
作者:史无前例  于 2009-11-19 09:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


大人有问题,小孩也不能忽视不顾,我查看了美国大使馆的网页,3个小孩可以享受美国的Social Security benefits


from    Jinhui Chen <xxxxx@gmail.com>
to    AmCitBeijing@state.gov
date    Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 10:00 PM
subject    Need Help Three Little American kids in China

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to raise your concern that three kids, one boy, at the
age of five, born in Stony Brook, NY and a pair of twin, at the age of
one, born in Ann Arbor, MI , need your assistance. To tell the long
story short, their parents, Dr. Aiwu Sun (father) and Aiqin Liu
(mother), are the recent Chinese returnees. They are not only jobless,
but in fight of Dr. Sun's mental healthy problem. Dr. Sun has been
wandering and sleeping on a street in Beijing when his treatment by
taking medicine was ceased after his return, and his mental health
again deteriorates.

The following video clip was recently shot by Beijing TV Station and
has received widely broadcast and distribution online, which has
already raised controversial issues regarding to protection of
personal privacy.


On one side, the anchor neglected the possible reason that leads to
Dr. Sun's abnormal behaviors and did not show respect to Dr. Sun by
commenting with cynical tone and scorn on the PhD degree, the returnee
status and an article published on the privileged journal Science, and
so forth. On the other side, this video clip has done a job
positively, publicly announcing that Dr. Sun needs help. I should say,
without this video I would not have known what the situation of Dr.
Sun and his family is.

Dr. Sun completed his PhD at the SUNY-Stony Brook and had been a
postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan for about two years
before he and his family moved back to China possibly late May or
early June, 2009.

Before their return, on January 31, 2009, Dr. Sun showed some symptom
of abnormal mental problem and was taken to the University of Michigan
hospital for evaluation and late that day he was transferred to a
hospital in Livonia, Michigan for further monitoring. On February 18,
2009 he was discharged from the hospital.

The current situation of Dr. Sun and his wife, for no income, not just
low income, has greatly influenced the parentship in raising their
kids. Although Dr. Sun and his wife are not American citizens, their
kids are. I believe the kids can receive Social Security benefits,
food stamp or something similar in America. While in China, what and
how can they claim the benefits for their kids?

In order to help this miserable family, it will be great if you can
also be of assistance to Dr. Sun's treatment, for them to have the
capability of taking full parental responsibilities. Obviously, they
couldn't fulfill their obligations now because they have to fight the
healthy problem. But we would like to see it won't take too long until
Dr. Sun recovers.

For more information regarding to Dr. Sun's healthy issues, here is my
blog (in Chinese) including details:

Unfortunately, my help is quite limited to, mostly, online
communications. You may reach Dr. Sun's brother-in-law in beijing with
the phone number (刘全胜:电话 13501195531) for the current status of kids
and Dr. Sun's situation.

I am looking forward to your help to the three kids and the family.

Sincerely Yours,

Jinhui Chen









发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

1 回复 绿水潭 2009-11-20 10:37
1 回复 史无前例 2009-11-20 10:43
绿水潭: 孩子们可怜...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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