
Fort McMurray 火災

作者:劉小曼  於 2016-5-8 02:15 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


這幾天 Fort McMurray那邊火災災情慘重,超過1600多住家,建築物和超過101,000畝的森林被山火吞噬。據報道今天在太陽下山前森林被燒毀的面積將增加兩倍。 中午我去購物,收銀員問我是否願意捐錢救助災區,我捐了N塊錢。
Fort McMurray donations to the Red Cross to be matched by Ottawa, Trudeau says  (加拿大總理杜魯多說關於對Fort McMurray的捐款,渥太華政府將與紅十字會所收到的款項匹配 (紅十字會收到多少, 渥太華政府就捐出多少)

Firefighters are once again preparing to battle with what Darby Allen, the Regional Fire Chief of Wood Buffalo, has been calling "the beast," Fort McMurray's out-of-control wildfire.

Officials worry the "the beast" — a fire that has destroyed more than 1,600 homes and buildings and burned more than 101,000 hectares of forest — will grow to over double its size by the time the sun sets.  

"I do expect that there is a high potential that this fire could double in size by tomorrow," said Chad Morrison, senior wildfire manager for the province, on Friday. 


"We have substantially extreme fire conditions in front of us still for the next two days." 

Morrison said the winds are expected to blow from the southwest pushing the fire northeast away from the community into the forested area.

If the fire does indeed double it will end the day at 2,000 square kilometres of flames, three times the size of Edmonton or Toronto.

"I can tell you that the estimated size is now up to 156,000 hectares and continuing to grow to the northeast," Matthew Anderson, wildfire information officer with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry said early Saturday.









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回復 劉小曼 2016-5-8 02:45
轉貼網友呼籲捐款貼: http://big5.backchina.com/blog/307830/article-250422.html
回復 mzou 2016-5-8 08:41
曾在Alberta 的幾個地方呆過好幾個月。
回復 秋收冬藏 2016-5-9 21:47
捐了,就是從上面文章的link 進紅十字會的,謝謝你們的熱心呼籲。
回復 劉小曼 2016-5-11 11:25
mzou: 也在關注,這次火勢太大了。
曾在Alberta 的幾個地方呆過好幾個月。
Thank you Mzou! 謝謝你!我去過卡爾加里~~
回復 劉小曼 2016-5-11 11:26
秋收冬藏: 捐了,就是從上面文章的link 進紅十字會的,謝謝你們的熱心呼籲。
謝謝你秋收冬藏! 問好。


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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