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洋八路 發表於 2012-1-14 20:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

上海朱家角 :兩個法國人開了一家餐館,聽說就在當地河水旁邊抓蝸牛冒充著名的法國蝸牛給遊客吃。價格昂貴,不過還是有很多富有的中國人蜂擁嘗試這個據說是法國著名的浪漫的蝸牛名菜。後來被一個吃過法國蝸牛的中國客人發現顏色和味道都不地道,因此產生嚴重糾紛,還打起了官司。法庭審理案件時,派出一批生物學家作科學測試蝸牛的真偽。不過,在收集證據的時候發現在餐館里竟然還有一桶的活蝸牛,同河岸邊採樣的蝸牛一模一樣。法國人因此敗訴,具體懲罰措施不詳。讓幾乎所有聽到這個故事的中國人感到極度迷惑的是,為什麼法國人沒有及時處理那桶蝸牛,而把證據活活留給那些生物專家。。 -- Two French guys had a small restaurant in 朱家角, the popular Venice-styled ancient town located at the outskirt of Shanghai. A rumour was well circulated among the local residents and tourists that the French owner captured the snails from the watery banks at the front of their shop and prepared and marketed them for the renowned French-snail dish. The price of dish was very high, intolerably to most Chinese, but it had still lured large swarms of wealthy Chinese from all over the country, who couldn』t wait to have a taste of the luxurious and romantic French snails. However, one of the guests, who claimed to have been to France and tasted the genuine French snails over there, complained the colour and the taste were far less exquisite than what he had expected. He dared to challenge the French owner that the snails were not imported from France as such boasted, and heated up a dispute seriously enough getting the local authority involved. A court case was heard; a team of snail-specialised biologist were called upon to produce the evidence for a scientific justice. But surprisingly and amazingly, they found a full bucket of live snails still inside restaurant, which were exactly the same as the sampling ones they collected along the walls of the river banks at a rainy day. Therefore, unlike many of the court cases in China which often take years or even generations before its ending, the snail case was closed rather speedily, proving the obvious wrong of the French. It was, of course, an absolute mystery, to most Chinese who have heard this story, as why the French had not destroyed the evidence during the hearing process. It was such a strange and unreasonable human behaviour, utterly beyond their common understanding, that it was believed more than three generations of Chinese are required to get a glimpse of the way by which the two French had conducted their mental process in their handling of the lawsuit.

聲明:純屬虛構, -- a fictional case..
A Shadow in Surfers Paradise
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