
virtual desktop 和 ipad 進公司

作者:jjsummer95  於 2011-3-25 10:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


                                    Virtual desktop 和 ipad 進公司
去年年底,公司為了把預算中的錢花掉,一下子上了好些項目。其中之一是virtual desktop. 所謂的virtual desktop就是把職工個人電腦統一的放入一個主機內。C drive就不存在了。職工也不能任意下載各種軟體, screen saver等。一律用統一的軟體系統。這樣一來IT就不必大花電腦維修的費用。Backup也統一處理, 還可以直接進入公司網路。而且可以加快開機關機的時間。
一聽到有這麼多的好處,咱自告奮勇當了先鋒。一進來,才知道不是那麼一回事。許多公司用的軟體根本不能做virtual。要末再花錢升級,要末別用。沒了C drive,沒有internet, 筆記本就成了廢品。還有一個最大的問題,筆記本不自動關機。
更氣人的是公司的老總是個愛時髦的主。曾經發話,IT的目的是要把公司放到他的3D電話里。 一聽說有這個 virtual什麼的玩意,大筆一揮,老總們上ipad. 你說你ipd就ipad是了。 還偏要來這virtual里來湊數。這不是給咱添亂嗎?? 可咱這打工的, 能說什麼? 低頭幹活吧。
幾個月的嘗試修改,修改嘗試, 最後咬著牙告訴老總, 咱還是回到真實的平地上來吧,別virtual了。這virtual並不是像所說的那麼吸引人。
ipad嗎, 您還是繼續留著玩吧。。。。









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回復 snortbsd 2011-3-25 10:50
well, the foundation of virtual "whatever" is new design of networking. it is a system engineering. it is way beyond IT group...

at this moment, virtual "whatever"/"cloud computing" is just a buzz word to impress gals in a bar...

wait for few more years when you have your right infrastructure....
回復 jjsummer95 2011-3-25 11:17
snortbsd: well, the foundation of virtual "whatever" is new design of networking. it is a system engineering. it is way beyond IT group...

at thi ...
Infrastrucutre is one thing... all the applications are virtuliable is another..

Even after couple year,  there will still be some un-virtualiable applications.  On top of that, we do not have a common standard cross all plants, countries, etc...Currently, we have Window 95 to Window 7 all over the places... You can not just add this virtual whatever on top of all the junks...
回復 snortbsd 2011-3-25 11:31
jjsummer95: Infrastrucutre is one thing... all the applications are virtuliable is another..

Even after couple year,  there will still be some un-virtualiable ap ...
well, i don't deal with applications. to me, new designs for infrastructure and data centers are keys for this virtual "world"...

net centric isn't something new. telecom industry uses that extensively for their operation centers. the real issue is: do those big bosses like that? imagine they could not do anything personal or fun on their nice toys, without their personal privileges...

it is a huge system engineering project;  involves business model changes, organizational structure changes, business management changes and trainings. technical part of this is relatively minor, really, especially for it group...
回復 jjsummer95 2011-3-26 00:20
snortbsd: well, i don't deal with applications. to me, new designs for infrastructure and data centers are keys for this virtual "world"...

net c ...
You hit the nail on the head. That was why I yelled to our Chief Arch guy -- the corporation was not ready for this project.

We wasted money just to prove we were not ready
回復 snortbsd 2011-3-26 03:13
jjsummer95: You hit the nail on the head. That was why I yelled to our Chief Arch guy -- the corporation was not ready for this project.

We wasted money just to  ...
maybe i should have that "Chief Arch" job...
回復 8288 2011-3-26 04:22
回復 jjsummer95 2011-3-26 05:26
snortbsd: maybe i should have that "Chief Arch" job...
   that will be supper
回復 snortbsd 2011-3-26 07:03
jjsummer95:    that will be supper
well, not sure which auto company you are working for. but the hard topology of the enterprise network should be relatively simple from the telecom perspective since your network will be structured on the top of telecom providers. traffic segregations and traffic classifications will be the keys for a well tuned enterprise backbone. of course there are a lot of detailed information you need to support above goals.

the designs of data centers, where you host your data, could be another big headache you r going to have. traffic flows in and out of the data centers, traffic flows among servers inside of the data center.. those factors would heavily affect the performance of that virtual "whatever"...

you can have some sort of pilot project for all of potential net centric applications), limit this project in a small geographical area. but you do need a sizable data center and sizable wan links (to mimic the long range circuits)...

fabricate IPv6 support into this project since, officially, ipv4 has been depleted last month. the total deployment ipv6 is right on the corner and you better be one step ahead ...

if you catch those, you can certainly qualify for that "Chief Arch" position...
回復 jjsummer95 2011-3-26 09:01
snortbsd: well, not sure which auto company you are working for. but the hard topology of the enterprise network is relatedly simple from the telecom perspectiv ...
    We already un-plugged this pilot proejct (forced HQ IT folks to be pilots )...
We will wait for couple more years.. when we have a Chief Arch like you..

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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