

作者:redbud  於 2009-6-16 18:56 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 redbud 2009-6-17 00:10
桑兒: 這麼小額官司,就算全拿回來肯定不夠你付律師的錢~
嗯,牧師說可以找small claim court,我找個律師諮詢下吧,他說第一次諮詢免費。如果不然,我也可以online claim
回復 redbud 2009-6-17 00:11
桑兒: 你真正會開車了上下坡算什麼呢,倫敦的交通你可能沒體會過~
回復 桑兒 2009-6-17 00:21
redbud: 主要是擁擠嗎?
回復 homepeace 2009-6-17 01:10
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-17 01:28
redbud:That's how I got my first car accident and went to the court
well, congratulations for your FIRST car accident.... you gotta start from somewhere...

btw, got your visa yet?

i need to get my visa for china trip, either this week or next week.
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-17 01:31
桑兒: 其實6次沒什麼,我知道的一個中國人(男性,博士)考了11次才過~
that is why he is 博士
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-17 01:38
桑兒: 有些地方街道窄小,交通異常繁忙,公共汽車多,信號多,行人多,單行線多,不守規矩開車的人多,總之路況多多~~當然開慣了車的人沒有什麼路不能開的,但是考牌的
well, europeans aren't that law abiding as we perceive. especially those from Italy, Spain, Portugal and east europe.
回復 redbud 2009-6-17 01:38
homepeace: 恭喜!D90相機買了沒有?
回復 redbud 2009-6-17 01:41
snortbsd: well, congratulations for your FIRST car accident.... you gotta start from somewhere...btw, got your visa yet?

i need to get my visa
oh. I guess my visa probably will be checked for one month.

When do you plan to go back to China? I am going back to China in later august. I am going to apply a HK visa first.

BTW, do you have some IS websites to recommend for me to read the professional trends regularly?
回復 homepeace 2009-6-17 01:50
redbud: 謝啦,玩得還開心吧。
沒有買的話,我推薦Canon Digital Rebel T1i。它的功能比d90多,性能好,價格便宜。
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-17 07:38
homepeace: 沒有買的話,我推薦Canon Digital Rebel XTi。它的功能比d90多,性能好,價格便宜。
i have rebel xti and thinking about getting rid of it. it doesn't have speeding shots...
回復 hahahajj 2009-6-17 08:27
snortbsd: geeeeeeeeeeeees, give me that money i would teach you how to drive...

"push the gas paddle as hard as you could and close you eyes..."
"push the gas paddle as hard as you could and close you eyes..."  是你教官教你的?
回復 hahahajj 2009-6-17 08:28
redbud: 不會的呀,你是不是特緊張?

回復 snortbsd 2009-6-17 09:22
hahahajj: hehehe.
"push the gas paddle as hard as you could and close you eyes..."  是你教官教你的?
never had 教官 and have to improvise...

who said chinese are not innovative?
回復 hahahajj 2009-6-17 10:38
snortbsd: never had 教官 and have to improvise...who said chinese are not innovative?
回復 homepeace 2009-6-17 13:37
snortbsd: i have rebel xti and thinking about getting rid of it. it doesn't have speeding shots...
Sorry, I mean Canon Rebel T1i, not XTi.
回復 東方邪 2009-6-17 14:46
嘿嘿,祝賀一下子. 考試是個麻煩事
回復 MG-42 2009-6-18 03:15
回復 redbud 2009-6-18 05:54
MG-42: Congratulation!
回復 MG-42 2009-6-18 05:57
redbud: thanks!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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