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回復 舉報 [ 83樓 遊客 (24.194.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 19:03
寄希望於川普反中共、解決香港問題?錯了。他背後是華爾街(猶太銀行家)。庫什納、伊萬卡都是正統猶太教徒。羅斯柴爾德(1790):「給我一國貨幣的發行和控制權,我不在乎誰制訂法律」。扶植鄧小平以來的中共政權是猶太銀行家一貫的策略—為了人民幣的發行權。川普想要連任,必然翻手為雲,覆手為雨。「貿易戰」 籠絡美國民意。另一面,與習匪政權達成協議。他知道:2016年中國債務是30萬億美元(BIS)。現在中國每年應付利息近3萬億美元。2018年中美貿易順差是3233.3億美元。即使能維持,順差僅僅是利息的十分之一!
回復 舉報 [ 82樓 遊客 (24.194.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 18:13
「不是說彈劾是錯誤之舉。按理說,這是唯一該做的,至少從對憲法的忠誠、以及基本的行為準則角度而言。從特朗普踏入總統辦公室那一刻起,他就一直在侮辱這個重要職務——用一位總統無權用的語言(或無權用的推文);用無休止的謊言;用幼稚且常常精神錯亂的行為;用嚴重的利益衝突;用管理上的無能;用永遠無法滿足的貪婪自負;以及用有損美國價值觀、獨立性和利益的國外交易。堅持原則的立法者們怎能不用他們可使用的最強有力的方式告訴他,該適可而止了?」(紐約時報2019-9-28) 說得好—無須增減一字,佩服!
回復 舉報 [ 81樓 遊客 (70.77.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 12:29
回復 舉報 [ 80樓 遊客 (96.49.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 10:15
回復 舉報 [ 79樓 遊客 (68.100.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 10:06
In December 2013, the same month the fund was officially established, Hunter joined his father and one of his daughters on a trip to China. There, Hunter met up with Jonathan Li, the fund's China-based partner. The New Yorker reported that Li met Hunter at his hotel and shook hands with the vice president. Days after the start of the trip, Hunter had officially joined BHR's board, the Washington Post reports, raising questions about whether he had used his father's access for his own personal benefit. However, according to the New Yorker, Hunter maintains that visit with Li was social, not business-related.
回復 舉報 [ 78樓 遊客 (68.100.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 10:05
The characterization of Mr. Biden as owning a $1.5 billion private equity firm funded by the Chinese, or suggesting that Mr. Biden has earned millions of dollars from the firm is a gross misrepresentation of Mr. Biden's role with BHR."
回復 舉報 [ 77樓 遊客 (68.100.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 10:04
In July 2019, more than two years after his father left office, Hunter purchased an equity stake in the BHR fund, valued around $430,000 according to the Washington Post. After Trump's meeting with Zelensky at the United Nations, one of Hunter's lawyers told the Washington Post that, "To date, Mr. Biden has not received any return or compensation on account of this investment or his position on the board of directors."
回復 舉報 [ 76樓 遊客 (68.100.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 10:02
就像「關稅都是由中國付的」一樣,川普口中有幾句實言? According to the New York Times, Biden's son Hunter has a 10% interest in BHR Partners, a private-equity fund that the Chinese government-owned Bank of China has invested in. As of May 2019, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that Hunter had not received any money from the fund or in connection with his role as an unpaid advisory board member.
回復 舉報 [ 75樓 遊客 (72.18.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 09:52
回復 舉報 [ 74樓 遊客 (72.18.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 09:49
拜登與兒子坐了空軍二號一起飛去北京弄錢。律師說他兒子沒投錢,但他最近卻分了43萬,這不正是所謂的空手套白狼嗎?真不要臉。 當然天下烏鴉一般黑,共和黨也並不幹凈的。
回復 舉報 [ 73樓 遊客 (69.116.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 09:26
民主黨蠢貨們通過彈劾川普這件事把本黨最有實力的2020選手拜登徹底搞死! 不論烏克蘭調不調查,有沒有結果,全美國人民都知道拜登父子的腐敗行為了!這比希拉里的郵件們的破壞力大多了!這回真是拜登=白等了! 彈劾沒有任何讓人信服的理由! 必定是800%地沒戲!這一點民主黨人自己也心知肚明! 川普這幾天一定在偷著樂!想不到對手如此愚蠢!
回復 舉報 [ 72樓 遊客 (68.49.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 08:36
回復 舉報 [ 71樓 遊客 (71.231.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 08:34
回復 舉報 [ 70樓 遊客 (32.208.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 07:36
回復 舉報 [ 69樓 遊客 (216.165.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 07:04
回復 舉報 [ 68樓 遊客 (101.173.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 06:53
回復 舉報 [ 67樓 yongbing1993 ] 發表於 2019-9-28 06:42
回復 舉報 [ 66樓 遊客 (173.66.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 06:16
回復 舉報 [ 65樓 象是一人 ] 發表於 2019-9-28 06:05
回復 舉報 [ 64樓 遊客 (216.165.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-9-28 06:04

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