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魔之右手 發表於 2016-10-16 13:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
「藍瘦香菇」 "blue skinny mushroom" became an internet phenomenon in China almost overnight. It is however not about mushroom. The 「藍瘦香菇" (meaning blue skinny mushroom) is pronounced very similar to "feel bad, want to cry" 難受,想哭 in a local dialect from Nanning, a city in southern China.

This all originate to a local young man who uploaded a video clip online to express his sad feelings on a bad date he had earlier that day. He repeatedly murmured how bad he feels at the moment and wants to cry. And he continued to ask why it.

       But to the opposite, you just can't stop laughing after watching it because it does sound like he's kept saying "blue skinny mushroom".

It is even printed on the NZ's 50 dollar note.
  Blue mushroom stamp issue one of a series of six NZ fungi 2002.

       Further more, the young man from the original video opened his official weibo account with Sina Weibo microblog site after his upset face was widely spreaded on internet. He looks quite happy now with over 280K followers and had started his own first livestream yesterday.

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