

作者:kylelong  於 2011-3-3 06:10 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Asking a patient about his illness



            Any vomiting?是否嘔吐?

            Are you feeling all right?感覺好嗎?

            Are you feeling well? 感覺好嗎?

            Are you feeling nausea?是否感到噁心?

            Have you had this experience before? 以前有這種經歷嗎?

            Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?過去有過慢性病嗎?

            Have you got any feeling of nausea?以前是否感到過噁心?

            Have you lost weight recently?最近體重減輕了嗎?

            Have you taken anything for it?吃過什麼葯嗎?

            Are your bowels acting properly?腸胃正常嗎?

            Are your bowels regular? 腸胃正常嗎?

            Did you have pains here before?這裡以前疼過嗎?

            Do you cough?咳嗽嗎?

            Do you feel short of breath sometimes?你是否有時感到呼吸短促?

            Do you feel short-winded?你是否感覺容易發生喘氣?

            Do you feel tired?感覺累嗎?

            Do you have any appetite?胃口好嗎?

            Do you have difficulty breathing?呼吸困難嗎?

            Does it hurt?這裡傷了嗎?

            How about your appetite?胃口如何?

            How bad is it?差到怎樣情形?

            How far pregnant are you?你懷孕多久了?

            How long has it been this way?這種情形多久了?

            How long has this been going on? 這種情形多久了?

            How long have you been ill?你生病多久了?

            How long have you been like this? 這種情形多久了?

            How long have you had it? 這種情形多久了?

            How long have you had this trouble? 這種情形多久了?

            How are you feeling now?現在感覺如何?

            How is your rheumatism?你的風濕病如何了?

            How is your sleep?睡眠好嗎?

            Is the cut still painful?傷口仍然疼嗎?

            Since when have you been feeling like this?何時開始你感覺這樣?

            What did you eat yesterday?昨天吃的什麼?

            What sort of pain do you get there?那裡是怎樣的疼痛?

            What』s wrong with your ear?耳朵怎麼啦?

            What』s your appetite like?你的胃口是怎樣的?

            What do you complain of?哪裡不舒服?

            What』s your complaint? 哪裡不舒服?

            What hurts you?哪裡疼?

            What』s the trouble?哪裡出了問題?

            What』s troubling you?什麼讓你煩心?(哪裡出了問題?)

            What』s your trouble? 哪裡出了問題?

            What』s the matter with you? 哪裡出了問題?

            What』s wrong with you? 哪裡出了問題?

            What』s bothering you? 哪裡出了問題?

            What seems to be bothering you? 哪裡出了問題?

            What seems to be the matter? 哪裡出了問題?

            What seems to be the problem? 哪裡出了問題?

            What seems to be the trouble? 哪裡出了問題?

            When did the pain start?何時開始疼痛的?

            When did you begin feeling unwell?你何時開始感覺不舒服的?

            Which tooth is troubling you?哪顆牙齒疼?

            Why is that?為什麼這樣?

            Your case record, please.請拿出你的病歷。

            You』re suffering from an allergy?你對什麼過敏嗎?

             What medication are you taking now? 你現在服用什麼葯?

             What drugs are you taking now? 你現在服用什麼葯? 

             Did you suffer from any medication allergy? 你對什麼藥物過敏?

            What medication are you allergic to ? 你對什麼藥物過敏?

           What surgery was done in your past years? 曾經做過什麼手術?

           Did you have any operation in your past years? 曾經做過什麼手術?

           Did your family members have any diseases? 你家人患過什麼病?

           Did your family members suffer from any serious diseases? 你家人患過什麼嚴重疾病?











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回復 Lawler 2011-3-3 11:08
1. 現在服用什麼葯?
2. 對什麼葯過敏?
3. 曾經做過什麼手術?
4. 家人患過什麼病或嚴重疾病?
回復 世外閑人 2011-3-3 18:19
回復 kylelong 2011-3-4 08:26
Lawler: 問病史,不能漏掉:
1. 現在服用什麼葯?
2. 對什麼葯過敏?
3. 曾經做過什麼手術?
4. 家人患過什麼病或嚴重疾病?
回復 kylelong 2011-3-4 08:26
世外閑人: 第一次看病常遇到。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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