

作者:kylelong  於 2010-11-5 04:12 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




201,Hot Tamale Pie墨西哥粽(玉米粉蒸肉)

202,Corn Chowder with Ham玉米火腿大雜燴

203,Tagliata of Flank Steak香草小牛排

204,Sirloin Cheeseburgers牛裡脊肉乳酪漢堡

205,French-toasted cheese Sandwiches法式烤乳酪三明治

206,Country Bean Soup鄉村黃豆湯

207,Mixed Melon Compote混合果盤

208,Iron Skillet Shrimp with Lemon Chili Butter檸檬辣油煎鍋蝦

209,Harvest Pork Apply Pie瘦豬肉蘋果派

210,Stir-fried Chicken and Avocado Salad with Hot Balsamic Dressing爆炒雞丁及香辣牛油果沙拉

211,Grilled Salmon Salad燒烤三文魚沙拉

212,Caribbean Butternut Squash and Corn Stew加勒比白鬍桃泥燉玉米

213,Spinach Salad with Canadian Pecans, Pears and Brie加拿大山核桃、梨及布里乳酪菠菜沙拉

214,Shrimp, Avocado and Feta Salad蝦仁、牛油果及羊乳酪沙拉

215,Crab and Garpefruit Salad螃蟹葡萄沙拉

216,Mac and Cheese with Chives and Bacon香蔥熏肉芝士通心麵

217,Open-Faced Croque Monsieur with Tomato 番茄蓋火腿乳酪夾心麵包

218,Five-spice Pork五香豬肉

219,Grilled Chicken with White BBQ Sauce BBQ沙司醬烤雞

220,Moroccan Chickpea Salad摩洛哥雞豆沙拉

221,Grilled Chicken Sandwich烤雞三明治

222,Orange-Scented Eggplant and Couscous Rolls柑橘香茄子粟米卷

223,Potato Pancakes土豆煎餅

224,Strawberry-Cucumber Salad草莓黃瓜沙拉

225,Very berry custard pie多莓蛋奶糊派

226,Delicious Key Lime Pie蛋奶酸橙派

227,Colourful penne & sausage salad彩色直通粉香腸沙拉

228,Fennel, Pea shoot and Green Grape Slaw 茴香、豌豆苗、青提及捲心菜沙拉

229,Hot and spicy burgers熱辣肉夾餅

230,Stout and Onion Turkey Burger黑啤洋蔥火雞夾餅

231,Monte Cristo with a twist蒙地卡羅曲餅

232,Moroccan Chickpea Salad摩洛哥雞豆沙拉

233,Toasted Couscous BLT Salad燒烤小米三明治沙拉(bacon,lettuce and tomato 火腿、萵苣、番茄三明治)

234,French Toast Peanut Butter & Jam法國烤花生黃油果醬餅(PB&J

235,Iced Melon and Berry Soup冰甜瓜紅梅湯

236,Paneer Tikka烤芝士

237,Crunchy Tortilla Salad香脆牛肉玉米沙拉

238,Griddled and grilled Monterey Jack Cheese burgers with spicy chipotle caramelized onions and cilantro干辣椒焦糖洋蔥香菜茶樹菇及蒙特瑞傑克乳酪漢堡

239,Double Chicken Club with Saffron Aioli藏紅花蒜泥蛋黃醬雙層烤雞肉俱樂部三明治

240,Grilled chicken breasts stuffed with tender peaches enhances with brie and basil乳酪紫蘇嫩桃夾烤雞胸

241,Honey Dijon Beer-Marinated Chicken Sandwich Slaw蜂蜜Dijon啤酒腌制雞肉捲心菜沙拉三明治

242,Mediterranean Orzo Salad地中海米飯沙拉

243,Organic beef for the Bison Burger原味野牛肉漢堡

244,Creamy Cappuccino & Banana smoothie奶油卡布奇諾咖啡及香蕉冰果露

245,Grilled Banada Sundaes烤香蕉聖代冰淇淋

246,Fruit Salad Parfaits水果沙拉凍糕

245,Grilled steak sandwiches with whole-grain mustard sauce全穀物芥末醬烤牛排三明治

246,Margherita Pizza瑪格麗塔匹薩

247,Garlic-Balsamic Chicken Kebabs大蒜香草醋烤雞

248,Emeril Legasse's Bam Burger with Chipotle, Tomato and Lime Aioli干紅辣椒、番茄及酥香魷魚圈Emeril Legasse巴姆漢堡

249,Wayfare Tavern Burger旅行酒館(Wayfare Tavern)漢堡

250,Spicy Garlic Lemon Shrimp辣蒜檸檬蝦

251,Grilled Two-cheese Sandwich with Tomtoes雙層烤肉乳酪番茄三明治

252,Nectarine garden salad with minted chili dressing薄荷辣椒油淋油桃沙拉

253,Moroccan Quinoa Salad摩洛哥藜麥沙拉

254,Three-Pea Salad with Pancatta, Parmesan and Herb Grilled Chicken義大利豬肉,義大利乾酪及香草烤雞肉三豆沙拉

255,Watermelon Salad with Basil and Bacon紫蘇熏肉西瓜沙拉

256,Fettuccine with parmesan, chicken and asparagus義大利乾酪、雞肉及蘆筍拌義大利寬麵條

257,Grilled shrimp with watermelon西瓜拌烤蝦

258,Brookly beer chilli burger布魯克林啤酒辣漢堡

259,Lunch Box Chili Rice and Beans餐盒辣豆米飯

260,Tomato and Italian Herb Gazpacho番茄與義大利香草冷盤湯

261,Bocconcini-Veggie Salad小瑪薩尼拉芝士水果和蔬菜沙拉

262,Grilled halibut with mustard, grapefruit relish芥末柚子醬烤大比目魚

263,Spicy black bean, sausage and rice burrito墨西哥玉米煎餅卷香辣黑豆與臘腸

264,Strawberry Cream Cheesecake草莓醬乳酪餅

265,Challah bread apple summer puddings蘋果圓餅布丁

266, Spaghetti with butternut squash, sage and pecorino南瓜、鼠尾草及羊乳乾酪拌義大利實心面

267,Mini cheeseburger微型芝士(乾酪)漢堡(夾乾酪和碎牛肉的三明治)

268,Lola Burger羅拉漢堡 牛裡脊肉、芝士、鬆餅、洋蔥、培根、雞蛋及番茄醬

269,Mushroom and Chicken Salad蘑菇雞肉沙拉

270,Buleberry Maple Bake藍莓楓糖漿烤麵包

271,Flank Steak with Seasonal Vegetables時令蔬菜烤牛後腹肉排

272,Carrot Bran Muffins胡蘿蔔麩皮鬆餅

273,Blueberry Cake topped with walnuts核桃藍莓糕

274,Sweet-and-sour chicken grinder with onions and peppers洋蔥胡椒甜酸雞肉漢堡

275,Melted Swiss or low-fat cheddar top English muffins瑞士乳酪或低脂乾酪英式鬆餅

276,Pork Thai Noodle Bowl泰國豬肉碗面

277,Adzubi bean salad紅豆(相思豆)沙拉

278,Red fife wheat waffle with Ontario peaches and blueberries安大略桃和藍莓混加拿大紅麥華夫餅(格子鬆餅)

279,Sirloin bacon cheeseburgers牛裡脊熏肉乾酪雙層漢堡

280,Butternut squash and scallop chowder白鬍桃泥及乾貝大雜燴

281,Rustic mushroom and potato soup田園蘑菇及土豆湯

282,Tuna and cheese bruschetta金槍魚及乾酪義大利烤麵包

283,Chicken, apples and cream烤蘋果泥雞塊

284,Figgy, Piggy, Drumsticks無花果醬烤豬肉及雞腿

285,Cheese baked lentils, rice and turkey casserole乾酪烤扁豆、大米和火雞砂鍋飯

286,Cranberry almond pistachio pie紅莓、杏仁和阿月渾字派

287,Maple stuffed turkey breast楓糖蜜汁火雞肉

288,Crown pork roast with Grand Marnier and apricot stuffing (Thanksgiving meal) 王室烤豬肉夾柑曼怡力嬌甜酒及杏仁

289,Rustic Pork and Veal Pie鄉村豬肉牛肉派

290,Quebec Pea Soup with Garlicky Croutons魁北克油煎麵包及大蒜豌豆湯

291,Mushroom Focaccia蘑菇香草橄欖油麵包

292,Fusilli and Meatballs義大利肉丸彎彎面

293,Pumpkin double-ginger cookies南瓜雙薑餅干

294,Barley and Lentil Soup大麥扁豆湯

295,Pumpkin cupcakes紙杯南瓜蛋糕

296,Devilled Lamb』s Kidneys & Dripping Toast芥末羊腎及油淋吐司

297,Sauteed chicken with caramelized onions焦糖洋蔥嫩煎雞塊

298,Stuffed mushrooms蘑菇架肉餅

299,Tortilla, sautéed corn and plum tomato soup玉米圓餅、焦糖玉米及李子番茄湯

300,Spiced cauliflower and potatoes五香花椰菜炒土豆(印度菜)










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