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魔之右手 發表於 2016-2-21 19:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
A letter from a man to his mother flown out of Paris by hot air balloon during the Prussian siege in 1870 has turned up in Australia』s National Archives, which said Tuesday it was keen to discover the family』s fate。


  The Franco-Prussian War saw the Germans completely surround Paris for more than four months that year。


  Balloon mail was the only way communications from Paris could reach the rest of France, with dozens of flights made and hundreds of thousands of letters delivered。


  One has been discovered by the National Archives。 It was penned in French on December 6, 1870 by a man named Charles Mesnier (or Mesmier) to his mother, care of Monsieur Grussin (or Grossin) at 8 Place de la Ville, Pont-Audemer, in Normandy。

  其中的一封出現在澳大利亞國家檔案館。該書信寫於1870年12月6日的法國,是一個叫Charles Mesnier (或Mesmier)的人所寄出,由Grussin (或 Grossin)先生轉交給他住在諾曼底蓬托德梅爾的母親。

  「It』s an intriguing human element to an important piece of history,」 National Archives assistant director-general Louise Doyle told AFP。


  「We』re not sure how it ended up in Australia, but it would be fascinating to know more。 If people see this it would be interesting to have more context in relation to this record。」


  The letter was transferred to the archive』s Brisbane office from the former Queensland Post and Telegraph Museum in 2001, but there is no information about its origin。 It came to light recently as part of a joint project between the National Archives of Australia and the Archives Nationales in France。 In the letter, which is full of fervor, the man assures his mother he is in good health。


  「We don』t have meat every day and when we do get some it is not very much, but we can easily get by as things are and no one in our household is complaining,」 he wrote。

  Mesnier added, 「The desire to repulse the Prussians is right now the solitary concern of Paris。 Any suffering can be borne rather than opening the gates of the capital to them。」


  The single-sheet letter is just 207 by 133 millimeters, folded into an envelope。

  這張大小為207mm x 133 mm的單張信紙被摺疊放在一個信封里。

  Doyle said it was sent on December 7 and arrived in Pont-Audemer on the 16th。

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