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法國參與一帶一路意義深遠  France's participation in the Belt and Road is far-reaching

法國的新一代商界領袖意識到了數字顛覆、可持續性以及更具企業家精神的管理風格這幾大主題。但每位新掌門也面對著帶領各自的跨國集團邁入新世界的挑戰. 「這是一個大機遇, 」 安盛的布貝勒表示,「高層的一個變動並不會帶來整體變化。更新需要在各處發生。對於我們來說,只理解需要什麼並不夠,如今我們必須採取行動。」 巴黎的生活比法蘭克福豐富多彩得多,相比於法蘭克福平淡無味的生活,巴黎優美的環境,發達的鬧市,朋友和家人的陪伴,對他們來說更有吸引力。如果未來法國嚴苛的稅收制度能夠有所改觀,加之英國脫歐的外部效應,相信會有越來越多的法國精英重新考慮去法國工作. 此外, 馬克龍有意增加歐盟在全球的影響力,這對於此前市場廣泛擔憂的疑歐態勢是個巨大的打擊。如今德法在政治上的訴求更為貼近,由於歐元區是個貨幣同盟,而非財政同盟這一根本性矛盾,德法兩大核心國領導人也已經進行溝通,希望未來可以成立歐元區核心機構,設立歐元區預算和歐元區一位超級財政部長。可以說,在減少了歐盟傳統異見者英國的束縛之後,法國有望在歐盟內部發揮更大的影響力. 總之,儘管當前法國經濟不如德國穩健,也沒有向西班牙高速增長那樣令人驚喜,失業率也處於高位,但筆者此行法國,仍舊可以看到一些新氣象。馬克龍的稅收、勞動力市場改革都是直指要害,如真能否付諸實施,定會給法國經濟前景帶來很大的改變。當然,正如在所有改革地區都要面臨挑戰那樣,法國改革也會觸及各方面利益集團的乳酪,特別是對勞動力的改革或許激發罷工潮的上演,未來如何排除阻礙,將改革切實落地,仍然需要觀察。

A new generation of business leaders in France are aware of the major themes of digital subversion, sustainability and a more entrepreneurial management style. But each new head is also facing the challenge of leading their respective multinational groups into the new world. "This is a big opportunity," said Amber's Bubelle. "A change in the top management will not bring about an overall change. Updates need to happen everywhere. For us, it』s not enough to understand what is needed. Now we have to take action.」 Life in Paris is much more colorful than in Frankfurt, compared to the bland life of Frankfurt, the beautiful environment of Paris, the developed downtown, the companionship of friends and family, is more attractive to them. If the harsh tax system in France can be improved in the future, and the external effect of Brexit, it is believed that more and more French elites will reconsider their work in France. In addition, Macron intends to increase the influence of the EU in the world. This is a huge blow to the suspected European situation that has been widely worried in the market. Now that Germany and France are more closely related to politics, because the euro zone is a currency alliance, not a fundamental contradiction of the fiscal alliance, the leaders of the two core countries of Germany and France have also communicated, hoping to establish the core institutions of the euro zone in the future, set up the euro zone budget and a super finance minister in the euro zone. It can be said that France has been expected to exert greater influence within the EU after reducing the shackles of the EU's traditional dissidents. In short, although the current French economy is not as robust as Germany, it is not as pleasant as the rapid growth of Spain. Unemployment The rate is also at a high level, but the author can still see some new weather in France. Macron』s taxation and labor market reforms are all directed at the key points. If it can be implemented, it will definitely bring great changes to the French economic outlook. Of course, just as in all reform regions, the French reform will also touch on the cheese of all interest groups. In particular, the reform of the labor force may trigger the strike of the strike, how to remove the obstacles in the future, and the implementation of the reform, still need Observed
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