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中國文化蔑視同性戀. 探究成為同性戀的原因









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中國文化蔑視同性戀. 探究成為同性戀的原因 Chinese culture despise homosexuality. Explore why someone became gay


In Chinese culture, Asian culture, homosexual, same as someone like to drink the blood, take opium, eat scars, is treated as one of the abnormal  addictions that need to be prohibited. Chinese has a long history, so many people, of course there are so many varieties of abnormal cases in people's behaviors and sexual activities. There are tons  of books Recording historical stories. I read when I was a kid. It's nothing new for me to see abnormality here, but so weird is people even proud of the abnormality. That handsome boy, even though he got spoiled love from the Emperor, deep inside he treated as an insult. It was a shame. Little girl told me the first day when you went to her school, you seriously told her "I am a gay". I felt a little sharp spike  hurting my heart, painful. I felt you are like a lost kid waking up in a wrong direction for so long without knowing it is a dead end. Why? Is that when you grow up, you didn't have a strong father behind you, make you worship and proud of? Is that you couldn't find a good girl when you were young, only you can trust is boys? Is that in your environment all the women you met are not really you want? Or it was the chemical environment changed your brain settingwhen you were born?

根據我的觀點,你想擁有像Jeff妻子一樣聰明的女人支持你,你想有一個漂亮像泰勒斯威夫特的女孩分享音樂,對吧? 這是自然正常的人性,上帝的方式,不是嗎? 現在,在你度過了這麼久的生命歷程之後,小女孩回來了,告訴我你在學校如何跳舞,左邊,右邊,搖屁股,擊中馬克 「大衛很開心」 她每天都告訴我。 你很久以前就應該有這種樂趣,難道你沒有意識到這一點? 也許你已經是一個自豪的爺爺,你的孩子負責你的錄音帝國業務,甚至延伸到其他業務,你不覺得嗎? 你不再年輕了,讓小瘋子讓你活躍,怎麼樣? 遲早會有一個英俊的男孩,就像那個俄羅斯男孩一樣,「偷走」她。 培養一個好孩子並不容易。 請幫幫我。我無意進入你的私人生活。 我們喜歡你的音樂。 柴可夫斯基是一位偉大的作曲家。 不是同性戀讓他變得偉大,而是音樂。 他11歲時去了寄宿學校。我是一個單純的女孩,不喜歡讓事情複雜化。 當我看東西時,通常我會透過表面直接看到實質。 為什麼浪費時間?

By my perspective, you would like to have an intelligent woman like Jeff's wife supporting you, you would like to have a pretty girl like Taylor Swift to share music with, right? That's normal human natural, God's way, isn't it? Now, after you have taken your life journey for so long, little girl came back show me how you dance funny and crazy in school, left hand, right hand, shake butt, hit Mark "David is  happy" she told me every day. You supposed to have this fun long time ago, don't you realize it?  Maybe you are already a proud grandpa, your children in charge of your recording business empire, even extend into other business , don't you realize it? You are not young any more, let little crazy keep you active, how about that? Sooner or later there will be a handsome boy, like that Russian boy, "steal" her away. It is not easy to make a good kid. Help me, please. I do not have intention get into your private life. We love your music. Tchaikovsky is a great composer. It is not the homosexual make him great, but music. He went to boarding school when he was 11. I am a simple girl, do not like to make things complicated. When I look at things, normally I see through the surface get to the bone directly. Why waste time ?
Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM ISIS 讓我寫恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎麼說好呢? 其實恐怖分子這個定義不清不白, 因為它沒有說清楚背後代表的是哪一個利益組織. 中東,中亞,西亞,因為海上貿易航路的興旺而衰落.也因為宗教的控制使現代科技文明不能在這個地區散發光芒. 其實美國很早就有全球戰略,美國很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的實際中心是在歐亞非大陸,而歐亞非的中心是在中西亞. 所以有海灣戰爭,伊拉克戰爭,根本不是為了石油.
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