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Brief Introduce on Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out









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海闊天空521 發表於 2014-12-29 15:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Cults Inside Out, wrote by American famous experts on cults Ricky Alan Ross, focus on exposing cults. The book is arrival at the online bookstore Amazon. It collects numerous case analyses on the learner and victim of cults.
Rick Alan Ross, who was born in America on 1952, is one of the leading experts on cults in the world today. Also, he is famous with helping people get rid of cult control. He founded Rick A. Ross Institute in 2003 and renamed into Cult Education Institute. Its database collects a large number of controversial court records, thesis and news reportage of individual and groups. He has consulted with the FBI, the BATF, and various other law enforcement agencies, as well as the governments of Israel and China, on the topic of cults.
He has been qualified and accepted as an expert court witness in eleven different states, including the US federal court. He has also worked as a professional analyst for CBS News, CBC of Canada, and Nippon and Asahi in Japan.Ross has appeared in thirteen documentaries and numerous network television interviews and has been interviewed and quoted in media all over the world.
You』ve seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think—and they』re armed with strategies that can brainwash and persuade even the most unlikely of candidates. But how do individuals get involved with cults in the first place, and what steps can be taken to 「deprogram」 and heal those who have been drawn into these damaging groups?
These questions and more are addressed in Cults Inside Out, written by leading cult expert Rick Alan Ross. Over the course of three decades, Ross has participated in around 500 cult interventions, provided expert court testimony, and performed cult-related work all around the world.
With the help of current and former cult members, Ross demonstrates many of the tactics the groups use for control and manipulation—and, more importantly, some of the most effective methods he and other experts have used to reverse that programming.
As a result, readers will find themselves armed with a greater understanding of the nature of destructive cults and an improved ability to assess and deal with similar situations—either in their own lives or the lives of friends and family members.
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