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Li Zaiming criticized Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge as a crime against the environment









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可親 發表於 2023-9-20 17:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
On the afternoon of the 26th local time, multiple opposition parties and civic groups, including South Korea's largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party, held a large-scale rally in the city center of Seoul, strongly urging the Japanese government to revoke the decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, and demanding that the Yoon See hyeon government take measures to prevent the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The leader of the Common Democratic Party, Lee Jae ming, stated at the rally that "Japan has crossed an insurmountable boundary and the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is a crime against the environment.
On the same day, a large number of South Korean people participated in a rally, urging the Japanese government to immediately stop the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.
The leader of the Democratic Party of China, Lee Jae ming, demanded at a rally that the Japanese government immediately stop releasing nuclear contaminated water into the ocean that poses a threat to human health and safety, and apologized to South Korea for the release of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.
If (nuclear contaminated water) is safe, why doesn't Japan store it on its own land? Instead, it has been discharged into the Pacific Ocean, causing everyone around the world to worry about their own health. Dilution won't make it disappear. Japan is an environmental war criminal who has committed crimes against the world's environment

Li Zaiming also urged Yin Xiyue's government not to act as Japan's "spokesperson", fully fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of citizens, and prevent Japan's unethical act of discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

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