

作者:kylelong  於 2012-4-7 02:22 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





201243日,多倫多大學(U of T)校園網站消息:




「加拿大最佳僱主100強(Canada's Top 100 Employers)」評選已經連續進行12年(自2001年),主要評選能夠領導企業發展,給員工提供極其優越工作條件和待遇的僱主,評選結果由the globe and mail以特刊形式出版。具體的評選標準有:1)工作環境;2)工作氛圍;3)健康、金錢&家庭受益;4)假期;5)員工之間的溝通;6)績效管理;7)技能&培訓發展;8)社區活動參與。


這些僱主在給與40歲及40歲以上員工的特殊福利和政策方面,領導著加拿大的企業發展。多倫多大學副校長Angela Hildyard說:我們將給這些員工提供更多的由於其工作經驗而應得的福利。









1, Helps employees maintain a healthy balance between their work and personal life through a variety of alternative work options including flexible hours, telecommuting and reduced summer hours, and phased-in retirement work options for those nearing the end of their careers

2, Helps employees prepare for life after work with retirement planning assistance services along with generous contributions to a defined benefit pension plan

3, retiring employees can also take advantage of a health benefits plan that extends into retirement, with no age limit

4, Encourages ongoing employee development through subsidies for tuition and professional accreditation, a range of in-house and online training options, and even manages an academic scholarship program for children of employees who pursue post-secondary education

5, In addition to paid time off during the holiday season and personal paid days-off, new employees start at three weeks of paid vacation allowance

6, Supports employees who are new mothers with generous maternity leave top-up payments as well as generous parental leave top-up benefits for new fathers and adoptive parents -- and all programs include same-sex partners

7, Also manages onsite daycare facilities at each campus location, which employees can take advantage of when they are ready to return to work




以下是根據上述八項指標評比,獲得大多倫多地區2012年最佳僱主TOP 100名單(按拼音排名)。華人比較熟悉的有加拿大五大銀行,Manulife保險,多倫多大學、辛力加學院、哈伯學院、杜爾汗學院、喬治布朗學院,Rogers電信,多倫多電力公司,Loblaw超市,Home Depot,惠普加拿大,通用加拿大,惠而浦加拿大等,路透社加拿大,多倫多國際電影節;社區機構有YMCAUnited Way等,皮爾區警察局,霍爾頓區政府和約克區政府也在榜單之列。


Accenture Inc.

Agfa HealthCare Inc.

Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited

AMEC Americas Limited

Amex Canada Inc.

Amgen Canada Inc.


Bayer Inc.

BD Canada Inc.

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

BMO Financial Group

CAA South Central Ontario

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce / CIBC

Carswell, div. Thomson Reuters Canada Ltd.

Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto

Central Community Care Access Centre

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health / CAMH

CH2M HILL Canada Limited

Chubb Insurance Company of Canada

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Compass Group Canada

Credit Valley Hospital, The

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Durham College

eHealth Ontario

EllisDon Corporation

EMD Inc.

Ernst & Young LLP

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

Fleishman-Hillard Canada Inc.

Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP

Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories Inc.

General Motors of Canada Limited

George Brown College

GlaxoSmithKline Inc. / GSK

Halton, Regional Municipality of

Hershey Canada Incorporated

Hewlett-Packard Canada Co.

Hill and Knowlton Canada Inc.

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Home Depot Canada, The

Honeywell International Inc.

Hospital for Sick Children, The

Humber College

Infusion Development Corp.

Intelex Technologies Inc.


Kraft Foods Canada

Law Society of Upper Canada, The

Loblaw Companies Limited

LoyaltyOne Inc.

Manulife Financial Corporation

Mars Canada Inc.

Marsh Canada Limited

Medtronic of Canada Ltd.

Meridian Credit Union

Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences

Miller Group, The

Molson Coors Canada

Mount Sinai Hospital

Nelson Education Ltd.

Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.

Nycomed Canada Inc.

Ontario Hospital Association

Ontario Power Authority

Ontario Public Service

Peel Regional Police

Pelmorex Media Inc.

PepsiCo Beverages Canada

Pitney Bowes of Canada Limited

PowerStream Inc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Procter & Gamble Inc.

Rogers Communications Inc.

Royal Bank of Canada

SAP Canada Inc.

SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.

SCOR Canada Reinsurance Company

Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology

Southlake Regional Health Centre

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

TD Bank Group

TeraGo Networks Inc.

Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre

Toronto Hydro Corporation

Toronto International Film Festival

United Way of Greater Toronto

University of Toronto

Whirlpool Canada LP

William Osler Health System

World Vision Canada

XE.com Inc.

Xerox Canada Inc.

YMCA of Greater Toronto

York, Regional Municipality of
















剛表態過的朋友 (6 人)

發表評論 評論 (7 個評論)

回復 hu18 2012-4-7 04:02
回復 kylelong 2012-4-7 04:31
hu18: 這倒霉獎項,上次好像是RAM吧?
回復 hu18 2012-4-7 04:39
kylelong: RAM是什麼?
回復 kylelong 2012-4-7 04:41
hu18: 做黑莓手機的加拿大公司。
回復 Cristal 2012-4-7 23:11
回復 kylelong 2012-4-7 23:20
Cristal: 獲獎了。
回復 Cristal 2012-4-8 02:14

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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