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魔之右手 發表於 2016-4-19 17:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have visited a charity working with street children in India on the third day of their South Asia tour.


  Prince William and Catherine saw how the Salaam Baalak Trust provides support for working children in Delhi.

  威廉王子和凱特王妃觀看了Salaam Baalak託管組織如何為在德里工作的小孩們提供幫助。

  Later, during a meeting with India』s PM Narendra Modi, the duke discussed pressures on the steel industry, Prince William』s spokesman said.


  The royals are on a seven-day tour of India and neighbouring Bhutan.


  Year of culture


  India』s Tata Steel has begun the formal process of selling its loss-making UK business and UK MPs are to hold an emergency three-hour debate on the crisis.


  The duke and duchess met Mr Modi at New Delhi』s Hyderabad House, a former royal residence of maharajas that has hosted heads of state from across the globe.


  Other issues that were discussed during the meeting included the strength of the UK-India relationship in areas including defence and security, opportunities for young people, conservation and the UK/India Year of Culture in 2017, the Press Association news agency reported quoting sources.


  During their visit to the charity in Delhi, the duke asked: "What can we do to help?"


  The charity』s director, Sanjoy Roy, replied: "Spread the word. People think of them as street kids, beggars, thieves but they are just children.

  慈善機構的主管Sanjoy Roy回答說:「幫忙宣傳一下。人們覺得他們是流浪兒童、乞丐、小偷,其實,他們只不過是孩子。」

  "They deserve an education, future and a life. They have a right to a childhood."


  They also visited a boys』 home near Delhi station, where about 50 boys live in the four-storey building.

  The duchess sat next to Shansad Abdul, 12, who asked her to draw a picture of her house.
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