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一帶一路全球一體如何繼續保持當地的文化和傳統宗教價值,自然而然地打開新的文明窗口, 如何使新價值的執行者,走出以前殖民者的對人性和利益無節制的貪婪追求呢?  How can the global integration of the Belt and Road continue to maintain the local cultural and traditional religious values, and naturally open up new windows of civilization, how to enable the performers of new values to get rid of the greed pursuit of the former colonizers for the unregulated humanity and interests?
所以一帶一路全球一體,首先要向中國英國學習,大力開展教育宣傳,改變人的素質意識形態,一帶一路不只是中國的,也不光是亞洲的,不只是經濟,政治生態,是全球一體的各方面的. 最棘手的問題是,你們如何讓大家信服,一帶一路不是另一種形式的殖民主義呢?如何春雨潤物細無聲,繼續保持當地的文化和傳統宗教價值,又平穩地讓心嚮往追隨, 自然而然地開闊眼界打開新的文明窗口呢?如何打破當地政要的固有思維,比如反對那些勢力範圍擴展論,去除他們恐懼性地對當地政體制度的慣性保護呢?如何使新價值的執行者,走出以前殖民者的對人性和利益無節制的貪婪追求呢?今天看公開課, 講財政制度建立,那中央和地方要有很透明的制度制定的流程,如何安排某些稅收的設立?如何進行財政資金轉換?如何設定權力責任和回報?如果所在國和外來項目推廣者有相似的認知背景,就比較容易有共識。但如果不在同一根弦上,可能因某些小事就會引發民族政治上的衝突,那事先就一定要考慮周到。英國在印度有深入骨髓的影響力,因為已經有兩百年的西方先進文化對印度的耕耘灌溉. 如果由英國出面和印度合作,開展協作項目的話,那就一定比中國直接出面和印度協作要平順有效得多。印度人看不起中國人,因為中國人沒有宗教。這是殖民地所帶來的文化豐富性。那中亞西亞地區,就要多多依靠俄國的影響力了。在非洲,項目的展開是不能沒有歐洲參與的。於是對Jackie說,沒有結婚之前最好多交些男朋友,結婚以後也可以找「哥哥」什麼的,是吧?哈哈哈 我覺得在你們的世界論壇,交流的內容越來越深入了, 這兩天澤曼總統給 Jackie 講金融,而我的短文越來越涉及哲學,政治,宗教,價值. 這些都是在美國人生活中基本不碰的話題,是很容易拉仇恨的話題,我現在卻在有如此深厚文化歷史,背景迥然不同的世界領袖面前厚著臉皮侃侃而談,你們還稱讚我很棒,我心裡很高興的,親親.  你們不覺得文明在接觸衝撞過程中,會有更豐富的燦爛輝煌嗎? 為啥川普,第樂生不能來世界政壇,也說兩句呢?為啥一定要固守慣性思維呢?

Therefore, the global integration and the Belt and Road, first of all to learn from China and Britain, vigorously carry out education and publicity, change people's quality and ideology. The Belt and Road is not just China, not just Asia, not just the economy, political ecology, is the global integration! The toughest question is, how do you convince everyone that the Belt and Road is not another form of colonialism? How to make the spring rain moist the land quietly, continue to maintain the local cultural and traditional religious values, and smoothly let the heart longing to follow, naturally open up the horizon to open a new window of civilization? How to break the inherent thinking of local politicians, such as opposing the expansion of power of the powerful countries, and removing their fearful protection of the local government system? How can the executors of new values go beyond the greed of the former colonizers for the unrestrained humanity and interests? Watching the open class today and it is talking about the establishment of the fiscal financial system, the central and local governments must have a very transparent system-setting process. How to arrange the establishment of certain taxes? How to convert financial funds? How to set power responsibility and return? If the country and foreign project promoters have similar cognitive backgrounds, it is easier to have a consensus. However, if they are not on the same string, it may cause ethnic political conflicts because of some small things, so it must be considered in advance. The United Kingdom has an in-depth influence to the bone marrow in India, because there are already two hundred years of Western advanced culture cultivated and irrigated India. If the British team cooperates with India to carry out collaborative projects, it must be more smooth and effective than China』s direct  cooperation with India. Indians look down on the Chinese because Chinese have no religion. This is the cultural richness brought by the colonies. In Central Asia, it is necessary to rely heavily on the influence of Russia. In Africa, the project cannot be carried out without European participation. So, to Jackie, it is best to have more boyfriends before she gets married. She can also find "brothers" after she get married, right? Hahaha, I think that in your world forum, the content of the communication is getting deeper and spiritual. In the past two days, President Zeman told Jackie about finance, and my essays are more and more involved in philosophy, politics, religion, and value. These are all topics that Americans do not touch in their regular lives and topics are easy to pull hatreds. I am now talking in front of a world leaders with such a profound cultural history and a very different background. You also praise me for being great, in my heart am very happy, kiss. Don』t you think that civilization will have more splendid glory in the process of contacting and collision? Why don』t Trump and Tillerson  come to the world political arena? Why do they have to stick to inertia thinking?
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