

作者:Giada  於 2010-9-8 14:02 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



勞工節前的星期五,張藝謀的《三槍拍案驚奇》在美國的部分影院正式上映。這個電影應該是張藝謀的導演職業的一個新嘗試的開始 -- 翻拍西方電影。《三槍拍案驚奇》是美國1984年的電影」 Blood Simple」的翻拍, 張藝謀在許多年前曾看過這個電影,印象深刻,他在計劃翻拍西方電影時,自然而然地就想起這個電影。比較幸運的是,這個電影的版權在導演Coen兄弟的手中,這使張藝謀謀求翻拍版權的法律程序大大簡化了。美國一般電影的版權都在影片發行公司手中,而Coen兄弟二人當年是作為獨立人發行該電影的,所以版權就是他們二人說了算。據說,Coen兄弟對張藝謀的翻拍大為滿意。

這個電影的英文名字叫做:A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop,跟中文的大不相同,估計中文名字太難翻譯。《洛杉磯時報》在電影尚未發行前的最後一個周日和發行的那個星期五兩天發表評論介紹文章,評價相當不錯。正好我家附近一個影院就在上演,於是勞工節那天我就買了票去看。


我沒有看過原版Blood  Simple,報紙介紹說,張藝謀的電影嚴格保存了原劇的某些關鍵成分:有密碼的鎖,用來抽煙的用具和殺人兇器:槍。但是張藝謀在電影中增加了許多喜劇色彩,使得電影變得不那麼血腥,即使是殺人的劇情。另外,雖然張藝謀幾乎是原封未動地保持了殺手的每一步行動,但對在周圍環境作了變動:比如原劇是在夜裡,月光,陰影里進行的,而張藝謀再次發揮了他在電影《英雄》里對色彩的強調,故事發生的相當一部分時間是在白天的時候,並且色彩鮮亮:群山在白天是桔黃色,在夜間是暗紫色,依山勢蜿蜒而來的山路官道,如同一條白練,環繞著一個又一個的山坡,迤邐而去。女主角的衣服是鮮綠色,情人的衣服是鮮粉色,麵店老闆的衣服是紫色,但夾雜著紅的綠的黑的顏色,一片亂七八糟。所以,《洛杉磯時報》強調說,喜歡不喜歡這部影片要根據個人的口味而定。

這部電影的領銜主演是:孫紅雷(飾殺手張三),小瀋陽(飾老闆娘的情人夥計李四),閻妮(飾老闆娘),倪大洪(?)(飾麵店老闆麻子王五)。我對國內的演藝界比較孤陋寡聞,孫紅雷,小瀋陽,趙本山等人的名字雖然聽說過,但是看到照片也認不出來誰是誰。看過這部影片后,我對孫紅雷印象非常好,他是屬於那種非常搶眼的演員,和趙本山一起出場時,馬上就搶了趙本山的風頭,當時我還不知道這二人誰是誰呢。孫紅雷在影片中統共大概只說了十句話,其他的時間都在沉默中行動。雖然一句話不說,但觀眾卻非常明白他每一步的用意和目的。 他的這種異乎尋常的沉默,在整個影片中令人奇怪地把一個非常貪婪有心計而又冷血的殺手幾乎給觀眾的造成了一個做事有效率和正義化身的錯覺,直到最後他在誤解了整個情形,為保護自己追殺所有他認為得知自己罪行的人,以致走向和他的計劃相反的不歸路時,觀眾才終於把這個行動歸結到他的真正本性。

這部影片除了合理的喜劇情節,還有許多故意搞笑的小細節:故事裡的四個男人的名字分別是張三李四王五趙六,沒有一個電影能這麼省事地賦予劇中人物名字的了;故事裡的人物明明是明朝的,好多地方說的都是現代語言,例如,把槍稱為「新技術」;討價還價時說「市場價」;亂搞男女關係是「生活作風問題」,要「再調查」;老闆娘告訴情人,每個女人都希望有個能夠作為依靠的肩頭靠一靠 --聽者像當代女強人心理自白;最搞笑的是老闆娘在回顧和情人的相戀時說,。。。我以為你就是我的No.one -- 連英文都上來了,想想看,一個偏遠山區的麵店老闆娘竟然把英文用得這麼溜,怕是連後來的李鴻章都要自嘆不如呢;麵店雖然在嘉峪關外,麵店夥計小瀋陽卻說了一口東北話,實在令人忍俊不禁。但是,這些因為是搞笑,觀眾不但不會認為不真實,而且起到了把血腥劇情當喜劇的效應。可惜的是,這些卻是外國觀眾無法欣賞的。
















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發表評論 評論 (185 個評論)

回復 霜天紅葉 2010-9-8 14:30
回復 霜天紅葉 2010-9-8 14:34
回復 yulinw 2010-9-8 15:13
回復 越湖 2010-9-8 17:48
回復 bluemei 2010-9-8 18:48
yulinw: 原來是翻拍的~~其實這個片子在國內是罵聲居絕大多數,而且各行各業上上下下的難得的一致,不過有時間還是要看一看~~·
回復 hr8888hr 2010-9-8 19:37
看了lz的描述, 好像今年初回國時看過一些片斷, 片子很難, 可滿喜歡那個什麼妞做戲
回復 nierdaye 2010-9-8 20:14
回復 yulinw 2010-9-8 20:58
bluemei: 聽說過,據說還被評為本年度最爛片。不過,老張反擊:別指望我任重而道遠。
回復 rongrongrong 2010-9-8 21:00
回復 SirCat 2010-9-8 21:53
回復 xinsheng 2010-9-8 22:02
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-9-8 22:10
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-9-8 22:11
A Sony Pictures Classics (in U.S.) release of a Beijing New Picture Film Co. (China)/Film Partner (2009) Intl. (H.K.) production. (International sales: Wild Bunch, Paris.) Produced by Zhang Weiping, Bill Kong, Gu Hao. Executive producer, Zhang Zhenyan. Directed by Zhang Yimou. Screenplay, Xu Zhengchao, Shi Jianquan, based on the 1984 film "Blood Simple."

With: Sun Honglei, Xiao Shenyang, Yan Ni, Ni Dahong, Cheng Ye, Mao Mao, Zhao Benshan, Julien Gaudfroy.
Four years (and several Olympics duties) after "Curse of the Golden Flower," mainland Chinese helmer Zhang Yimou returns with the much more ascetic, chamber-like dramedy "A Woman, a Gun and a Noodle Shop." A pretty close adaptation of the Coen brothers' 1984 "Blood Simple" but relocated from the flatlands of contempo Texas to the hilly deserts of Shaanxi in Ancient China, the pic is spiced up with some pratfall humor (trimmed in Sony's international version screened at the Berlinale) and visually enhanced by saturated lensing of the dusty red landscapes that slightly recalls Zhang's "Hero." Modest specialty biz looks likely.
In China, where it was released mid-December (with the English title "A Simple Noodle Story"), pic took a tasty 261 million yuan ($38 million) in six weeks, more than recouping its sizable reported budget of around $12 million. Though "Noodle" is less spectacular than Zhang's recent movies like "Curse," "House of Flying Daggers" and "Hero," the casting of popular local comics in several roles -- including hot new name Xiao Shenyang as the young lead -- was a contributory factor.

Plot adheres to the essentials (and even whole scenes) of the Coens' script, though culturally the movie is utterly Chinese in its characterizations and occasional references to Beijing Opera (notably "San cha kou," with its multiple double-crosses in an inn). Western auds familiar with "Blood Simple" will get a kick out of the reinventions -- and the script by Xu Zhengchao and Shi Jianquan actually tightens up the original's rather digressive second half prior to its final shootout.

In the middle of a vast empty desert, bisected by dusty gullies, stands a solitary roadside inn run by grouchy old skinflint Wang (Ni Dahong) and his vampy young wife of 10 years (Yan Ni). For the past couple of months, the wife has been canoodling with sappy young cook Li (Xiao). The only other staff are a bozo waiter, Zhao (Cheng Ye), and equally dim waitress, Chen (Mao Mao), who haven't been paid for some time.

Zippy opening sets up pic's comic element as a flamboyant Persian trader (Julien Gaudfroy) comes by and demonstrates the new western invention of guns, finally selling a three-barreled model (along with three bullets) to Wang's wife, who's just about had it up here with her old man's ill treatment. The gun, with its three avaliable shots (referred to in pic's Chinese title), will play a crucial role in the chicanery to come.

Alerted by the noise of the Persian's demonstration of his wares (including a large cannon), the local police force drops by and the staff whips up a meal of noodles preceded by an impressive display of culinary kung fu (this version's only crowdpleasing action sequence). In local terms, the scene is mainly a showcase for a cameo by comedian Zhao Benshan as the police chief.

Some time later, however, the chief's deputy, Zhang (Sun Honglei), drops by alone and tells Wang that his wife is having an affair with Li. Wang hires Zhang to murder the couple and bury them in the desert; when Zhang returns with "proof" of the dirty deed, he collects his money and shoots Wang with the wife's gun.

Coen aficionados won't be surprised by any of the subsequent twists in the tale, and general auds will be pleasantly amused, as Zhang tries to manipulate events for his own purposes (the small fortune in Wang's office safe), the bozo employees also try to muscle in, and the bodies start to pile up.

Though helmer Zhang frequently lingers over this or that cloudscape, landscape or sound effect, and frequently stresses the utter isolation of the inn, "Noodle" has none of the simmering badlands atmosphere of "Simple"; Sun (in the M. Emmet Walsh role) is a poker-faced cop with a procedural attitude to his crimes.

Apart from Cheng and Mao Mao, who provide most of the effective humor as the two dumb employees, it's Yan (so good in her small role in Guan Hu's recent "Cow") who provides most of the color, from her duds to her temper. Xiao is OK but has a colorless role.

The exact era is never specified, and some design elements (such as the blue-black outfits of the police) are there simply for visual contrast, especially when set against the red-streaked, rusty landscape. P.d. Han Chung's inn interiors are immensely detailed, with the borderline ramshackle look reflecting Wang's meanness.

For the record, pic's international version is four minutes shorter than that released in China and Hong Kong.

Camera (Technicolor, widescreen, DV-to-35mm), Zhao Xiaoding; editor, Meng Peicong; music, Zhao Lin; production designer, Han Zhong; costume designer, Huang Qiuping; sound (Dolby Digital), Steve Burgess, He Wei; sound designer, Tao Jing; story consultant, Zhou Xiaofeng; stunt coordinators, Cao Hua, Gao Xiang; special effects coordinator, Chung Do-ahn; visual effects producer, Jiang Yanming; assistant director, Zang Qiwu. Reviewed at Berlin Film Festival (competing), Feb. 14, 2010. Running time: 90 MIN.
回復 方方頭 2010-9-8 22:12
沒看過,你這影評讓我對這個電影產生了好奇,可看這劇照,完全是搞笑喜劇。倒是想看看Blood  Simple
回復 xqw63 2010-9-9 04:04
回復 bluemei 2010-9-9 06:58
yulinw: 有空看看有多爛~~
回復 yulinw 2010-9-9 09:11
bluemei: 我也沒看,但對老張一直是欣賞的。各人的審視角度不同罷了。
回復 marnifan 2010-9-9 09:24
Love all the movies by Coen brothers. A must see then if it's produced by them~~ thanks!!
回復 Giada 2010-9-9 11:36
霜天紅葉: SF!
回復 Giada 2010-9-9 11:38
霜天紅葉: 沒有聽說過這本電影,是講中文嗎?聽了同學介紹,介紹得真好,一定要去看吶!謝謝分享!如果不看這篇影評,我就要錯失機會了,謝謝哦!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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