

作者:wjbf  於 2017-8-20 02:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


特朗普在Charlottesville暴力事件后一度譴責多方責任("Many sides")。在後續的新聞發布會上繼續指責左右兩方對暴力事件都有責任,並稱極右遊行人群中也有很多好人("many fine people")。特朗普的言論招致巨大反彈,共和黨資深人士也紛紛出來譴責,企業高管對特朗普唯恐避之不及,導致兩個企業高管組成的政策顧問團全部解散。


首先美國高度保護言論自由,即使仇恨言論,包括背離憲法人人平等的種族主義言論,均有合法宣洩權利。這一權利是美國傳統,基本沒人叫板。在今年早期和特朗普奮力抗衡,維護移民權利的American Civil Liberties Union(美國民權聯盟)組織也有維護白人至上主義者說話權力的政策(最近決定對持槍遊行者不予聲援)。因此Charlottesville 事件於侵犯言論自由無關。任何相反的說法都是混淆視聽。同時值得強調,言論自由的權利不等於行動上的權利。歧視行為是非法的,不受法律保護。

回放 Charlottesville暴力事件,一些白人種族主義者決定在8月12日舉行遊行,參加者包括三K黨,新納粹等等。這一行動招致反歧視民權主義者的反遊行。如果其間發生拳腳衝突,令人遺憾,但不會驚動朝野和世界。如果對拳腳衝突特朗普也發表多方責任論,就過於小題大做,很多人會聳聳肩,因為特朗普滿嘴跑火車已經是常態,但不會招致如此強烈反彈。但這次暴力事件不止於此,而是十分嚴重的暴力事件。一個種族主義者開車闖入抗議人群,刻意碾壓路人,多人受傷,一人罹難。這種行徑完全是恐怖主義行徑,與歐洲發生的ISIS暴力事件沒有什麼本質不同。唯一不同是一個是外來妖孽,一個是本土妖孽。

因此Charlottesville暴力事件是個恐怖襲擊事件,不是拳腳衝突事件。如同任何恐怖襲擊事件,這裡沒有多方責任,只有一方責任,那就是這個恐怖主義罪犯和推動他行動的思潮。如果有人膽敢說 ISIS 駕車碾壓平民的恐怖主義者只是多方責任人的一方,如果有人膽敢說擁抱 ISIS信念的人有很多好人,這樣的人恐怕會被唾罵的口水淹死。特朗普在Charlottesville暴力事件中扮演的角色就是這樣的人,而且更糟糕的是,他貴為美國總統,代表美國聯邦政府!

如果有人認為美國本土極端主義者的恐怖威脅不大,那你就錯了,就在8月14日,Charlottesville暴力事件兩天後,Oklahoma 逮捕一個企圖炸銀行的本土恐怖分子(Man arrested in plot to blow up Oklahoma City bank)。美國媒體對外來和本土的恐怖主義報道非常有取捨,導致民眾忽視本土恐怖主義的危害性。

  •     完全忽視事件的恐怖主義特徵,令反恐鬥爭染上嚴重種族傾向色彩
  •     混淆言論自由和道義正確,沒有和仇恨言論劃清界限
  •     甚至為仇恨言論尋求借口










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回復 舌尖上的世界 2017-8-20 05:14
回復 長河明月 2017-8-20 05:51
回復 light12 2017-8-20 06:47
回復 wjbf 2017-8-20 07:40
light12: 美國許多在全球化失去工作的人支持川普。面對一個撕裂的美國沒有簡單解決辦法。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing
回復 light12 2017-8-20 07:45
wjbf: 的確如此,這個時候更怕有一個挑動群眾斗群眾的總統。
回復 qxw66 2017-8-20 08:01
回復 wjbf 2017-8-20 08:06
qxw66: 是的。但是白左更錯。
回復 qxw66 2017-8-20 08:12
wjbf: 你是說ISIS恐怖分子有錯,但是美軍反恐傷及平民更錯嗎?
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-20 09:00
Most people on both sides were peaceful protesters. However there were mobs on both sides. The Nazi flag was disturbing to Americans. The hammer and sickle flag should also be alarming to us. The brutal communism is not any better than Nazism. Antifa is also a mob organization. You can not say that Antifa is more peaceful than the Neo-Nazi just because Antifa did not make the killing this time. It is reported that there will be an anti-Muslim rally in Quebec city soon and Antifa will be up there to pick up the fight. Also the number of BLM hatred groups has reached all time high to 200 as of last year. Should you blame only one side or "many sides"?
回復 wjbf 2017-8-20 09:51
SecondThought: Most people on both sides were peaceful protesters. However there were mobs on both sides. The Nazi flag was disturbing to Americans. The hammer and s
We are talking about Charlottesville event, not some abstract, theoretical event. There is no ambiguity in Charlottesville event, period.
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-20 10:03
"wjbf": "We are talking about Charlottesville event, not some abstract, theoretical event. There is no ambiguity in Charlottesville event, period."

I was talking about the Charlottesville. Antifa was there, not for the peaceful counter-protest but with the violent actions. Antifa is basically a left-side mob group that deploys violent actions against the right-side protesters anywhere.
回復 loneshepherd 2017-8-20 10:12

這些事提醒我們,為什麼對仇恨和偏執的警惕是一種長期的職責 - 是為保障我們的生活方式的一種必須的戒律。當我們看到夏洛特維爾的大街上 人們氣勢洶洶地揮舞著字旗、那個種族主義暴徒野蠻地實施暴力和恐怖的時候,仇恨被赤裸裸地展現出來。無法相信我要寫下這樣的東西:反對納粹責無旁貸,不存在「好的納粹」、不存在「好的三K黨」、不存在「好的恐怖分子」!民主黨也好、共和黨也好、非民主非共和也好,大家都必須同意這一點,對這種行為不能有一絲一毫的妥協!
回復 wjbf 2017-8-20 10:15
SecondThought: "wjbf": "We are talking about Charlottesville event, not some abstract, theoretical event. There is no ambiguity in Charlottesville eve
Did anyone from Antifa conduct terrorism attack? You either didn't read my article or didn't comprehend what I articulated.
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-20 11:06
wibf: Did anyone from Antifa conduct terrorism attack? You either didn't read my article or didn't comprehend what I articulated.

The tragic death in the Charlottesville event was caused by the escalation of the violent actions by the both sides but not the plotted Islamic 恐怖主義 as we have been seeing in Europe and U.S. No one denied that Antifa was involved in the violent actions. What the media hinted was that Antifa was not violent enough to cause the killing. The logic in your writing is incorrect. In most of the so-called terrorism events, the terrorists killed peaceful people. Those people did not even know that the danger was coming. In the Charlottesville event, the alt-left was well prepared to pick up the fight. They were prepared for the danger. Could anyone be killed if there was no violent counter protesters? In short, most terrorisms had only one side but this one had the two sides. The unfortunate thing was that a counter protester was killed because the emotion got out of control when the fight was escalating.
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-20 11:16
wibf: Did anyone from Antifa conduct terrorism attack? You either didn't read my article or didn't comprehend what I articulated.

Let's to make two simple hypothetical examples. You were watching Boston Marathon. Someone put a bomb beside you and you were killed. You were purely a victim and the guy who put the bomb beside you was fully responsible for the terrorism event. The second example is that someone was protesting in Charlottesville and you also went there with a prepared violent action against the other protester. It happened that you were killed when the other could not control his emotion. did you have any responsibility in the tragic event?
回復 rfw1972 2017-8-20 15:36
回復 wjbf 2017-8-20 20:14
SecondThought: wibf: Did anyone from Antifa conduct terrorism attack? You either didn't read my article or didn't comprehend what I articulated.

Let's to make two s
你這個比喻和女人被強姦有很大原因是女人太性感招搖異曲同工啊,強姦犯"could not control his emotion"。我想對此世界已有公論,沒必要討論了。
回復 看得開 2017-8-21 10:01
長河明月: 川普從來沒打算做全體美國人民的總統。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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