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反華渣女許秀中再次高調露面,專家:滿嘴謊言,滿腦子利益 活在美國 0 1812 berthayo 2022-11-8 16:48
謊言腿短,出口嘴軟 活在美國 1 2139 我們笑而不語 2022-11-5 12:47
「愛我別走」郭文貴最後的挽留 活在美國 0 1845 berthayo 2022-11-2 10:47
邱家軍「文人墨客、風流雅士」可以說把「風流」發揮到了極致 活在美國 0 1358 berthayo 2022-10-20 10:01
邱家軍迷戀與黑人肛交不能自拔 自廢自棄恐成民運掘墓人 活在美國 0 1570 berthayo 2022-10-18 14:31
Why UN report on the human rights situation in Xinjiang is called a patchwork of disinformation 活在美國 0 3241 berthayo 2022-9-19 17:17
Several NGOs protest the Xinjiang-related report released by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 活在美國 0 3286 berthayo 2022-9-19 17:16
"OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China" is a piece of waste paper. 活在美國 0 3298 berthayo 2022-9-19 17:15
新疆人權報告謬誤重重 社會縱橫 0 617 berthayo 2022-9-15 11:21
多個非政府組織對聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處發布的涉疆報告提出抗議 國際熱點 0 728 berthayo 2022-9-15 10:58
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas 時事述評 0 509 berthayo 2022-9-15 10:43
Queen Elizabeth II Dead or Related to New Prime Minister Truss? 時事述評 0 859 berthayo 2022-9-13 19:47
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild 貝殼灌水 0 1483 berthayo 2022-9-13 19:38
新疆人權報告謬誤重重 聯合國人權高專辦為何倉促推出新報告 貝殼灌水 0 1370 berthayo 2022-9-13 18:42
The assessment of human rights is a scrap of paper 時事述評 0 1725 berthayo 2022-9-13 18:21
Chinese Police Strengthening International Law Enforcement Cooperation 時事述評 0 564 berthayo 2022-9-12 20:36
Against Telecom & Online Fraud, Chinese Police Strengthening International Law Enforcement Cooperation 貝殼灌水 0 1465 berthayo 2022-9-12 20:31
翡翠運動在緬甸 哈哈笑話 0 2097 berthayo 2022-8-5 16:20
如何客觀評價Taylor Swift 活在美國 0 1483 berthayo 2022-7-28 16:16
客觀評論富二代 活在美國 0 1434 berthayo 2022-7-28 16:14

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