
2013 阿根廷 8。 布宜諾斯艾利斯 巴勒莫區

作者:BANGZI  於 2015-9-24 23:52 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





  今天還有大半天怎麼打發呢?到網上諮詢了一下,本地的網友說巴勒莫區可以去看看。還有個遠一點的區可以坐船去,俺們嫌太麻煩就放棄了。打了個「radio taxi」來到了巴勒莫區,時間太早,餐廳酒吧神馬的都正在準備開門兒,周圍還沒什麼人氣。









 玩兒了一會兒就去找地方吃飯。從網上找了附近的一家餐廳,網評還不錯。俺們吃了海鮮飯,火腿,和阿根廷「烤包子」- empanadas,加上一小瓶葡萄酒共消費375比索。身上沒比索了給了他們50美元現金。烤肉看著很不錯可是不敢吃了 - 太費牙!















  1。佩里托莫雷諾冰川 - 震撼,美景

  2。布一諾斯 博卡區 - 探戈,音樂,餐廳,酒吧,愉悅的氣氛
       3。烏斯懷亞海峽遊船和火地島公園 - 風光旖旎,靠近南極

  4。布一諾斯墓地 - 獨一無二,很特別,不一樣的風景


day nine

today is our last day in argentina. we were to fly home at 8pm from eze to newark, then sfo, then boise. it will be a super long day for us.

i sent an email request to eze taxi last night for a 3:30pm reservation, got a confirmation first thing this morning. the rate is for 180p all inclusive. much better than 250p offer by my hotel.

we checked out at 11am, left two bags with hotel, took a radio taxi to palermo soho. i have to say that all the taxi drivers we used in buenos aires were very nice and friendly. all gave back changes. we always gave 5p for tips and the drivers seemed to be happy. 50 pesos later we were in palermo soho. it appeared that we were here too early because many shops and bars were in the middle of getting the day started. we wondered around and took some photos.

my baby daughter had a great time stompping in water puddles left from last night's raining. she's got a pair of waterproof booths, too! later, she played at the playground doing the slides and swings and making friends with other babies. it was a very leisurely sunday at noon time for the locals. my take is that most of people we saw around seemed to be local.

by 12:30 we started to look for a place to have lunch. we took a leaflet from a guy advertising for his restaruant when we finally figured that we didn't like to have lunch at the bars or restaurants around the playground because most of them seemingly were still at breakfast mood. looking up the name, , on my cell phone, it's got some decent reviews. we decided to give it a try. the waiters didn't speak much english, however, we got use to it already. had some seafood and empanadas and a small bottle of white wine. it was all good for 375pesos. we paid with 50usd cash.

because we still had some extra pesos we went to the bar area to have some beer and people watching. pretty soon it was time to head back to the hotel. took another radio taxi back to the hotel and our eze taxi was already waiting for us by the curb. the car was clean and the driver was nice. we paid him 200 pesos and he was trying to give us 20p back. of course, he gets to keep it. we had 12 pesos left by the time we were in the boarding gate. i have to say we did a great job managing our cash in pesos.

final thoughts:

other than the disappointingly unsuccessful attempt to visit iguazu falls and being tagged for a robbery subject our trip to argentina has turned out to be pleasant. i am a bit disappointed about buenos aires because of all construction sites. the safety issue is bothersome. however, it does seem to be safe if you don't look like you have something expensive on you.

the highlights of our vacation:

#1 - perito moreno glacier park - stunning, beautiful, you pretty much don't get to see this else where!

#2 - la boca caminito - music, tango, drinks, foods, and people watching. the vibe will keep you happy and up-spirited for a few days.

#3 - the beagle channel cruise and the tierra del fuego national park - pretty sights combined with the sensation of being the southern most city.

#4 - recoleta ceremetries - unique for the layout and styles, shall we say the encyclopedia of fancy tombs?










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回復 秋收冬藏 2015-9-25 09:35
回復 BANGZI 2015-9-25 22:57
秋收冬藏: 還是覺得你此行拍的自然風光最好看,城市景色么,跟美國也差不太多。
回復 shen fuen 2015-9-26 08:12
回復 BANGZI 2015-9-26 10:48
shen fuen: 阿根廷.....烏斯懷亞海峽遊船和火地島公園   

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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