
北京風情 裸露雙腿迎初夏

作者:ryu  於 2016-5-31 13:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:北京, 風情, 裸露雙腿, 初夏






在此情感的暑溫挾濕,胸悶身重,苔膩口苦之際,本人高興地看見了我們宣傳機器的排頭兵、People's Daily 假座世界的網路 Twitter ,適時推出了醉人的圖文: Beijing Style- ready for bare legs ,本人權且草譯為北京風情,裸露雙腿迎初夏,總不要辜負了「人民日報」的一片苦口婆意么。


文字竟然全部歐化,自然,刊登在國人不犯規矩不越牆壁難以一賞艷色的Twitter 網站上么。

你看,小女人穿著時髦的禮服搭檔北京東區朝陽三里屯的馬路上別緻年輕男人裙裝渴望早春之後女人裝樣式(A woman wearing a mini dress walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District with her partner on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)


女人裸露的雙腿,朝陽三里屯北京街道,看起來就是帯勁(Two women with bare-legged looks walk through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)


北京小女人的裝,齊B熱褲,帯鐵環的皮帯,憤忿的肥乳,還手握一支煙槍,看得見引導昔日潮流的不愛紅裝喜武相別緻(A woman wearing summer time clothing walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)。


女人朋克風格,白色魚網襪,抽象文字的雷絲汗衫,文身圖案的手臂,背著GG的坤包,葷渾,恐怖,渴望炎熱樣式(A punk-styled woman wearing a pair of white laced stockings walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)


穿裝、露裸腿的上班女人(A woman walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)。


A woman (R) walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District with her friend on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.


很酷的北京女性(A woman walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)

超短裙、短式毛衫,新感覺的隱手長袖,站在柱桿之後,等晩春?候初夏,還是渴望炎熱(A woman wearing a short skirt stands by a pole on a Sanlitun street in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District with her friend on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)

墨鏡、褲、拉鏈外露,最新的時尚(A woman wearing a pair of hot pants walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring. )


亂穿衣,溢美著你不懂滴的時尚元素,多看少發聲是你的上策(A woman wearing a mini skirt walks through the Sanlitun streets in Beijing』s eastern Chaoyang District on April 8, 2016. Chic young men and women are eager to sport their hot summer styles in early spring.)
要追隨中國最新動態請千萬不要拗斷「人民日報每天Twitter Facebook 上的靈感動態(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook),切記!切記!


其實,「人民日報每天Twitter 上還有非常誠摯精彩的微博,尤其在這國人濕身戲稱的5月35日之前,文後再貼若干,這裡先轉帖一些羊網人的感慨。

@DrObserver --我常想,中國女人100年前被迫要綁小她們的腳,使它們更小,大部分承受著"時尚"痛苦。現在我看到女孩子們去的,既使冬天也不穿長筒襪所有時尚,男人加州強盜女孩打扮像春...以時尚看起來一切如此的愚昧衣服應該保護身體的"元素"、使之舒適至少看起來"不壞"。看來,錯了女孩牛仔褲,扎兩個穿破了?看起來可憐兮兮然後還以搭配昂貴為時尚標籤。顯露穿得流氓似的"演藝明星",與她膝蓋以下褲子和胯部...多麼地象加州倫敦...不"盲目的跟隨者"嗎?5000文化歷史真的不必一切複製西方(I used to think that girls 100 years ago were forced to bind their feet to make them smaller; now I think most of them endured the pain for "fashion". I see girls running around like that in the middle of winter, and boys and girls going without stockings, all for fashion. Men cut their hair like a California gangster, and girls dress up like prostitutes . . . for fashion. It all seems so stupid.
I thought clothes were supposed to protect the body from "the elements", be comfortable, and at least make the person look "not bad". I am wrong. Girls buy jeans that are worn out and have holes to look like a poor person, and then wear shoes and shirts with expensive fashion labels. And our male "entertainers" dress like hoodlums with the crotch of their pants below their knees, coats that look borrowed from a smaller person, and patch-work shirts. It is all so very "LA California and London" . . . are we a bunch of "wannabees"?
With 5000 years of cultural history, do we really have to copy "everything" from The West?)
@2-eyes > • If those girls want any shorter pants, I'd suggest they wear thongs and .....expect the prisons to be filled up with .....rapists of all sorts!! --如果那些女孩子想要褲子短,我會建議她們穿丁字褲或者...除了猶如監獄充滿著...各種各樣的rapists !!
@Wayne Young -It is natural to keep cool in a hot day, still decently dressed. What would be inappropriate is to expose the tops as well, like in LA. But then LA can get up to 100 degree Fahrenheit or higher...--很自然的,保持涼爽,還要仍然穿著體面什麼不宜公開,就像是洛杉磯。當溫度升華氏100更高然後就是可以...
@PRADEEP CHATURVEDI  •EVEN GOD does not know the difference between SOCIALIST CHINA and other advance western nations as far as what girls wear or do not wear. MARXISTS used to abuse rotten Western culture for degrading their hoary past. Look at the way girls dress like there is shortage of dress material in poor CHINA.History repeats itself . We become like ones we used to hate earlier. That is life  --上帝不知道社會主義中國和西方國家之間的女孩穿或不穿的區別。馬克思主義者過去常濫批腐朽西方文化,鄙視他們古老過去看如今中國女孩衣著,猶貧困地區的服飾,材料短缺,歷史重演。她早些時候恨看我們。現在這成了她們的生活。
標籤 北京,風情,裸露雙腿,初夏
上海市中心的3萬廣場舞,就為了什麼... 30,000 people perform square dance in downtown #Shanghai on Sat, setting new Guinness Record.


3萬的跳舞奶奶,上星期六同一時間中國的 6城市裡鳳凰跳舞...當然不是沒有標的滴...Over 30k dancing grannies danced at the same time in 6 Chinese cities on Sat., setting new #guinnessworldrecords.

 #China 的江蘇南京南京大學舉行集體婚禮...114 couples married at a group wedding held at Nanjing University in Nanjing, east #China's Jiangsu Province.

這個更萌更猛!坦胸露奶的快閃出現在中國東南沿海的福建一公共區域、籍以呼籲更多母乳餵養行為...Breastfeeding flash mob appears in SE #China』s Fujian Sat to call for more breastfeeding facilities in public areas.













剛表態過的朋友 (15 人)

發表評論 評論 (26 個評論)

回復 南沙2 2016-5-31 14:20
回復 南沙2 2016-5-31 14:21
回復 ryu 2016-5-31 14:26
南沙2: 對不起,有人啦
回復 ryu 2016-5-31 14:27
南沙2: 沙發
回復 你懂的 2016-5-31 14:34
回復 ryu 2016-5-31 14:46
你懂的: 殭屍佔據中軸線,國之大殤;還有鳳姐怎沒上?
回復 徐福男兒 2016-5-31 21:58
回復 jinbaicao 2016-5-31 23:56
回復 sissycampbell 2016-6-1 02:17
回復 總裁判 2016-6-1 04:01
徐福男兒: 靚女戴口罩,煞風景。
回復 xqw63 2016-6-1 04:53
回復 ryu 2016-6-1 06:59
xqw63: 沒幾個漂亮的
People's Daily 有言在先,看點在 bare legs 么
回復 ryu 2016-6-1 07:01
總裁判: 戴了口罩才會有被想象的靚女空間。
回復 ryu 2016-6-1 07:02
sissycampbell: 我也覺的那戴口罩女子為何?真奇怪!
回復 ryu 2016-6-1 07:05
jinbaicao: 別人翻牆是為了自由,日人民報出牆是為了放毒,雖然我喜歡看中國美女
回復 ryu 2016-6-1 07:07
徐福男兒: 靚女戴口罩,煞風景。
回復 你懂的 2016-6-1 08:58
回復 xqw63 2016-6-1 10:00
ryu: People's Daily 有言在先,看點在 bare legs 么
回復 qxw66 2016-6-1 11:26
回復 ryu 2016-6-2 17:24
qxw66: 老不正經的!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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