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推薦 一個讓孩子感覺良好的具體辦法。









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xmxxm 發表於 2012-11-7 06:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

來源: zephyr2012

昨天再次被daughter 教育:

you can not write the negative stories on the website about the people you know or I know, what if they see  it.(I guarantee that they will not come to our website).

you can only write positive stories about others. if you want to write the sad stories, it has to be in your name and pretend it happened to you.

I said to her : I do not want those things happen to me , or to anybody, I will not write this story again.

現在,偶 推薦一個正面的事例,希望對大家有啟發:

My daughter has a good Indian friend, named 安雅(音 似,) she is not a conventional Indian, her mom grew up at London, they do not speak Indians or go to Indian's temple. both Mom and daughter are pretty . Her mom teaches  part -time at local collage.

安雅was an extremely shy girl when she was little. Her mom told me that she would cry and hide behind her  even   she saw the people she know. Now days she is not shy girl at all, and she is the top student in school, participates a lot of school events. In our Chinese standard, she is little loud. but in my opinion , I would rather the Asian girl being a little loud than being quiet and shy.

What did her family do to change her?

Her mom 設立一個「安雅日」once a year。written on the calender.

Just like our American holidays , such as Columbus's day, president days. Their family has "Anyia's day".

At this day, she can do her things without being bothered, no need doing chores, select a movie to go , inviting friends for sleepover, stay as long as they want.

This story is very inspiring to me.

Our Chinese parents always want to 教育孩 子,沒完沒了地教育。

Can we  give up our little pride for just one day, let our kids 當一天的主人?

Our kids need sense of well-being, you can give to them.
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