
英譯:游廬山日記 作者:徐霞客

作者:劉小曼  於 2016-4-11 05:08 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


游廬山日記   作者:徐霞客


Leimen, Baifu, my two male cousins on my father's side and I  journeyed to Jiujiang,  on April, 18, Wuwu (in the 46th year of the Wanli reign period, 1618). After arriving in Jiujiang, we transfered to a small boat, heading toward the south along the Yangze River, we then entered the Longkai River for the water route of 20 li before docking  at the dam named Tailor Li. We went ashore, walked about five li, passing by the Xilin Temple, and then we arrived at the Donglin Temple.  The Donglin Temple faces against the north side of Mount Lu, and its north leans against the Mount Donglin. Acting as the outline of the Mount Lu, the Mount Donglin is not very high. Inside the Mount Lu, there is a big brook running from the east to the west. A post road there works as the demarcation for these two mountains, which is also the thoroughfare between Jiujiang and Jianchang. The front door of the Donglin Temple faces  the brook water. Entering the temple you will see the Tiger Creek Bridge on a grand scale. The main hall of the temple had been destroyed and razed to the ground. To the right, there stands the Laughter of Fame.

第一段 (To be continued)









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