guilty to 2nd-degree murder of physician wife

Court heard Fric Shamji had served her husband with divorce papers two days before he attacked her, broke her neck and ribs, and choked her to death as their three children slept nearby.

Shamji stuffed his wife』s body in a suitcase and dumped it in the Humber River, court heard. He then went to work as usual, performing surgeries while his wife was reported missing. Fric Shamji』s body was found a day after she was last seen on Nov. 30, 2016, and police arrested Shamji 24 hours later.

Fric said she and her husband are now raising the couple』s three children.

「Instead of playing with their mother, they have to lay flowers on her grave,」 a teary Fric told the court. 「I thank God everyday for the children. They are the only things that keep me alive.」
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