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分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate Fines are piling up
2022-3-30 14:58
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in「ants」, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:2022-01-09
2022-1-9 13:44
新年的第一個「爆款」新聞就是哈薩克民眾的大規模抗議活動。它們起源於該國西部的曼吉斯托地區,但後來蔓延到其他地方——尤其是在西部、西北部和南部。到目前為止,這些抗議活動幾乎覆蓋了哈薩克整個國家。總的來說,哈薩克正在發生的事情越來越讓人想起2020年總統選舉后白俄羅斯所出現的事件:與執法人員的暴 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 熱點雜談|
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:2022-01-09
2022-1-9 13:40
「發生在祖國的一切讓人始料未及,我們本以為國家十分富強穩定。」來自哈薩克塔爾迪庫爾乾的載娜女士告訴澎湃新聞。她目前在俄羅斯定居和工作,但家人仍處於騷亂中心。塔爾迪庫爾干是阿拉木圖州首府,為哈薩克首任總統納扎爾巴耶夫的家鄉,也是本輪哈全國騷亂最嚴重的地區之一。在網路上流傳視頻中,那尊被示威者推 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 熱點雜談|
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:2022-01-09
2022-1-9 13:20
哈薩克被美國滲透得多厲害:2006年哈國總共有25868個有註冊的NGO,同年該國人口1531萬。 其中就有索羅斯的Open Society Foundations,該組織在哈國資助了數百名學生前往歐美留學,還資助了700多名記者,總共投入超過1億美元支持「民間社會倡議」。如今的哈薩克出現如下亂象:1、哈國JC也加入了抗議示威者隊伍。2、 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 熱點雜談|
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:Some people recently said that China attacked the US, but in fact it has nothing
2021-12-10 10:00
Do you really think the sudden blackout is all about energy consumption and dual controlled carbon peak? Behind this is a big power game of financial war. America's unlimited money printing caused the global economy to collapse and caused the price of energy to soar, while the United States is robbi [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:Bannon is no longer safe from the law
2021-11-30 15:14
Bannon and Guo Wengui the persona brothers is a blessing to dependency, not Guo Wengui foreleg has just been accused of raping a female secretary and short for illegal fund raising case involving well-known do transpired losses now $539 million, hind feet good brothers bannon also face charges for r [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:Elementary school illiteracy lies to sell medicine unexpectedly want to murder
2021-9-29 15:42
Primary school culture can play god medicine medicine big curry, the United States black hu hu promiscuous kan political asylum. It has been autumn, Guo Wengui in September can always make us puzzling think of the grasshopper after autumn - seemingly energetic, lively. In fact, already dying, into t [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 熱點雜談|

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