

作者:redbud  於 2009-5-16 04:06 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 snortbsd 2009-5-17 05:27
redbud: I agree with you about T series. It's too heavey for ladies. I think the new Netbook is better for ladies to carry.

I really want to have a light on
due to the nature of my work, i used all of major brands (laptops/desktops/servers). hp laptop is the worst brand for business; among that hp desktops better than its laptops. dell is ok, but it is cheap and you just don't expect it would last. toshiba's laptops are pretty good but a bit pricey. never used acers since it doesn't have business models. thinkpad/thinkcenter are the best for business, unfortunately they were pricey. so far they are so considered as top options for business.
回復 翰山 2009-5-17 06:59
redbud: 嗯,看到啦,你這個電腦還不錯,是不是液晶顯示屏,從圖片上看,不摺疊,對嗎
回復 翰山 2009-5-17 07:01
redbud: 哈哈,給我積分,內存16K
回復 八年 2009-5-17 08:59
redbud: 去看看,英國嗎?我喜歡的是IBM Thinkpad,不是lenovol
IBM Thinkpad 05年就被LENOVO收購了,現在叫lenovo thinkpad
回復 redbud 2009-5-18 00:36
八年: IBM Thinkpad 05年就被LENOVO收購了,現在叫lenovo thinkpad
回復 八年 2009-5-18 07:20
redbud: 知道啊,所以不打算再買啦
回復 redbud 2009-5-18 07:23
八年: 有什麼區別么?個人感覺沒啥變化,挺好的!
回復 八年 2009-5-18 07:30
redbud: 哦,我也不知道,反正我這台買了之後質量上面出過幾次問題啦
回復 redbud 2009-5-20 20:51
八年: 真的嗎,什麼型號?
回復 redbud 2009-5-20 20:57
snortbsd: due to the nature of my work, i used all of major brands (laptops/desktops/servers). hp laptop is the worst brand for business; among that hp desktop
I take your comments on laptops.

what's your job? A software engineer? Why do you need such a high demand for the performance of the laptop? I know Toshiba is a big brander here in UK for a lot of businesses. I saw the mechanical engineers use the Toshiba to report their real time job progress through wireless network. That's really interesting.

My job does not require high performance for the laptop. I only use the laptop to write and run some statistical software.
回復 redbud 2009-5-20 20:58
翰山: 你真能想,不及格,再猜,猜對就給。
我是看那張照片下的說明,再猜 32K,往上還是往下啊
回復 snortbsd 2009-5-20 23:34
redbud: I take your comments on laptops.

what's your job? A software engineer? Why do you need such a high demand for the performance of the laptop? I know
what am i doing for living? well, strictly i am engineer, but in general, anything pays bills, as long as ethical...
回復 翰山 2009-5-20 23:39
redbud: 我是看那張照片下的說明,再猜 32K,往上還是往下啊
你猜錯啦,我說的不是那 PC-1500,圖片上那個。我說的是我這個第一個手提:


一人只猜一次!第一猜對者勝出! 」
回復 snortbsd 2009-5-21 01:24
redbud: I take your comments on laptops.

what's your job? A software engineer? Why do you need such a high demand for the performance of the laptop? I know
business model for toshiba is tecra. it is nice and high performance laptop but no as solid as tinkpad is. for some reasons, tecra wasn't as popular as thinkpad in the business world in the states. but with lenovo taking over thinkpad, dell laptops are taking over the market share of thinkpad in the government market due to political reasons. i don't think thinkpad has lost its reputation of the top notch quality yet, but losing of some of ibm software is kinda hurting lenovo...

business is business, politics is politics; they aren't supposed to mix, but in reality, politics always affects business. lenovo should have considered the factors of politics before bought the business of thinkpad/thinkcenter...

btw, thinkpad is much more affordable than ever before, much better deal than tecra. i guess that is welcome news...
回復 snortbsd 2009-5-21 04:10
redbud: X41,Bios換過兩次了,另外還有朋友的硬碟出問題。
bios need to upgraded all the time. hard drive? it all depends on who you use it. i bought two lenovo T series laptops and they are fine...
回復 八年 2009-5-21 07:41
redbud: X41,Bios換過兩次了,另外還有朋友的硬碟出問題。
升級BIOS是常見的問題,但是硬碟就不知道啦,不該出問題,X系列屬於超薄本 吧,我只用過T系列,感覺與其他的比,還是物有所值的,其它本本那些缺陷更是讓人頭痛,一分錢一分貨,感覺還可以!
回復 redbud 2009-5-22 06:12
翰山: 你猜錯啦,我說的不是那 PC-1500,圖片上那個。我說的是我這個第一個手提:

回復 redbud 2009-5-22 06:13
八年: 升級BIOS是常見的問題,但是硬碟就不知道啦,不該出問題,X系列屬於超薄本 吧,我只用過T系列,感覺與其他的比,還是物有所值的,其它本本那些缺陷更是
回復 redbud 2009-5-22 06:13
snortbsd: bios need to upgraded all the time. hard drive? it all depends on who you use it. i bought two lenovo T series laptops and they are fine...
They changed the whole bios twice because it can't start up properly.
回復 snortbsd 2009-5-22 06:22
redbud: They changed the whole bios twice because it can't start up properly.
well, usually it happens when a company being bought by another company...

so far i found t series still is as good as used to be... never used x series...

the time will tell that lenovo can keep the brand as reputable as it was before...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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