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蒙古希望在世界舞台上佔有什麼樣的地位  What kind of position does Mongolia want to occupy on the world stage?
蒙古,曾經有過如此大的橫跨歐亞的帝國,為什麼呼啦啦大廈傾?想不通. 現在蒙古人不到三百萬,什麼地幹活?連填一個上海城都填不滿.  蒙古是內陸國家沒有出海口,又夾在中國和俄國之間,就是想做貿易也做不成. 幾年前聽他們說,日本拚命地拉攏蒙古在那兒投資採礦,礦石怎麼才能運到港口呢? 蒙古和哈薩克是數一數二的內陸國家,都是地大人少卻有礦產資源,新疆也是啊. 相比較廣州, 上海這些臨海的大城市,相比印尼那些靠海邊密密麻麻的棚戶屋海島,因為市場在國外,因為非要經過海上貿易,所以這些港口城市都是人滿為患!如果在你們新的一帶一路的規劃中,在設計的交通網時重點扶持幾個都市點,針對當地情況發展特色經濟,以此為中心就可以吸引一大批的居住者!然後把人口密度高的城市人口向那邊移居,當然這是一個長時間的過程. 蒙古願意開放移民嗎? 我不知道在你們一帶一路的宏偉規劃中, 蒙古國處於一個什麼樣的地位?內蒙古已經是人煙稀少草原芬美,畜牧業讓當地的牧民比城市居民有較高的收入. 記得滿洲里對面的俄國一片荒涼,跟滿洲里這邊的燈火輝煌,簡直一個天上一個地下!在蒙古這麼大一塊土地上,可以開展什麼樣的工業呢?中國市場上吃不到牛肉,奶製品很貴. 中國願意跟我蒙古合作把蒙古變成中國的畜牧業基地嗎?奶製品基地?木材加工來源?蒙古族特別文化的創作, 繼承, 弘揚中心?甚至可以在哪兒辦度假村, 演藝中心和娛樂設施,讓人們去體會不一樣的旅遊. 蒙古希望在世界舞台上佔有什麼樣的地位呢? 問我蒙古國和美國的關係,是不是美國也要把蒙古變成東北亞的以色列?也在蒙古建立薩德系統?如果以此為代價,美國會幫助蒙古國扶植什麼樣的工業?摩托車,卡車工業? Jackie說,今天你們還跟金正恩講,看來他有興趣,問他女兒大了願不願意到美國這邊,或上海迪士尼樂園玩?還有告訴他,我們很想看朝鮮藝術團的表演,這邊的中國男生尤其喜歡裡邊的漂亮女演員!哈哈哈哈哈

Mongolia, there had been such a large empire across Europe and Asia, why was it falling like a building crashing? Can't figure it out. Now the Mongols are less than three million, and what can they do? Even filling up a Shanghai city is not enough. Mongolia is a landlocked country with no estuary, and it is sandwiched between China and Russia. It is impossible to do large  international trade. A few years ago, I heard that Japan desperately is friendly to Mongolia to invest mining there, how can the ore be shipped to the port? Mongolia and Kazakhstan are among the best inland countries. They are both large and less population but have rich mineral resources. Xinjiang is also the same. Compared with Guangzhou, Shanghai, these big cities by the sea, Compared with those in Indonesia, the islands with dense shacks by the sea, because the market is abroad, because they have to go through maritime trade, these port cities are full of people!  If you are designing a transportation network in your new Belt and Road planning, you will focus on supporting several urban points and develop a characteristic economy based on  local conditions. As a center, they can attract a large number of occupants! Then move the urban population with high density to the other side. Of course, this is a long process. Is Mongolia willing to open immigrants? I don't know what kind of position Mongolia is in in the grand plan of your Belt and Road. Inner Mongolia is already a sparsely populated grassland, and the animal husbandry has made the local herders have higher income than the urban residents. I remember that Russia, across from Manchuria, was desolate, with Manchuria』s side the lights were shining. It was a heaven and an underground difference! What kind of industry can you carry out on such a large piece of land in Mongolia? There is less beef in the Chinese market, and dairy products are very expensive. Is China willing to cooperate with Mongolia to turn Mongolia into a livestock breeding base for China? Dairy base? Source of wood processing? The creation, inheritance, and promotion of the Mongolian special culture? You can even run resorts, performing arts centers and entertainment facilities to let people experience different type of  tourism. What kind of position does Mongolia want to take on the world stage? Ask me about the relationship between Mongolia and the United States, is the United States also turning Mongolia into 「Israel」 in Northeast Asia? Also establishing the THAAD system in Mongolia? If this is the price, what kind of industry will the United States help Mongolia? Motorcycle, truck industry? Jackie said, today you are still talking to Kim Jong-un. It seems that he is interested and asked if his daughter is willing to go to the US side or Shanghai Disneyland to play also? I also told him that we really want to see the performance of the North Korean Art Troupe. The Chinese boys here especially like the beautiful actress in the troupe! Hahahahaha
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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