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諧和。 發表於 2011-3-18 02:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


Tokyo Passengers Trigger U.S. Airport Detectors, N.Y. Post Says
By Alan Purkiss - Mar 16, 2011 11:08 PM MT

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Radiation detectors at Dallas-Fort Worth and Chicago O』Hare airports were triggered when passengers from flights that started in Tokyo passed through customs, the New York Post reported.

Tests at Dallas-Fort Worth indicated low radiation levels in travelers』 luggage and in the aircraft』s cabin filtration system; no passengers were quarantined, the newspaper said.

Details of the incident at O』Hare weren』t immediately clear, the Post said.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Alan Purkiss at apurkiss@bloomberg.net

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Japanese Passengers Set Off Radiation Meters At Chicago and Dallas Airports
               There is no reason to panic about it. It was not radiation coming in from the jet stream or wind currents. Passengers flying for Tokyo and other cities in Japan have set off radiation meters at the airports. It come to say the Japanese government is not telling the truth about the severity of how bad the radioactive fallout is on the island. It has been reported the radiation detectors were set off at Chicago O'hare and Dallas Ft Worth airports found on the clothes of the passengers and in their luggage when the people passed through customs. To say low levels radiation was detected .I do not trust a word said because our government lies to us daily.
                I am concerned about the pilots and flight attendants who have been exposed to radiation since much of these particles were on people clothes that set the detectors off. I am surprised there is no reports coming out of Hawaii at their airports since it is the nearest point of entry of the United States from the island of Japan.There is a sizable Japanese population on the islands of Hawaii.They probably took in many family members who were affected by the recent major earthquake. It would not come to me as a surprise if this news was suppressed from the people of Hawaii  that passengers coming from Japan have set off the radiation detectors.
                Lets wait and see. I am glad people are buying radio active detectors now and taking their own data.It is because we can not trust our government to give a straight answer anymore . I am glad people are taking it upon themselves to bring the truth to use and counter the government lies. If the government say we are all ok and do not worry just like they said about the BP oil spill. This will blow up in their faces too as another big lie to prove they can not be trusted anymore with good reason this time.
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