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默克爾更擅長人際關係  Merkel is better at interpersonal relationships
88,如果王再在Jackie面前非議數學的話,我覺得你們家缺數學環境. 數學讓人頭腦清醒,我可非要教男孩的數學不可了!Jackie沒有告訴我多少有關法國總統奧朗德的事,可是從她對普京和默克爾的描述,可以感覺得到默克爾是更擅長人際關係的!Jackie兩次鬼扯,就把普京說的啞口無言,坐立不安的!如果我是普京,我就會逗Jackie. 如果她講那些毛骨悚然的事兒,那我就會說 」那你萬聖節的時候要不要到我家後邊的森林裡去試試?」 如果她講俄國土地廣大,卻不接受難民的時候,我就會說 」這是一個很好的問題,我可以回去想一想「,然後就說」那冰島格陵蘭更空曠,要不要放到那邊去?」 普京是一個不會打太極的人,也不太會幽默的人!上次溫家寶在做演講的時候有人向他扔鞋子,他怒氣沖沖!其實他只要講幾句幽默的話就化解了,比如「我肯定那個鞋子是中國製造的,如果還要得話可以向我預定」 習主席和88的性格中有許多吸引人的地方, 習主席有人格魅力,88靈動活潑, 調皮搗蛋,請多幽默一點,用語言,說段子,更能打動人心的!默克爾就比較擅長人際互動,普京和奧朗德兩個爺們走了,可默克爾還留下, 細心地給Jackie解釋,走了以後居然還捎信回來誇獎Jackie! 心多細呀,Jackie受寵若驚的. 你說如果Merkel以後有事要請Jackie幫忙,Jackie肯定幫的呀!Jackie也是古怪精靈的,但是因為比較搞笑,又是女孩子,她說什麼事情,別人一般都答應的. 所以如果有什麼難事,不好開口,可以找Jackie去說. 她形象好,跟你一樣,是會巫術的小妖精.

88. If Wang re-discussed mathematics in front of Jackie, I feel that your family lacks a good mathematical environment. Mathematics is so clear-headed that I have to teach boys the mathematics! Jackie didn't tell me much about the French President Hollande, but from her des**tion of Putin and Merkel, I can feel that Merkel is better at interpersonal relationships! Jackie screamed twice, and Putin said that he was speechless and restless! If I were Putin, I would tease Jackie. If she talked about those creepy things, then I would say, "Would you like to try it in the forest behind my house when it is Halloween?" When I don』t accept refugees, I will say, 「This is a very good question. I can go back and think about it」, and then I will say,」 Iceland and Greenland are more empty. Would you like to put it there?」 Putin is a person who does not play Tai Chi, and who is not very humorous! The last time Wen Jiabao was thrown shoes at the time of his speech, he was angry! In fact, he only needed to say a few words of humor to resolve it. For example, "I am sure that the shoes are made in China. If you have to get something, you can book it for me." There are many attractive places in Mr. Xi and 88. Mr. Xi has Personality charm, 88 smart and lively, naughty, please be more humorous, use language, say jokes, more touching! Merkel is more adept at interpersonal interaction. When Putin and Hollande are gone, Merkel still stays and carefully explains to Jackie. After she left, she still gave a message and praised Jackie! How considerate is the heart, Jackie is flattered. You see that if Merkel has something to ask Jackie for help, Jackie would definitely help! Jackie is also a weird elf, but because it is funny, it is a girl, what she said, others generally agree. So if there is something difficult, it is not easy to talk, you can find Jackie to say. Her image is good, just like you It is a little goblin that will be witchcraft.
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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