
To Sarrah

作者:Sophia01  於 2011-3-23 08:12 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Your arrival is coming near
With your little kicks and heart beat that we hear
brought a love so dear
We promise to protect you from all you may fear
There will be so many memories to share
That will be sure to bring mommy a tear
May God heard our prayer
Send you home with blessing and care









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回復 kylelong 2011-3-23 08:46
So the comfortable life is here.
回復 Sophia01 2011-3-23 22:20
kylelong: So the comfortable life is here.
I try my best to make it comfortable for her,  
回復 xoyuanfen 2011-3-24 00:20
回復 Sophia01 2011-3-24 01:37
xoyuanfen: 期待美好時刻的到來!
Can't wait...
回復 xoyuanfen 2011-3-24 03:10
Sophia01: Can't wait...
很辛苦, 但一定甜蜜。
回復 kylelong 2011-3-24 04:17
Sophia01: I try my best to make it comfortable for her,   
That is why we keep promise for ever,
回復 Sophia01 2011-3-24 22:04
xoyuanfen: 很辛苦, 但一定甜蜜。
I guess its so called "sweet burden".  
回復 Sophia01 2011-3-24 22:06
kylelong: That is why we keep promise for ever,
Yeah, life time responsibility.
回復 kylelong 2011-3-25 02:00
Sophia01: Yeah, life time responsibility.
Happy for ever!
回復 Sophia01 2011-3-25 18:58
kylelong: Happy for ever!
Thanks, be happy and be healthy!
回復 kylelong 2011-3-25 20:14
Sophia01: Thanks, be happy and be healthy!
welcome, good weekend.
回復 Cristal 2011-5-26 19:34
Wow, English poem. You are great!
回復 麥燕萍 2012-1-19 21:25
Is a song or a poem?
回復 Sophia01 2012-1-20 10:59
Cristal: Wow, English poem. You are great!
Thx Cristal, haven't seen you for awhile, miss reading your blog!
回復 Sophia01 2012-1-20 11:00
麥燕萍: Is a song or a poem?
It's a poem for my baby girl, she's 9 months old now, :)
回復 麥燕萍 2012-1-20 11:03
Sophia01: It's a poem for my baby girl, she's 9 months old now, :)
great! I love it.
回復 真愛華 2012-2-10 11:18
Congratulations to the mother-to-be,
there will many happiness you can see;
The best thing in the world is have a baby--
the valued gift from heaven giving to us: you,she/he and me!
回復 Sophia01 2012-2-10 23:20
Thanks for the kind words, as people always say: baby is the best gift you can give to yourself, :)
回復 yehuixiu 2012-4-26 21:28
Sophia01: Thanks for the kind words, as people always say: baby is the best gift you can give to yourself, :)
it is a wonderful poem.
回復 Sophia01 2012-9-19 03:22
Thanks, a little poem about life, :)

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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