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Apr 16, 2016 at 1:14 PM

才藝教育對孩子的重要性  The importance of talent education to children

Jackie又用很權威的口氣對我說,"Mom, 他們要你的recommendation,". "What kind?"  "ISIS!" 可愛可敬的習主席和王主任,這一次是第10次了!今天是周末,你不覺得 ISIS 也要休息休息吧? 比如說找個約會,來點浪漫什麼的?嗯?Jackie告訴我,你們最喜歡的歌星是小霉霉,可是你們自己一唱歌就走調. 小孩子講話很不留情面呢. 我還以為你們是唱歌能手呢,因為彭媽媽唱歌那麼好,中國人有句話說物以類聚, 可是終於弄明白,原來習主席是靠 「跳舞」好來吸引彭媽媽的呀!I want to move it, move it....... 請看一下下面這個連接,
Jackie said to me in a very authoritative tone, "Mom, they want your recommendation," "What kind?" "ISIS!" Cute and respectable chairman Xi and director Wang, this time is the 10th times! Today is the weekend, don't you think that ISIS should take a break? For example, find a date, something romantic? Ok? Jackie tells me that your favorite singer is TylorSwift, but when you sing you go out of tune. Children talk very directly. I thought you were a singer, because Peng mama sang so well, for Chinese there is a saying that birds flip insame feather, hehe, but I finally figured out that the original chairman Xi relied on "dancing" to attract Peng mama! 「I want to move it, move it....... 」 Please take a look at the following link.


這裡面有愛因斯坦拉小提琴的錄音,舒曼是學法律的,柏遼茲學醫,鮑羅丁是軍醫化學家,穆索爾斯基,里墨斯基哥薩可夫是軍官,英國前首相希斯指揮交響樂,美前國務卿賴斯女士和馬友友舉行室內樂,波蘭總理泊得列夫斯基是鋼琴家! 第一, 我想說,很多事情,不是憑人想象. 很多人專業出來,也不只是局限在專業!領袖人物的魅力,很多時候來自專業以外的特長, 才藝, 還有人格魅力, 性格, 優點!

There is a recording of the Einstein playing violin, Schumann was a law student, Berlioz was a doctor, Borodin was a military chemist, Mussorgsky, Rimowski Gosakov were officer, UK Former Prime Minister Hess directed the symphony, and the former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and  Youyou Ma held chamber music, and Polish Prime Minister Podlevski was a pianist! First, I want to say that many things can not just be imagined by people. Many people are professional, not limited to professional career! The charm of the leader, often comes from specialties outside the profession, talent, personality charm, character, advantages!

習主席有魅力,主席的魅力來自主席踢足球的健康體魄,主席的魅力在於主席在跟任何人講話時臉上面帶著微笑,主席的魅力在於對人的深刻了解和同情,世故而善良!記得那一次Jeff 去北京看主席,他可能受了Jackie的委屈,想把這個委屈也甩給主席,結果主席非但沒有生氣,反而心平氣和地問Jeff, 是誰教他上海話「岡都啥毛」的,這就是功力!「岡都啥毛」就是笨蛋和蠢貨的意思. 這就是幾十年做書記的功力!你知道嗎, 我聽Jackie講給我聽的時候,心裡嚇得忐忑不安. 因為小孩子亂說話得罪人,在她是個遊戲,可是得罪了大人物,她可要吃不了兜著走. Jackie沒給你們惹麻煩吧? 沒有人生閱歷的,像Jackie這樣的小孩子, 如果別人說她一句壞話,她是想也不想,也不弄清楚為什麼,馬上就頂回人家的!這樣不就容易引起矛盾嗎?而且是稀里糊塗很荒唐的矛盾!習主席不是這樣的,和顏悅色問Jeff, 是誰教他的,這四兩撥千斤,功力非凡!

President Xi is attractive. The charisma of the chairman comes from the healthy body when president playing football. The charisma of the chairman is that the chairman has a smile on his face when he speaks to anyone. The charm of the chairman lies in his deep understanding and sympathy for the people, and the words are good and kind! I remember that Jeff went to Beijing to see  chairman Xi. Jeff may have been wronged by Jackie. He wanted to give this grievance to chairman Xi. As a result, chairman Xi was not angry. Instead, he asked Jeff calmly, who taught him Shanghai dialect "Gangdu Shamao" This is the skill! "Gangdu Shamao" means idiots and stupid. This is the skill of being a secretary for decades! You know, when I listened to Jackie  told me that, I was so upset. Because the child spoke sinfully, she played asa game, but she offended the big man, she couldn』t take itlater on. Jackie didn』t give you trouble, did she ? If there is no life experience, a child like Jackie, if someone says bad wordtoo her, she does not want to, and does not know why, immediately back to others! Isn't this easy to cause contradictions? And it is a ridiculous contradiction! President Xi is not like this. He asked Jeff  who taught him, this turnedbig stone off the road, and what an extraordinary skill!
說一句大實話,想一想,天底之下,有誰膽敢去「花」Jeff 和他太太?第一次Steven去看她,她居然當面告訴Steven, 不認識他是誰!全球著名大導演,ET, Jurassic Park,  Indiana Jones,一大堆超級電影的大導演, Jackie卻說不認識他!Steven 是個超級孩子王!孩子多就是有好處!跟她三兩下就搞熟, 搞定了!她每天就盼望著Steven 來!再想想,這個世界上,有誰敢明目張胆地說你們唱歌走調?而且在你們一轉身,她就跑到我面前來, 學你們跳舞,邊跳邊笑的!只有小孩子,百無禁忌的小孩子. 她每次到我這兒來說你們,我就笑得合不攏嘴,就想跟你們說,阿喲,兩個大調皮喲,在跳芭蕾舞的小朋友面前show off , 不是存心給她添笑料嗎?應該秀她魔術,或Cheetos Cheetos 她,要嚇到她才好!

Tell the truth, think about it, under the sun, who dares to "tease" Jeff and his wife? The first time Steven went to see her, she actually told Steven in person, not knowing who he is! The world's leading director, ET, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, the director of a lot of super movies, Jackie said she didn't know him! Steven is a super child king! More children gives advantage! Get familiar with her three or two times, hegets her heart! She is looking forward to Steven every day! Think again, in this world, who dares to blatantly say that you are singing off tune? And as soon as you turned around, she ran to me, imitated your dance, laughed and laughed! Only children, there are no taboo children. Every time she comes to me to say about you, I just laughed could not close my mouth. I said, I want to tell you, ah, two big boys, show Off dancing in front of  child dancing ballet , isn't it a joke to her? Should show her magic, or Cheetos Cheetos her, to scare her!

你們的魅力,在於有德國人的嚴謹,法國人的藝術細膩,中國文化的深邃智慧!好像這一代的中國人,在才藝方面普遍不如西方人,青少年成長那個時候,中國還沒有打開大門,在這方面接觸的不夠多. 但是這一點也不影響中國人對西方文化藝術的了解,你看你們對西方的文學,藝術家們,瞭若指掌,而且涉獵廣泛!從王主任的室內裝潢傢具擺設,看得出你們是一個很崇尚中華文化的人,純粹的中華文化!你們一定有讀過那些古書,史記,演義,這裡邊有多少人生故事, 講多少天地智慧呀!懇請你有空能多給Jackie說說吧!你們的魅力不止於才華橫溢博覽群書,還在於求賢若渴,廣交善友!世界之大,人才濟濟!你們有一種人格的吸引力,有一種自然天成的蘭芯蕙質,溫和儒雅的氣質,使天下英才心嚮往之,真羨慕你!中國有位天下英才,提供廣闊的施展才華的天地,才華者,創造力也!讓有才華者濟濟一堂,腦力激蕩綻放璀璨的火花,你們是幕後推手,更是前台引領者!

The charm of you lies in the rigor of the Germans, the delicate art of the French, and the profound wisdom of Chinese culture! It seems that this generation of Chinese people is generally inferior to Westerners in terms of artistic talents. At the time of the growth of young people, China had not yet opened the door, and there was not enough contact in this regard. But this does not affect the Chinese understanding of Western culture and art. Seeing your knowledge of Western literature, artists, and  a wide range knowledge! From the interior decoration furniture of Director Wang, I can see that you are  a person who admires Chinese culture, pure Chinese culture! You must have read those ancient books, historical records, romance, how many life stories are there, and how many wisdom are there! I ask you if have more time please talk to Jackie! Your charm is not limited to talented readers, but also lies in seeking talents and making good friends! The world is big, talent is great! You have a kind of attractivepersonality. You are  natural and  temperament, gentle and refined temperament, which makes the world's heroes longing for it. I really envy you! China has a world of talent, providing a vast world for talents. Talents are creativities! Let the talented people come together, the brainstorming and sparkling, you are behind the scenes, and is the front-end leader!

第二,這也說明, 藝術的教育對人的成材必不可少,對將來的領導人, 可能這方面的要求要高一些!學音樂可以提高人的理性邏輯思維,一般學音樂的人數學好,學畫的人對視覺藝術,美有深刻地體會. 人生最重要的是孩童期,千萬不要讓孩子隨心所願, 要引導孩子欣賞學習音樂, 藝術. 王主任是不是啊?現在外面到處都有免費古典音樂的下載,你有沒有把它們錄下來?還有那些芭蕾舞劇的音樂,也是非常優美的抒情的. 古典樂的音色比較純,相比之下流行音樂比較吵雜,對孩子的耳朵腦子不好. 如果你堅持讓孩子從小就聽古典樂,只要一年多小孩子就會很聰明,以後學什麼都容易!試試吧.  Jackie還說,從現在開始,請你們每個周末對話要用英文!這是新規定,請務必遵守.

Second, it also shows that the education of art is indispensable for the success of people, and that the requirements for future leaders may be higher! Learning music can improve people's rational logic thinking. People who learn music generally have good mathematics. People who study painting have a profound understanding of visual art and beauty. The most important thing in life is childhood. Don』t let your child do what he wants. Guide children to enjoy learning music, art. Is it Director Wang? Now there are free classical music downloads everywhere, have you recorded them? There are also those ballet music, with also very beautiful lyrics. The sound of classical music is relatively pure, compared to noisy pop music, is not good for the child's earnor brains. If you insist on letting children listen to classical music from an early age, as long as for more than a year thechild is very smart, it is easy to learn anything later! Try it. Jackie also said that from now on, please talk in English every weekend! This is a new rule, please be sure to follow.
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