
Looking for Tang, To Fai

作者:kzdhcster  於 2011-11-22 12:23 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Looking for Tang, To Fai

A 95 Years old lady in China now is looking for her young brother, named Tang, To Fai(鄧度輝,鄧度輝) {original name was Deng, Yaoru(鄧耀如)}, around 87 years old, Original from Humei Village, Luzhou Town, Huiyang County, Guangdong (Canton) Province, China(中國廣東省惠陽縣蘆洲鎮湖美村). His elder sister is missing him very much and her last wish in her life is that hoping to know how he is. The best is that she hopes she can see him in the end of her life which is the key point she can live now.
Tang, To Fai』s 86 years old original wife and four children in Guangdong (Canton) Province, China are missing him and looking for him as well.

Tang, To Fai(鄧度輝) escaped from China to Hong Kong when his family was persecuted and one of his brothers died because of the persecution. He got married in Hong Kong and came to Canada with his wife. His mailing address was 4068 Boul STE-ANNE, Montmorency P.Q. Canada on the survived letter in 1960』s. His flying route from Hong Kong to Canada was that Hong Kong to Tokyo in Japan, to New York, to Vancouver, to Montreal and then took the train to Montmorency. It spent four days and three nights for the trip.

The address 4068 Boul STE-ANNE, Montmorency P.Q. Canada now is 4068 Boulevard Sainte Anne, Québec, QC G1C 2J3.

Tang, To Fai』s family in China received one letter from him then lost connection with him around 1968 after a car accident. The family believes that he was OK in the car accident because he could write to them after the accident. However, it is not sure because this is in his sons』 mind. All the letters from him were burnt during the Culture Revolution in China. Only one letter mentioned above, survived as this letter was saved by a neighbor.

If you and anyone have clues about looking for Tang, To Fai(鄧度輝,鄧度輝), please contact Daniel at luoguoya@gmail.com . The family will appreciate your kindness deeply.



鄧度輝1960年代到香港,在香港結婚後和妻子移民到加拿大,當年的通信地址是:4068 Boul STE-ANNE, Montmorency P.Q. Canada,現在地址為4068 Boulevard Sainte Anne, Québec, QC G1C 2J3。










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